<br /> 28081—The Auguetine Co., Graad Island, Nebr.
<br /> interPSted in her estate the following �ersons:
<br /> Leone M. Kinctig, c�au�hter, Doni�han, Nebraska
<br /> George B. Kindig, son, residence at that time, I7oniphan, Nebr; also �
<br /> Francelie D. Oline, Carnenter, t�lyoming and
<br /> Bonnie B. Kinc�ig, Pine Bluffs, Nebraska,
<br /> the latter t�ao bein� grandclaughters of s�id deceased and the children of Fred C. Kindig who died
<br /> prior to the death of said deceased, all of �hom were and are of legal age; that said deceased left
<br /> no widower nor any other child or chilclren nor any other child or children of any deceased child
<br /> her surviving. � - ,
<br /> That said deceased died seiZed of an interest in the NE� of Sectton 3�, Township 9 N. , Ra,nge 7.0, ', ��,*
<br /> ?�test of the 6th P.M. , Hall County, Nebraska,
<br /> that w�.s of the value at the time of �7,000; also
<br /> Lot 11 in Scudder ' s Addition to the Village of Doniphan, Hall Caunty, Nebraska,
<br /> valued at the time oP her death of said deceased a.t ��d0. 00.
<br /> That said deceased also owned certain government bonds, a description of which is found -in the
<br /> inventory filed in this es'tate.
<br /> That due notice w�s given creditors to file claims, if any, against said estate; that no
<br /> cla.ims were filed and that all other claims not filed should be and are hereby forever barred.
<br /> That said adminstria.tor c. t. a. has made regular periodi�al reports as such administrator since
<br /> his appointment and in the final report filed in this court of date Decer�ber 31, 19�F7; there is
<br /> shown a balance on h�ncl �.fter the t��,yment of the items as set forth therein the sum of �1209.00.
<br /> That under the brovisions of the will of said deceased there should be a trust created in said
<br /> estate and the court finds that George B. Kin�ig is a propQr person to be appointed a.s such trustee.
<br /> That as shown by the reports of said administra�or a11 the costs in this court and expenses have
<br /> been n�id excebt a balance of �none as costs and the further sum oP �100.00 balanee for services
<br /> of attorneys and said a.ciministrator reports th�t he has since the filing of said final report paid
<br /> the sum of �31.00 as income tax on thP share and portion paid to Leone M. Kin�ig and that said
<br /> su�a should be deducted fram the fin�l report filed.
<br /> The court further finds tha.t said George B. Kindig �.s trustee be required to give a bond in the
<br /> sum oP �2000. J0 as such trustee.
<br /> The court finds that said estate is not liable for �.ny inheritance t�,x or government estate
<br /> I tax, the value of said estate being less th�n is exempt to the heirs and beneficiaries of said
<br /> estate, re�ated to the deceased as son, daughter and grandchildren.
<br /> 1. Th�t the report of said administrator c. t.a. as filed in this caurt on the 31st day of
<br /> Dec�mber, 19�+7 be �,nd the same is hereby in all �hings a.pproved and all of the acts and doings of
<br /> such administr�tor be and are hereby ratified and. a roved.
<br /> Pp
<br />' 2. That said administrator should �ay to this court at this time the su� o� � none being
<br /> balance of costs; to Stiner., Boslaugh & Stiner, balance of attorneys fees, the sum oP �100. 00�; and
<br /> there should be deducted from the balance on hand in the said final report the sum of �31.00 which
<br /> deducted from the #12 09.00 wou].d leave the sum of �107�.00 and that when the vouch ers are filed
<br /> t�ref'or in this court said George B. Kindig be discharged as such administrator c. t.a. , his letters
<br /> testamentary caneelled and his bond relieved af further liability.
<br /> 3. It is further ordered that letters of trusteeship should be iasued to George B. Kindig as
<br /> trustee of said estate upon his givin� a bond in thP sum of �2000.00 and appraved by this court and
<br /> his receipt Piled for the balance as sho �wn above from him as administrator c. t. a. It is further
<br /> ordered th�,t sr�id trustee, if a.nd ��hen a,ppoi.nted, shall continue to carry out the provisions of the
<br /> raill of sr�.id neceased in rePerence to the collection c�f ineome .�nd profits and disbursement thereof.
<br /> In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand �::at Grand Island Nebraska this 5th day of February,
<br /> Z 9�+-�.
<br /> Charles Bossert
<br /> ss. I, Charles Bossert County Judge af H�11 County, N�braeka, do hereby certify
<br /> HALL COUNTY ) that I have compared the foregoing copy of Last ��T111 and Testament, Certificate
<br /> of Probr�.te o� taill and Final Decree - IN THE ���TTER �F THE ESTATE OF
<br /> ELI`LABETH KINDIG, DECEASED, with the original record thereof, now remain3ng in said Court, that the
<br /> same is a correct tr�,nscript thereoP, �nd of the whole of such original record; that said Court ie
<br /> a Court of Record h�ving a seal, T,ahich seal is hereto att�ched; that said Court has no Clerk authorized
<br /> to si�n certificates in his own n�,me, and that I am the legal custodian of said 3eal and of the
<br /> Records of said Court, and that the foregoing attestation is in due form of law.
<br /> IN TESTIMONY '^�iEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County Court, at
<br /> Grand Island, this 5th day of February, 194�.
<br /> Charles Bosser'�,
<br /> (SEAL� County Judge.
<br /> Filed Por record the 5 day oP February, 19�+� at 4:30 0 'clock P.M. ''�` Q��� �
<br /> �'egis e�S�e�s.
<br /> o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o
<br />