<br /> ����
<br /> NO. 9 HALL, COUNTY
<br /> In the Matter of the Estate of ) FINAL DECREE
<br /> Rolland C. Woodru�'f, Deeeased. ) _
<br /> BE IT REMEMBERED that on this 17th day of March, A.D. , 1948, it being the day fixed for approving
<br /> the final account of the executrix and hearin� on her petition for final settlement and determina-
<br /> tion of heirship, and it appearing from proof on file that due notice was given by publication of
<br />' the time heretofore fixed for said hearing, and there being no ob�jections on file, and the court
<br /> being fully advised in the prernises, finds: -
<br /> 1. That Rolland C. Woodruff died testate on September 9, 1947, a resident of Ha11 County,
<br /> Nebraska, and left surviving him as his next of kin and heira at law, a widow, Laura Paulina
<br /> Woodruff, daughters, Mrs. Ma�°y Catherine Schneider, and Mra. Martha E. Rasmussen, and sona,
<br /> Ralph S. Woodruff and Bradley- B. _!�toddruff, all of legal age; that he left no other living
<br /> children or the living iasue of any deceased children, and that said widow and children are the
<br /> sole and o_�ly heirs of his estate.
<br /> 2. That on October lj, 194�`�, the last will and testament of the said Rolland C. Woodruff,
<br /> deceased, t�ras duly proved, allowed and admitted to probate, and on said da.y, Laura Paulina Wood-
<br /> ruff, was appointed executrix, qualified as such and has been acting in said eapacity ever since.
<br /> 3. That due notice was given to creditora of the time limited in whieh to file claims against
<br /> said estate ; that such time has duly expired and a11 claims against said estate, inc�uding the
<br /> expenses of his last illness and funeral, and the costs and expenses of administration, have been
<br /> paid in full; that the fur�her presentation of claims against said estate has beer� forever baxred
<br /> by a former order entered herein; that the inheritance tax due the State of Nebraska has been paid
<br /> in full; that there is no federal estate tax due the United States af Americ a.
<br /> �. That the report of the executrix, filed herein, is in all things true and correct and
<br /> should be approved and allowed as her final report; that a11 the acts and doings of said executrix
<br /> should be approved; that there remains in the hands of the executrix for distribution, after the
<br /> payment of the inheritance tax- and the attorney fees, a balance of �1�,81�.97, and the follossing
<br /> personal property, to-wit :
<br /> (1) � shares af Swift & Company, par valtze �25.00 per share
<br /> (2) 1 U.S. Sa,vings Bond, M15662�46E, Series E, dated July 1, 19�r7, face value �1,000.00
<br /> coat �750.00
<br /> (3) An undivided one-fourth interest of Woodruff & Meyer, a Co-partnership
<br /> (�) Over-pay ment of the 1947 income tax of �1208.82
<br /> (5) 3 units of Neb.-Okla. Oil & Gas Syndicate
<br /> (6) 5/1500ths undivided interest in 1/16th of a7.1 oil nroduced on the Southeast Quarter,
<br /> 3eetion 29, Townghip 1, Sout�i,Range 10 West, Cotton County, Oklahoma, kno-�en �.s the
<br /> Zipsie Royalty
<br /> �7� 2/35ooths undivided interest in the 1/16th of the oil produced from Lots 1 and 2,
<br /> being the West Half of the Northwest Quarter and the Southeast Quarter of the
<br /> Northwest Quarter of Section 7, in Township l�, North of Range 12, East of the 6th
<br /> P.M. in Okmulgee County, Okla.homa.
<br /> (8) 2/3�OOths undivided interest in and to an oil and gas lease on the North Half and the
<br /> Southeast Quarter of the North�rest Quarter of Section 15, in Tow nahip 28, Range 1, East
<br /> of the 6th P.M. , in Kay County, Oklahoma.
<br /> �. That the said Rolland C. ;Woadruff died seized and possessed of the following described
<br /> ` real e stat e, to-wit :
<br /> (1) All of Lot 6, and the S�test Half of Lot 7, in Block 10, of E�ans Ad.dition to the C3ty of
<br /> Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> (2) An undivided one-half of the South Half of the North�aest Quarter, and the North Half
<br /> of the Southwest Quarter, and the Southwest 4Zuarter of the Southwest Quarter of 3ection
<br /> 13, in To�rnship 12, North of Range 9, West of the 6th P.M. , in Ha11 County, Nebraska.
<br /> (3) The South Half of Section 32, in Township 13, North of Range 1�, Weat of the 6th P.M.
<br /> in HoS,rard County, Nebraska. .
<br /> 6. That the said Rolland C. Woodruff, deeeased, was named and designat�'d as R. C. Woodruff
<br /> in the deed conve�Ting to him the South Half of Section 32, in Township 13, North of Range 10,
<br /> West of the 6th P.M. in Hozrard County, Nebraska, which deed is recorded in Book 20, on Page 263
<br /> of the Deed Recorda of said county; that the said Rolland C. Woodruff and R. C . Woodruff are
<br /> one and the same identical person, notwithstandinb the discrepancies in the na.me.
<br /> 7. That by the terms and provision� of the last will and testament of the said Ro3land C.
<br /> Woodruff, deceased, all of the residue of said estate was bequeathed and devised to his ti�ridow,
<br /> the said Lau,�a Paulina ��Toodruff.
<br /> 1.
<br /> That the report of Laura Paulina Woodruff, executrix, filed herein, be and the same is hereby
<br /> in all things ap�roved and allowed as and for her final account and in full settlement of her trust;
<br /> that each and every act and doings of the said executrix be and the same is hereby approved.
<br /> II.
<br /> That the said Rolla.nd C. Woodruff died testate on September 9, 19�7, a resident of Ha,ll
<br /> County, Nebraska; that he left surviving him as his next of kin, and heirs at law, a widow, the
<br /> said Laura Paulina Woodruff, daughters, the said Mrs. Mary Catherine 3chneider and Mrs. Martha
<br /> E. Rasrussen, and sons, the said Ra].ph S. Woodruff and Bradley B. Woodruff, all of legal a.ge;
<br /> that he left no 6�Gher living children or the living issue of a.ny deceased children, and that said
<br />