<br /> 28081—The Augustine Co., Grand Island, Nebr.
<br /> Upon hearing t�rhereof, the court finds:
<br /> That, said deceased departed this life intestate at Grand Ialand, Hall County, Nebraska, on
<br /> the 7th day of t�arch, 1944, a resident oY Hall County, Nebraska; th�.t the said Christian M. Ott
<br /> was duly appointed as administrator of said estate on the 5th day of April, 1944, and qualified as
<br /> such by giving a bond and subscribing the oath required by law and the order oP this court; tnat
<br /> notice to creditors was duly and regula.rly given, allowing the creditors until and including August
<br /> 2, 194�-, within which to file or present claims against said estate; tha.t the time limited for
<br /> filing claims, as fixed by said notice and the order of this court, has expired.
<br /> That, the fin�l account of said administrator, Pi1ed herein, is true and correct in all
<br /> respects anc� should be allowed as the f inal account of' said administrator.
<br /> Tha.t, there has come into the hands oP said administrator since filing his last report,
<br /> the sum of ��17. 00, t��nich to�ether with the balance on hand as shown by his la�t annual report,
<br /> makes a total of �1449. 3�, of which amount the said administrator has expended the sum of �22�. 33
<br /> leaving a balance of �1221.05, to be distributed among the heirs at l,�,w of said decedent; that
<br /> there is no other personal property in his hands as administrator belonging to said estate.
<br /> That, said decedent died seized of the following described real estate, to-wit:
<br /> South Half (S2) of the So�athwest Quarter ( St4�) of Section Thirty-two (32) , To�nship Twelve (12) ,
<br /> Range Nin� (9) , ?�est of the Sixth Principal Meridian in Ha11 County, Nebraska,
<br /> which is to be distributed amon the heirs at law of said deceased, according to the laws of Descent
<br /> and Distribution of the State o� Nebraska.
<br /> That, there is ho estate tax, either federal or state, due from said estate and no
<br /> inheritance tax due from any of the heirs of sa.id esta.te.
<br /> That, the funeral expenses, the e�penses of the last sickness of said deeeased, costs and
<br /> expenses of administering said est�,te and all claims filed ag�.inst said estate have been paid in full.
<br /> That, the following named persons are the sole and only heirs at law of the said Mary Ott,
<br /> Deceased, namely: Christian M. Ott, a brother, and Martin Ott, a. brother.
<br /> That, the above named heirs at law of said e�tate are each entitled to an undivided one-half
<br /> share in the distribution of the said estate.
<br /> That, the fin�.l account and petition for distribution and for decree of heirship be, and the
<br /> same hereby is, allowed and approved as the final account of' s�,id administrator.
<br /> That, all claims against said estate are forevPr barred.
<br /> That, said eatate be, and the sa.me hereby is, set ov�r and assigned in aceordance with the
<br /> laws of Descent and Distribution of the S'�ate of Nebraska, in the proportions herein found to
<br /> the following named persons who are the sole and only heirs at law of the saic� Mary Ott, Deceased,
<br /> and who are related to said decedent as follows: Christian M. Ott, a brother, and Martin Ott, a.
<br /> brother, whc are both of full legal age, each an undivided one-half.
<br /> 8aid administrator, havin� filed receipts showing payment and distribution of s�id estate as
<br /> above directed, sa.id administrator is hereby disch�rged from his said trust and hia bond concell�d
<br /> and annulled. —
<br /> Charles Bos�ert
<br /> (SEAL) ounty udge.
<br /> ss. I, Charles Bossert, Judge of the County Court of said county, and ex-
<br /> County of Hall ) officio Clerk thereof, do hereby certify that I have compare d the fore-
<br /> going copy of Decree of Heirship, Distribution and on Final Account,
<br />' made and entered in the r�atter of the Est�te of Max Ott Deceased with th
<br /> e ori in 1 r d
<br /> Y , , g a ecor
<br /> thereof now remaining on filP in this office, and have found the same to be a correct transeript
<br /> therefrom, �nd of the whole of sueh Decree.
<br /> Witr�ess my oPficial signature an d the Seal of the County Court of sa.id County, this 3rd
<br /> d.ay of Ar�ril, 19�-�.
<br /> Charles Boesert
<br /> ( SEAL) County Jud e.
<br /> Filed for record tY�e 3 day of A�aril 1 4� at 11:1 0 'clock A.M. �,�.����L�!/
<br /> � , 9 5
<br /> '`°�. eg s er o e e .
<br /> o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-c-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o
<br /> DECREE h
<br /> In the matter of the esta.te )
<br /> o� ) ESTATE N0. 3�7�
<br /> Ethel M. � Mitchell, Deceased. ) D E C R E E
<br /> This cause havin� heretofore been continued from March 24, 194�, came on for hearing upon the
<br /> petition of Adri�n L. Mitchell, administrator, for the allowance of his fin�,l account filed
<br /> herein, for his discharge as said administrator, and for an order that no inheritance tax is due,
<br /> and far the distrihution of said esta.te, and uz�on the evidence, and the same being submitted to
<br /> the Court and unon due consideraticn thereof the Court finds that all debts, claims and dem�nds
<br /> against said estate ha.ve been paid in full and discharged, including costs of administration.
<br /> The Court Purther finds that said estate is not sub,ject to state or federal taxes and that thE �
<br /> final report of said administrator is ,just and correct and should be allowed and ap�roved as the
<br /> final report of said administrator in said ca.use.
<br /> The Court further finds th�.t said Ethel M. Mitchell was survived by the following named persons
<br /> who were and are her sole and only heirg at law and next of kin, to?ait:
<br /> Charles E. Mitchell, Pather, residing at Butte, Nebraska,
<br /> Bertha D. Mitchell, mother, residing at Butte, Nebraska,,
<br /> and that heretofore the said. Ethel M. Mitchell acauired title to real estate hereinafter described
<br />