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<br /> 28981—The Auguetine Co., (3rand Island, Nebn
<br /> widow and children are the sole and only heirs of his estate.
<br /> iii. . .
<br /> That the balance in the hands of the executrix of ��,811�.97, and all of the personal and
<br /> real property hereinbefore described, together with any other property not now known or which
<br /> may hereinafter be discovered, descended to and passed by the terms and provisiona of the last
<br /> wilJ. and testament of the said Rolland C. Woodruff, deceased, and is hereby assigned to his
<br /> widova, the said Laura Paulina Woodruff.
<br /> Charles Bosaert
<br /> County Judge
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA )ss. I, Charles Bossert, County Judge of Hall County, Nebraska., do hereby
<br /> HALL COUNT� ) certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of Last Will and
<br /> Testament, Certificate of Probate of Will and Fina1 Decree - IN THE MATTER OF T HE ESTATE OF
<br /> ROLLAND C. WOODRUFF, DECEASED, with the original record thereof, now remaining in said Court,
<br /> that the same is a correct t ranscript thereof, and of the whole of such original, r ecord; that
<br /> said Court is a Coux�t of Record having a eeal, which Bea1 is hereto attached; that said Court
<br /> has no Clerk authorized to sign certificates in his own na.me, and that I am the lega.l custodian
<br /> of said Seal and of the Records of said Court, and that the f oregoing attestation is in due form
<br /> of law.
<br /> ZN TESTIMONY- WHEREOF S have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County Court,
<br /> at Grand Island, t his 25th day of March, 19�8.
<br /> Charles Hosser�
<br /> (SEAL) County Judge
<br /> Filed for reeord th�.s 25 day of March, 19��, a'G 3 :15 o'clock P.M. ���-d �
<br /> � egister of eed
<br /> G-0-0-0-0-C'-0-0-C-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-G-0-0-�-C-0-0-C-0-0-0-Q-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0- -C�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-
<br /> ROBERT S. ��Eiv`GER, DECEASED )
<br /> THIS AgATTER coming on to be heard this 25th day of March, 194�, on the Final Report of the
<br /> administrator, James E. Wen�er, and s�,id matter having been continued for the purpose of
<br /> determining the value of said esta'�e for an inheritance tax, to the 20th day of Marc�I, 194�.
<br /> NOW, on this 29th day of March, 19��, this matter came on f'or further hearing, and being
<br /> fully advised:
<br /> THE COURT FI;�IDS that Robert S. Wenger departed this life in Hall County, Nebraska, on the
<br /> 26th day oP Max ch, 1947, he being at that time a resident of Hall County, Nebraska; that he died
<br /> leaving no last will and testament and was, therePore, intestate at the time of his death:
<br /> THE COURT F?1RTH ER FINDS that the deceased left surviving him as h. is sole and on�y heirs
<br /> at law, Helen D. Wenger, Taidow; James E. �rJenger, son; Elizabeth Cook, daughter; that aIl of said
<br /> heirs were over the age of twenty-one years and none of said heirs required or requssted support
<br /> support out of the assets of the estate: � . .
<br /> THE COtJRT FURTHER FI"�1DS that a11 claims filed against said .estate have been naid, includ�:r�g
<br /> court costs and attorney� s fees; that the tlme within which to file claims ag�inst said estate
<br /> ha�, fully expired and that if there be any claims outstanding against said estate and not filed,
<br /> the same are forever barred and excluded:
<br /> THE C�URT FURTH� FIITDS that on netition of the administrator, an Order has been entered
<br /> determining that s�.id estate is not sub�ect to inheritance tax �,nd tha.t a copy oP said Order is
<br /> hereto �ttached and made a �art of this Decree:
<br /> THE COURT FURTHER FINDS that the above nar,►ed heirs at law are each entitled to an un�.ivided
<br /> one-third interest in and to the real and perso nal proper�y oP said estate; th�t said shares
<br /> are provided for by the laws of descent oP the State of .Nebraska:
<br /> THE COURT F?TRTH�t FINDS that there is no personal property for distribu'�ion among the. heirs:
<br /> THE COUR.T FURTHER FINDS that the deceased died possessed of the following described real estate:
<br /> Lot One (1) , Block Thirty (30) , Packer & Barr 's 2nd Addition, to the City of Grand Island,
<br /> Nebraska;
<br /> A certain �art of the Northwest 4 Section 22-11-9, being more t�articularly described as:
<br /> Ari undivided one-fourth (�) interest in and to the following described real estate: Beginning at
<br /> a point on the south line of said quarter section, 720.0 feet east of the southwest corner oP said
<br /> quarter section; running thence north, parallel to the west lirie oP saicl quarter section, 1226.7
<br /> feet, to the south line of "Hawthorne Place�� ; running thence east, along trie south line oP
<br /> "Hawthorne Place", 75�-.0 feet, to the southeast corner of "Hawthorne Place" ; running thence narth,
<br /> along the east line of "Hawthorne Place", 136.0 feet; running thence east, parallel to the north
<br /> line oP said quarter section, 210. 375 feet; running thence north, parallel to the east line oP
<br /> "Hawthorne Place11 and "South Grand Island'�, 12�-2.45 feet, to a point 33.0 feet south of the north
<br /> line of said quarter section; running thence west pa.rallel to the north line oP said quarter section,
<br /> 210'. 375 feet, to the east line of "South Grand Island" ; running thence north, along the east line of
<br /> "South Grand Island" 33.0 feet, to the north line oP said quarter secti.on; runnin� thence east,
<br /> along the north line of said quarter sect;on, 62�-,�75• f��t_, ' running t�ience south, parallel to the
<br /> east line oP said c�uarter section, 4 . g , parallel to the north line of said
<br /> 35 5 feet; runnin thence east
<br /> quarter section, 100.0 feet; running thence south parallel to the east line of said quarter section,
<br /> 556. � feet; running thence east, parallel to the north line of said quarter section 4�F5. 5 f eet, to
<br /> the east line of said quarter section; running thence south, along the east line of said quarter
<br /> section, 1639.0 feet, to the southe�.st corner of said quarter section; running thence �aest, �,long '
<br /> the south line of srzid quarter section 1923.0 feet, to the place of beginning; containing 74.��-7
<br />