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<br /> �4�3 '
<br /> NO. 9 HALL COUNTY
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<br /> �
<br /> THE COURT F'�RTHER FINDS that said George Clarence Hrundage was posaessed of certain real
<br /> estate at the time of his death described as follows:
<br /> The West Ha,lf of the Southeast Quarter (W�SE�) of Section Twenty-Nine (29) , Township
<br /> Twelve (12) , North, Range Twelve (12) , weet of the 6th P.M. , Ha11 County, Nebraska.
<br />� TFiE COURT FUI3THER FINDS that the said George Clarence Brundag� left aurviving him at the time
<br /> of his death a8 his sole ar� only heira-at-law Bertha Brundage, widow, and f ive children, ti�ey j
<br /> being Leonard G. Brundage, � Dale 0. Brundage, Merle C. Brundage, Leslie 0. Brundage and Laura G. '�
<br /> Blomquis�,a].l of whom are of legal age, and finds that the real eatate hereinabove described ��
<br /> passed and descended one-third thereof to the said Bertha Hrunda.ge and two-third.s thereof to the
<br /> five children hereinabove i�amed in equal ahares, eub�ect to the homestead rights of Bertha Brundage
<br /> in said real estate.
<br /> IT IS THEREFORE, ORDERED, ADJU�GED AND I7ECREED BY THE COURT that the f inal report of Bertha
<br /> Brundage, administratrix of the eatate of Geor�e Clarenee Brundage, deceased, be, and the same
<br /> hereby is, in all thinga approved and allowed as and for the final report of said administratrix
<br /> and that said estate ia he`reby settled and closed and said administratrix diacha,rg�d.
<br /> IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED BY THE COURT that a,�l persons having claima against
<br /> said estate, if any such there be, are forever' barred, en�oined and excluded from setting up or
<br /> asserting any auch claim against said estate.
<br /> IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED BY THE COURT that the distribution of the peraonal
<br /> property of said esta�e as set forth in the final report of the administratrix be allowed and
<br /> approved a,nd that the real estate hereinabove described passed and descended, sub�eet to the
<br /> homestead rights of Bertha Brundage therein, to Bertha Brundage an undivided one-third and to
<br /> Leonard G. Brundage, Da1e 0. Hrundage, Merle C. Brundage, Lealie 0. Brundage and Laura Q. Hlom-
<br /> quist, each an undivided two-fifteenths interest, they being the sole and only heire-at-law o�'
<br /> George Clarence Brundage, deceaeed, also known as Clarence G. Hrundage.
<br /> Charles Boseert
<br /> County Judge
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) .� I, Charlea Bossert, County Judge of Hall County, Nebraska, do hereby
<br /> HALL COUNTY )SS' certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of Decree entered
<br /> thereof, now remaining in said Court, that the same is a correct transcript thereof, and of the
<br /> whole of such orlginal record; that said Court is a Court of Record h�ving a seal, which seal is
<br /> hereto attached; that said Court has no Clerk authorized to sign certificates in his own name,
<br /> and that I am the lega�. cuatodian of said Seal and of the Records of said Cour'�, and that the
<br /> foregoing attestation is in due form of law.
<br /> IN TESTIMONY SdHERE01� I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County Court,
<br /> at Grand Island, this 23rd day of April, 1948.
<br /> � (SEAL) Charles Bossert
<br /> - County Judge
<br /> Filed for record this 26th day of April, 19�8, at 11:15 o�clock A.M. � ����� C�
<br /> - Register of Deeda
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<br /> In the Matter of the Estate � ETNAT. nFCREE___ _
<br /> of Gus�af Ehlers, DeQeased }
<br /> BE T2 REMEMBERED that on this 28th day of April, A.D. , 19�8, it bein� the day fixed for
<br /> approving the final account of' the administrator, and hearing on his petition for final settlemen�
<br /> and determination of' Yheirship, and it appearing from proof on file that due notice was given by
<br /> publication of the time heretofore fixed for said hearing, and there being no ob�ectiona on file,
<br /> � and the court being fully advised in the premises finds:
<br /> 1. That Guataf Ehlers died intestatQ on April 9, 19�7, a resident czf Hall County, Nebraska;
<br /> that he left surviving him a cousin, John Wichman�, %rho is hia sole and only heir at law.
<br /> 2. That on May 7, Y9�7, Erne$t T. Lindgren was aPpointed administrator of his eatate,
<br /> qualified as auch and has been aeting in said capacity ever since,
<br /> 3. That due notice was given to ereditors of the time limited in which to f ile claims
<br /> a.gainst said estate, and that such time has duly expired; tha.t the further presentation of
<br /> claims a.gainst said estate has been baxred by the former order of this cour�; that there is no
<br /> inheritance tax due th� State of Nebraska, and no federal estate tax due the United Statea of
<br /> America. �
<br /> �. That the f iret and f inal report of the administrator, filed herein, is in all things
<br /> true, correct and complete and should be approved and allowed as his f inal report; that there
<br /> remains in his hands for distribution, a bala.nce of �1137.�7; that Erneat T. Lind�ren, adminis-
<br /> trator, is ent3tled to a commisslon of �56.82 as provide� by law, and an additional fee of �2,�.00
<br /> for extra services rendered the estate, a total of �81.82; that H. G. Wellenaiek and Donald H.
<br /> Weaver are allowed the sum of �63.64 for services trend�red ln the county court, and an additional
<br /> fee of �50.00 for services rendered in the district eourt in securing a license for the administra-
<br /> tor to sell the real estate to pay debts, a total of �113.6�; that the estate is insolvent and the
<br /> claima allowed are unp�id; that the claim of Ha.1.1 County, in the swn of �118.10 for buria]. expens�s,
<br /> is a pref�rred claim and should be paid in full; that the balance of �823.91 should be prorated
<br /> on the two remaining elaims of Hall County, for �580.50 for medical expenses and �398.40 for old
<br /> age assistance.
<br /> �. Tha,t the said Guataf Ehlers, died seized and posaessed of Lot 2, Block 10, Gilbert' s
<br /> �econd Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska; that said real eatate was aold
<br /> by the administrator under a license iasued by the district court of Hall County, Nebraska, to
<br /> pay debts, and that saicl administrator ha.s accounted for the same in his final report, filed
<br /> herein:
<br />