<br /> NO. 9 HALL �OUNTY
<br /> estate, both real a.nd personal and wheresoever situated, of whic�. I shall die the owner, to receive,
<br /> hold, sell, convey, invest and from time to time reinvest same in interest bearing securities
<br /> and to use the income and so much of the principal as may be necessa,ry for the burial expenses of
<br /> my daughter Leone M. Kindig and my son Orcl V. Kindig, and the expenses of Administration of my
<br /> estate, and it is my request that if at any time my said daughter shall become incompetent, said
<br /> Arnold Bauma.nn shall be appointed and qualiPied as her guardian. It is also my requeat that upon
<br /> the deatn of my son Ord V. Kindig, his remains be buried in Rosedale Cemetery, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> FSFTH. The remainder of my estate both real and personal, after aIl expenses are paid and al1
<br /> other provisions in this �1i11 have been complied with, sh�,ll become th� absolute property of my
<br /> son George B. Kindig and my grand-daughtera Francelia D. Kindig and Bonnie B. Kindig in the following
<br /> proportions : - To Francelia D. Kindig, Twenty-five Hundred ( �2, 500) Dollars, to Bonnie B. Kindig,
<br /> Twenty-Pive Hundred (�2, 500) Dollars a.nd the remainder to my son Geor�e B. Kindig.
<br /> LASTLY, I nominate and a.ppoint Arnold Baumann oP Hall County, �ebraska as Executor of this Will,
<br /> hereby revoking �.11 former �1111s by me made.
<br /> IN TESTIMONY ?��HEREOF, I hereunto set my hand this 2�th day of October, 1936 a� Hasting, Nebraska.
<br /> In Presence oP
<br /> ar e . ren Elizabeth Kindig
<br /> m. _. owman —
<br /> We whose na.mes are hereunto subscribed do hereby certify that Elizabeth Kindig as Trestatrix,
<br /> subscribed her name to the foregoing instrument in our vresence and in t'r�e presence oP each of
<br /> us and at the s�me time and in our hearing and declared the same to be her last WILL �,nd TESTAMENT
<br /> �nd we at her rec�uest, in her presence and in the presence of each other subscribed our n�mes as
<br /> attesting witnesaes, and we further testiPy that we believe said Testatrix to be of sound raind.
<br /> . Marie M. Siren
<br /> m. . owma.n
<br /> Will of Eli�abeth Kindig
<br /> _ C A U T I 0 N:
<br /> Deliver �onl _ to Arnold Bauman or mail to County Judge of Hall County, Neb, in the ev�nt of the
<br /> death of�I�abeth Kindig. -
<br /> HALL COUNTY )
<br /> At a Session of the County Court held in the County Court Room in Grand
<br /> Island, in said County, on the_ l�th day of July A. D. , 1944 Present Charles Bossert County Judge.
<br /> , In the Matter of' the Estate of Elizabeth Kindig, Deceased
<br /> I, Charles Bassert, Judge of the County Court, in and for said County, do hereby certify -that
<br /> on the 30th day of June, 1944, the instrument purporting to be the Iast will and testament of
<br /> Elizabeth Kindig deceased, was filed for probate in this Court. That on the l�th day of July 1944,
<br /> said instrument to which this certificate is attached was duly proved �probated and allowed as the
<br /> last t,uill anci testament c�f the real and personal estate of sa.id IIiZabeth Kindig deeeased, and the
<br /> s�,me Taas ordered to be recorded in the records of tne Court aforesaid.
<br /> IN ?a�ITNESS TtF�EREOF I have hereunto set my h�.nd �nd affixed the seal oP the County Court, th14
<br /> l�th day of July, 194� .
<br /> Charles Bossert
<br /> (SEAL) County Judge.
<br /> ELIZABETH KINDIG, deceased
<br /> Now on this 5th day of February, 194�, this matter comes on for hearing on the petition of George
<br /> B. Kindig, administrator c.'�. a. of the will and estate of Elizabeth Kindig, deceased, and the Pina1
<br /> report by him Piled.
<br /> .. .
<br /> , The court Pinds that due published notice was given of the time and place of this hearing to
<br /> be of date January 2�, i94�; that on that d�te this court made and entered an order continuing the
<br /> hearing until this date.
<br /> • Present in court at this time Gearge B. Kindig a.nd his attorney, L.B. Stiner of Hasting, N�ebraska,
<br /> No ob�ections having been filed to the prayer of tr�e petition said ac"iministrator C. t. a. , the court
<br /> in consideration of the records and files herein and the evidence finds:
<br /> That Elizabeth Kindig departed this lif e on the 22nd d�,y of Jun�, 19�+4, a resident of a.nd
<br /> domicilled in s�id county and state at the time of her e�eath and for many years prior thereto;
<br /> that on the 29th day of June, 19�F�, George B. Kindig filed in this court his petition praying that
<br /> a certain instrument in his possession, wh�ch he alle�eg to be the last will and testa,�ent of said
<br /> deceased, be probated• that published notice w�s given of the hearing on said aetition for the
<br /> l�th day of July, 19��+ and on that date this court found said instrument to be the last will and
<br /> testament of said deceased �nd nrobated the same as such last will and testament. A copy o P said
<br /> will k�it� a certificate of its probate is att�.ched hereto, m�rked Exhibit A, and made a part hereoP;
<br /> th�.t on the 22nd day of July, 19�+�, the said George B. Kindig was appointed administrator c. t. a. of
<br /> sai d will anc� est�te, the one appointed in the will as executor, Arnold B. Baumann, having declined to
<br /> accept such appointment and George B. Kindig was appointed at that time as administrator c. t.a. ; th�.t
<br /> on the 2�th day of Ju1y, 19�-�, he qualified as such administrator c. t. a. by giving bond as required
<br /> by this court and has acted in that ca.pacity since; that on the 31st day oP Decelnber, 1947, the
<br /> said administrator c. t. a. filed in this court a. r eport of his acts and doings as such administrator
<br /> c. t. a. , brior reports ha.ving been filed annually before said date.
<br /> That said deceased le�'t her surviving as her sole heirs at law, next of kin a.nd the only nersona '�
<br />