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— _ __ . � <br /> . � <br /> ��V <br /> WILL AND DECREE RECORD <br /> 28081—The Augustine Co., Grand Island, Nebr. j <br /> f <br /> in memory of herself, my wife, and myself, the expense of' the same to be first paid out of my estate. <br /> 11I. <br /> The rest and residue of my estate, of any and alI natures whataoever, and wheresoever situated, <br /> of which I may die possessed, I hereby give, devise and bequeath unto my beloved wife, Else Goelda, <br /> for the term of her natural 2ife; provided, however, that my beloved wife, Else aosda, shall have <br /> the right to use so much of the personal property as shall be necessary for� her support, without <br /> any duty on her part to account for the same; and, provided further, that she may sell mortgage, <br /> lien or otherwise dispose of our homestead, to-z�rit : Lot One (1) , Block Tt�renty-f�ur (2�) , in <br /> Russel Wheeler� s Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, without the necessity <br /> of accounting for the proceeds or of the �oining in the deed of my children, their spouses, or their <br /> heirs. lV. <br /> On the death of my said wife, Else Gosda, I her�by devise the Southeast Quarter (�E�) vf Section <br /> Twenty-four (2�) in Township Eleven (11) ,� North, of Range Fourteen (11�} , Weet of the 6th P.M. , in <br /> Buffalo County, Nebraska, to my son, Ernest Gosda, and to his heirs forever, provided, however, <br /> that my said son, Ernest Go�da, shall within one year after the death of my said wife pay to each <br /> of r�y daughters, Alvina Gosda Hongsmeier and Minnie Go$da Niemoth, the sum of Five Hundred Do31ar$ <br /> (�500.00) , and to their heirs forever, and until paid, said sums and each f3f them shall be a li�.� <br /> upon said real estate. <br /> V. <br /> On the death of my said wife Else Gosda, I devise to r�y son, Alfred Gosda, and to his heirs <br /> f'orever, the Northeast Quarter �NE�) of Section Two (2) , in Tov�rnship Eleven (11) , North, and the <br /> Southwest Quarter (SW�) of tlle 3outheast 6�uarter (3E�) of Seetion Twenty-three (23) , in Townahip <br />� • <br /> We t e P M n Buf f o C un N e r <br /> R T s t o f h 6 t h . i a l o t b a s k a <br /> T w e l v e (1 2) , b o t h i n a n g e h i r t e e n (1 3) , . , y, , <br /> provided, however, that my said son A l fre d Gos da, s h a 1 1 w i t h in one year a f ter t he dea t h o f my <br /> said wife pay to each of my daughters, Alvina Gosda Hongsmeier and Mi�ii2ie Gosda Niemoth, the aum <br /> of Five Hundred Dollara (�j00.00) ar�d to their heirs forever, and until paid, said sums and each <br /> ' e - e 1 en u on sa d real estate. <br /> of tn m sh�.11 b a i p i <br /> V1. <br /> I have reduced �he sums spec2fied in the last two preceding paragraphs of �y said will from <br /> the sums specif ied in my will dated May 4, 1934, because of a genEral decrease in land values <br /> since that date. <br /> V1I. <br /> I have excluded from thls will the �250.00 to be paid by my son, Alfred Goeda, which, aecording <br /> to saa.d will of May 4�, 193�, was to be paid by my son, Alfree� Gosda, �o my son, Ernest Goada, for <br /> the reasan tha� on or about February 15th, 1938, my son, A1.fred Gosda, did pay to my said son, <br /> Ernes� Gosda, the sum of �250.00 as per a n agreement dated February l�th, 193$• • <br /> Vlll. <br /> The rest, reside and remainder of my estate, of any and a11 natures whatsoever remaining and <br /> not disposed of at the tlme of the death of my wife, Elae Gosda, I hereby give, devise and <br /> bequeath as followa: To my daugY�er, Minnie Goada Niemoth, the sum of �1000.00 , and to m�y <br /> daughter, A:Lvina Gosda Hong9meier, the sum of �500.Q0; and the same ahall constitute a lien upon <br /> any r eal eatate passing under thia rsaiduary elause, and shall be paid within one year af ter the <br />� m a d w fe and the remainder of this residue shall be divided amon four children <br /> death of y s i i , g m.3' , <br />� to-wit, Ernes� Gosda, Alfred Gosda, Minnie Gosda Niemath and AZvina Gosda Hon��efi�r, and to their <br /> i heirs forever, ahare and share alike. <br />, <br /> i IX. <br /> f My son-in-law, Henry Hongsmeier, is indebted to me on a promissory note in the sum of �1000.Q0 <br />� signed also, I believe, by my d aughter, Alvina Gosda Hongameier, and secured by a seeond mortgage <br /> j on their home farm. This is the reason that I a,m giving my daughter, Minnie Gosda Niemoth, �500;00 <br />'� mor� than my daughter, Alvina Goada Hongemeier, and I do hereby cancel said note a,nd mortgage, and <br />� give the same to my �aid daughter, A].vina Go�da Niemoth. <br /> X. <br /> In the event any one or more of my said children sha.11 di,e before I do, or after my dei�t�, prior <br /> to the death of my said wife, Elae Gosda, I hereby direct that the devise or bequest herein set <br />� forth shall not lapae, but that the eatate herein dPVised or bequeathed to them ahall pass to their <br />� heirs according to the inteetate lawa of the State of Nebraska. <br />� �� <br /> I hereby nominate, eonstitute and ap?�oint my beloved wife, Els�3,Gosda, in the event she ahall <br /> survive me, to be the Executrix of t his, my laat Will and Testaxnent, and direct that no bond be <br /> required of her, except her own personal recog nizance; but in the event she shall die before I do <br /> or shall die while the estate is being administered, or shall be unable to handle my estate, or for <br /> any reason ahall b� disqualiPied, then I nomina.te, constitute and appaiht my son, Alfred C�€osda, <br /> to be the Executor of this, my laat W111 and Testa.ment. <br /> Dated at Grand Ialand, Nebraska, this 21st day of Ma.y, 19�0. <br /> Herman aosda <br /> We, whose na.mes are hereunto subsaribed, do hereby certify that Herman Gosda, the testator, <br /> he then being of sound mind and under no compulsion, executed the foregoing instrument in our <br /> presenee and in the presence of each of us, at the same time declaring that said instrument was <br /> his last Will and Testament, and we, at his requeat, and in his presenee, and in the presence <br /> of each other, subaeribed onr names hereto as attesting witnessea. <br /> Harold A. Prince <br /> Graee Lan� <br /> HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA F I L E D NOV. 5 194�7 CHARLES BOSSERT COUNTY JUDGE <br />