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<br /> �°�_��
<br /> 28081—The Auguatine Co., Graad Ialand, Nebr.
<br /> The Court further finds that the said Joe Carter left surviv�:ng him as his heir-at-law and only
<br /> heir-at-law his r�other, Hazel A. Williams, formerl.y HaZel A. Carter; that the father of Joe Carter
<br /> preceded him ir� dea.th, and tnat he tiaas unmarried and 1e�t na other heirs except nis mather.
<br /> The Court further f inds that under the laws of the State of Nebraska in force at tn.e date of the
<br /> cleatn of the saic� Joe Carter, the real estate herein�.bove desc�ibed passed and descended by absolute
<br /> title to HaZe1 A. Williams in a.bsolute ti�1e.
<br /> The Court �'urther fincls that all debts of the deceased, and of' h�.s es�ate, if any such exist,
<br /> are forever, barred and precluded, and 't'r�at costs of this broceeding has bsen paid.
<br /> IT IS Tn�EFQRE OF.DERED, ADJtTDGED, A"��D DECREE� BY THE COURT that Joe Carter, died intestate on
<br /> the 2�-th day .of April, 194'1; that more than t�ao years have elapsed aince his death, and that no
<br /> ap�lica.tion has been made for the a��pointment of an administrator f'or his estate, and there never
<br /> has been any administratyon u�on �iis est�te in the State of Nebraska; �hat the deceased was the
<br /> owner in fee sirnpl.e title of an undivided 1/5 3.nterest in and to Lot Six (6} in Block Ten (10) in
<br /> Bonnie Brae Addition �o tne City of Grand Island, Nebraska; that the petitioner herein is a
<br /> competent qualified person to r�rosecute tnis proceeding; that 'Ghe said deceased lef'G surviving him
<br /> as his heir-at-la.w his mother HaZel A. ?°Tilli�,ms, ��nd u�on tne death of' tne said J'oe Carter, the
<br /> above-described rea.1 estate did pass and descend by a'aso�.ute title to tiie said HaZel A. Williams.
<br /> IT IS FURT?�ER ORDr'�i.ED, ADJUDGED, AT�D DECREED BY ix E CO�RT tnat all debts of trle said deceased,
<br /> if any such existed, are forever barred and iareeluded, and fortner admin�stration of said estate
<br /> is hereby dispensed 7�ith, and said estate is closed �,nd settled.
<br /> Charles Bossert
<br /> County Judge.
<br /> CER�'IFI CATE
<br />; STATE QF �1EBRA5KA�
<br /> ss. S, CharlPS Bossert County Judge of Hall County, Nebraska, do hereby certi2'y
<br /> HALL COUNTY } that I have compared the foregoing copy of Decree entered IIJ THE MATTER .
<br /> OF T:�iE ESTATE OF JOE CARTER, DECEASED, with the original record thereof,
<br />, now remainin in said Court that the same is a correct transcript thereof and of the ?tiThole of
<br /> g , �
<br /> sucn ori inal record• t'^at saic? Court is a Court of Record havin a seal ?�rhich seal is hereto
<br />, g , g ,
<br /> C z r ifi t
<br /> attached; that said ourt has no Clerk authori ed to sign ce t ca es -in his own name, and that I
<br /> �m the legal custodian of' said Sea1 an� of the Records of said Court, and that the foregoing attestation
<br /> is in c.ue form of law.
<br /> IN T�"STIt�0�1Y `�.THEr��OF I haVe hereunto set my h�nd and affixed the sea.l of the �ounty �ourt, at
<br /> ura.ncl Island, this 13th day of December, 19�-7.
<br /> Charles Bossert
<br /> (SEAL) County Judge.
<br /> Filed for .record the 16 da,y of Decer�ber, 1��+7 at 11 :30 a ' clock A; M. ��,�� ��
<br /> J✓
<br /> � �eg'is�er of �eeds.
<br /> o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-o--o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o
<br /> Now on this 2�th day of December, 19�F�, thia matter came on for hearing upon the Final Report
<br /> filed by Edna F. Knuth, Administratrix oP the Estate of Arthur Knuth, deeeased, and upon hearing
<br /> the application for t he approval and a1l.owancs of sa3.d repart, settlement of aaid .estate, an8 her
<br /> discharge as adm3.nistratrix of said estate, and the court having examined the records and files
<br /> herein, and being fully advised in tihe premise$ �inds, as follows:
<br /> On the 3rd day oP February, 19�F7, the petition was filed asking that an adminlstratrix be
<br /> appointed f'or e�,id eatate and upon reading said petition, the co�zrt entered an order Pixing a
<br /> time a.nd place far hearing said pe'�ition, ,glvin� notive 'Ghereof, as by Ig� pravided, and that on
<br /> the 27th day o� February, I�47, Edna F. Knuth was appointed administratrix oP said estate.
<br /> � That due and legal natice has been given to al� persona of the time and place Pixe� bp the
<br /> court Por filin� clai�ns against said estatQ, and all claims not �iled within the tlme Pixed by the
<br /> eourt, if any such there be, shauld be forever barred, en3oined, and exclucled from setting up or
<br /> asserting a.ny cla3m against sald estate.
<br /> That the deceased departed this Iife leavin� as hia heirs at law, devisees, legattea, and all
<br /> persons enLitled to share in his said estate, the follov�ing. named persons, to wit: , '
<br /> Edna F. Knuth, widow, �ia11 �ounty, Nebraska, �'lorence Knuth, Boekmar� , daughter, Hall County,
<br /> Nebrask.a., and Ma�ine Knuth Hasselmann, daughter, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> ali over the a�e oP 21 yeare.
<br /> That the deeeased de��arted this 11fe the o�rner oP certain real and personal propert�, said
<br /> real estate bein� described as follows:
<br /> The Easterly One-Half (�) of the Westerly One-Half (�) of Bloek 3ixteen (lbl , Windolph's Acldition
<br /> to the Gity of Grand Island, Hall County, N�braska,
<br /> and that said real estate did pass and deacend under and by virtue of the laws o�' t he Sta'te oP
<br /> Nebraska to the following heira: to Edna F. Knuth, widow, an undivided one-thir8 intereat
<br /> therein; to Florence Knuth Bookman, and Maxine Knuth Haaselmann, da,u�hters, an undivided two-
<br /> thirds interest therein, sub,�ect to the homestead righte of the said Edna F. Knuth, wido�.
<br /> 1'hat all e�.aims and chargea against eaid esta'te have been paid, and that 'Che final report
<br /> Piled herein ls true and correet in all things, and the same should be approved and allowed as
<br /> and for said administratrlx�s final report in said estate; said estate settled and closed, and
<br /> said admini�tratr3x and her oPficial bondsmen discharged and released from any further 1lability
<br /> in said matter.
<br />