<br /> 28081—The Auguatine Co., Grand Island, Nebr. h
<br /> DECREE
<br /> IN THE ?�AT'IER OF T'�?F FSTA'I`E )
<br /> OF ) DECREE
<br /> GE�RGE R. NEF??', DECEASED )
<br />�; This ma,tter came on for hearing on the lOth day of I��arch, 194�, upon the Petition of '
<br /> Peter Hennings ��raying tha.t the court may find and determine the time of the death of the said
<br /> George R. Neff and ��ho the heirs-�t-law of the said George R. Neff were at the time of his death;
<br /> the �.egree of kinship and the ri�;ht of descent of the said real estate in the Petition describe+�.
<br /> Tes�imony ��as ta,ken and tne ma�ter submitted to the court for a decree �nd the court being �ully
<br /> advised in t:ne �reMises finds :
<br /> l.
<br /> That the court h�.s heretofore fixed the time for hearing on said Petition �,nc? that notice of
<br /> the time a.nd �l�,ce of hea.ring u�as duly �;iven to aIl bersons interested in said estate as required
<br /> by l�,�n� and the court now has full ,jurisdiction to hear a.nd determine said matter, and the court
<br /> further finds tha.t the said George R. Neff departed this life a resident of the County of Guthrie,
<br /> State of Io�aa, on or �bout September 25, 1��5, ��nd that at . the time of his death he was a non-
<br /> resident of the St�.te of Nebraska. .
<br /> 2.
<br /> The co��.rt further finds that at the time of' lhis de�th the said George R. Nef f was purt�orted
<br /> to �wn tne real estate described as the Southeast Quarter (SE�) of Section Twenty-Seven (27) ,
<br /> Townsnip Eleven (11) , North, Range Ten (10) , west of tne 6th P.M. , but that said real estate had
<br /> in fact not been conveyed to the said George R. Neff during his lifetime but was subsequently
<br /> conveyed to ��ersons wno were r�urnorted to be his heirs-at-law, ���hich deed is recorded in Book l�,
<br /> Page 22, of the Deed Records of Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> 3•
<br /> The Court further Pinds that more than two years have elapsed since the death of the said
<br /> George R. Neff and tnat t�roceedings were int3�tuted for the administration of his estate and the
<br /> apnointment of an administr�.tor of his estate in the County Court of Hall County, Nebraska, and that
<br /> the administra.tor purported to sell the real estate hereinabove described for the x�ayment of
<br /> debts and proceedings �.aere had for the s�,le of the same and that a s�,le was had and ttle proceeds
<br /> applied to the payment of debts of the decedent and tha.t nothing further U�as done in s�id proceedings
<br /> for the determin�.tion of the heirs of George R. Neff, �he administrator reporting nothing further
<br /> remaining in his hands for distribution.
<br /> 4.
<br /> That the said Geor�e R. Neff, deceased, left surviving him a$ his sole and only heirs-at-
<br /> l�.w the following n��med nersons, to-wit, Id�, E. Nef f, his Widow, Alta E. Neff, : �,ge 7, and Georgia
<br /> E. Neff, a�e 5, the foregoing being their ages �.t the time of' Yhis death, and �hat any interest th�
<br /> sa,id Geor�e R. Neff may ha.ve had in the real esta,te hereinabove described descended to and vested
<br /> in the above-named heirs of s�id deceased.
<br /> IT IS, THFREFORF, ORDERED, ADJ'JDGED A�1D DECREED BY rrHE COURT that the said Geor e R. Nef�'
<br /> g
<br /> departed this life more than two years nrior to the filin� of a Petition herein, to-wit : on or
<br /> about Sentember 25, 1��5, �.nd that he left surviying him �.s his sole and only heirs-at-la�a the V
<br /> follo��ring na,med �ersons, to-wit : Ida E. Neff, �a�do��, and Alta E. Neff and Georgia E. Neff,
<br /> children, and by reason of the premises any interest the said George �:. Neff had �.t the time of his
<br /> dea.th in the Southeast Qua_rter ( SE4) of Section Twenty-�even (27) , Township Eleven (11) , Nortn,
<br /> R�.nge Ten (10) , west of' the 6th P.�M. , descended to and vested in the above-named heirs-at-law of
<br /> the said GeorcTe R. Neff, deceased.
<br /> BY THE CO??RT,
<br /> Charles Bossert
<br /> oun y Ju ge.
<br /> ss. I, Charles Bossert County Judge of Hall County, Nebraska, do hereby
<br /> HALL COJNTY ) certify th�t I have comp�red the foregoing copy of Decree entered IN THE
<br /> MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF GE�R�E R. NEFF, DECEASED, with the original
<br /> record thereof, now remaining in s�.id Court, that tne �ame is a correct t ranscript thereof, and oP
<br /> the whole of such origin�l record; tha.t said Court is a Court of Record having a �eal, which seal .
<br /> is hereto attached; that said Court has no Glerk �.uthorized to sign certi�icates in his own name,
<br /> and that I am tne legal custodian of said Seal and of the Records of said Court, and that the
<br /> fore�oing attestation is in due form of law.
<br /> Ir? TESTIt�IONY ?�THFREOF I have hereunto set mY hand and affixed the seal of the County
<br /> Court, at Gr�,nd Island, this lOth day of March, 194�.
<br /> Char�es Bossert
<br /> (SEAL) County Ju e. �
<br /> Filed for record the 10 day of ?�arch, 194� at 4:30 o ' clock P.M. �,�,���1
<br /> �"�� egi st er of Deeds.
<br /> o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o�o-o-o-o-o-o- � -
<br /> In the matter of the esta.te ) FINAL DECREE
<br /> of Gustav Thavenet, deceased. )
<br /> Now on this 16th day of July, 1947, this cause came on to be heard by the court on the final
<br /> report and accourit of Meta Thavenet, administratrix of said estate and on her �etition for the
<br /> allow�.nce of said re��ort, the determination of the heirs of dec�ased and the descent of his
<br /> property and her discharge as administra.trix, and it appearing Prom the evidence and proofs on file
<br /> in this court, th�,t regular notice as by lr�.w and the order of this court required, has been given
<br /> to all �Prsons intereste�, of the time and nlace of exa.mining and allowing said final account by
<br /> publication for three succes5ive ��reeks in a legal newspa�er, published uurithin said Hall County �nd
<br /> no one a��l�earing to ob,ject to said Pin�l account and report, the court, on examination thereof,
<br /> finds that the same is in all respects correct and should be allowed and apUroved.
<br />' The court further finds from the proofs on file nerein that legal notice as by law and the order
<br />� oP this court required, has been given to all �ersons having claims agai�ist said estate of the
<br /> `time a.nd �alace for filing s«.me; that the time fixed for tiling claims has fully expired; that all
<br />