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6-}r y-�� <br /> �1°L.�d�_.l <br /> NO. 9 HALL COUNTY <br /> (c) To such Geor�e E. Decker and May McGee, or the survivor of them, any monies, personal and <br /> . real property in my possession received by me from or through my wife Ella M. Peeler by devise, <br /> bequest, or otherwise, and not herein speciPically bequeathed. <br /> F1fth. In case my wif e, E11a M. Peeler, and I should die in a common disaster, I give and <br /> bequea�Ti to such George E. Decker and P•�ay MeGee, or the survivor of them, all of my right, title <br /> and interest in and to all United States bonds re�istered in the names of myself and my wif e, Ella <br /> PZ. Peeler. <br /> Sixth. I give, devise �.nd bequeath to The First National Bank of Grand Island, Nebraska, all <br /> of the rest, remainder and residue of the property belonging to me and not received by me Prom <br /> my wife by bequest, devise or otherwise, and not herein speci�'�.cally devised or bequeathed, in trust <br /> for the benefit in eq.ual shares of all the children of my son, William Robert Peeler, living at the <br /> date of my death or the d�te of death of my wiPe, Ella P�4. Peeler, whichever shall I.ast occur. <br /> I hereby give such trustee full power and authority to sell �nd transf er such trust property <br /> and to invest the same as by law authori2ed for fiduciaries. I further authorize such tr�astee, <br /> in its discretion, to use for the sup�.ort, maintenance and education of each such beneficiar y, his <br /> proportionate share of su ch trust property and the income therefrom. <br /> I c�irect that as each such beneficiary ahall become 21 years of age, such trustee shall pay to <br /> �uch benefieiary his proportionate share of such trust property and income remaining aPter <br /> deducting therefrom any and all surns expended by such trustee for the support, maintenance, and <br /> I education of such beneficiary. <br />� Seventh. In case my wife, Ella M. Peeler, surviv�s me, I hereby appoint her executrix oP this <br /> wil�.In case she does not survive. me, or shall die before or after qualifying as executrix, I <br /> • appoint The First National Bank of Grand Island, executor of this will. <br /> Ei th. This will is executed by me according to and in consideration of the terms oF an <br /> agreemen etween me a,nd my wiPe Ella M. Peeler, whereby it is agreed that the property of each <br /> shall pass to the other for life and upan the death of the survivor, the remainder and residue of <br /> the property so held for life by the survivor shall pass to the re�atives of the first deceased as <br />� set out in this my will and the will of Ella M. Peeler e�ecuted on this, same date. <br /> i <br />� IN TE3TIMONY taHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 30th day of August, �g46.. <br /> Witnesses. <br /> Bernice E. Matthews Earl 0. Peeler <br /> . . erce <br /> We, whose names are hereunto subscribed, do hereby certify that Earl 0. Peeler, the testator, <br /> subseribed his name to the foregoing instrument in our nresence and in the nresence o�' each of us, <br /> and, at the same time and in our presence and hearing, declared the same to be his last will <br /> and testament, a.nd we at his re�uest and in his presence and in the presence of each other, have <br /> hereunto subscribed our n�nes as attesting ���itnesses. <br /> . - Bernice E. 2�atthews <br /> ran slan , e ras a <br /> F. L. Pierce <br /> ran s an , e r-a,s a <br /> ENDORSEMENT: LAST WILL AND TESTA��ANT OF EARL 0. PEELER __ <br /> SUHR, PIF.,RCE A^1D CRONIN, LA�TYERS <br /> First National Bank Building, QRAND ISLAND, NEBR. <br /> HALL COUSdTY, NEBRASKA F I L E D SEP 20 1947 CHARLES BOSSERT COUNTY JUDGE. <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA) � <br /> ss. CERTIFICATE OF PROBATE OF WILL <br /> HALL COU�3TY ) <br /> At a Session. of the County Court hel d in the County Court Room in Grand <br /> Island, in said County on tYie 16th day of Oetober A. D. , 1947 Present Charles Bossert County Judge. <br /> Tn the Matter oP the Estate of Earl 0. Peeler, Deceased. <br /> I, Charles Sossert, Ju�ge of the County Court, in and for said County, do hereby certify t�at on <br /> the 20th day of September 1947, the instrument purporting to be the Iast will and testament of <br /> Earl 0. Peeler deceased, was filed for probate in;;this Court. That on the 16th day oP October, 19�-7 <br /> aaid instrument to which this certificate is attached was duly proved, probated and allowed as the <br /> last will and testament of' the real and personal estate of said F�arl 0. Peel:�r deceased, and the <br /> same was ordered to be recorded in the records of the Court aPoresaid. <br /> IN T�tITNE�S ��'HEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County Court, this <br /> i6tn aay o� oetober, 1947. <br /> (SEAL) Charles Bossert <br /> County Judge. <br /> HALL COURtTY, NEBRASKA F I L E D OCT 16 1947 <br /> CHARLES BOSSERT CQUNTY JUDGE. <br /> � co u��' <br /> IN THE C�UNTY�, OF HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br /> - In the matter oP the estate ) <br /> o� ) ESTATE N0. 3��1 <br /> Earl 0. Peeler, Deceased.� ) DECREE <br /> This c�.use came on for hearing this 2�th day of �arch, 19�+�, upon the Pinal report and petition <br /> of the executrix f'or settlement and distribution. <br /> The Court finds that pursuant to order of this court notice of the place and time for hearing <br /> upon such report has been given to all concerned by publication for the time and in the manner <br /> re�uired by law and ubon the County Attorney of Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> The Court finds that: the claims filed a.gainst such estate have been paid; that further filing <br /> of claims against such estate is barred by order and notlee in the manner and form provided by <br /> statute; the executrix has collected a �6. 43 refund from Lincoln National Life Insurance Company; the <br /> costs a.nd expenses of administration have been paid, including fee oP attorney Por executrix; the <br /> heirs at law of deceased are the persons hereinafter specifically named; the will of such deceased j <br /> devises and bequeaths to Ella 1���. Peeler, his wife, for and during the term oP her natural life, w3t�i <br /> power of sale and to consume for� her support, all of the property oP deceased, except one dollar <br /> bequeathed to William Robert Peeler; such Ella M. Peeler survived such testator and is now living; <br /> the provisions of such will relative to disposition of property of deceased upon the death of such <br /> Ella M. Peeler are not nresently operative; the estate of sueh deceased and the interests of the <br /> devisees and legatees are not sub�ect to Nebraska inheritance tax; the one dollar legacy to <br />