<br /> 28081—The Auguatine Co., Glrand Ialand, Nebr. � i
<br /> the same in securities that a trustee or executor may invest in under the laws of Nebraska in j
<br /> force at my death and to deliver or pay the same to my granddaughter. �fary Stephens, when she
<br /> becomes of age or marries, as m� daughter may elect. At the end of two years and six months
<br /> after my death. I further direct my daughter, Carolyn Connor Stephens to set aside from th�
<br /> income of my esta'te the sum of �100.00 per month fo.r the education of my grandchildren, Mary
<br /> Stepnens and Richard E. Stephens, Junior, �50.00 a month for each of them and to deposit or
<br /> invest the same as above provided, and to use the respective suma as she sees fit for the education
<br /> of Nlary Stephens and Richard E. Stephens, Junior. Those sums �or the education of my said grand--
<br /> children, my daughter shall continue to set aside until sufficient amounts have accumulated to
<br /> insure an education fa,r. ea.ch of them. I direct my daughter to deposit or invest those sums .in
<br /> her oT,un name to avoid the expense of a guardian and provide that she shall not be required to give
<br /> bond or surety for the han�.ling oP the money set aside and deposited or invested. As each oP �
<br /> my grandchildren, ��ary Stephens �nd Richard E. Stephens, Junior, becomes of age, I further dlrect
<br /> that Carolyn Connor Stephens sha1l pay each of them from the net ineome of my eata.te devised and -
<br /> beque�thed to her the sum of �50.00 monthly respectively from the time each becomes of a�e until
<br /> my daughter, Carolyn, -sees fit to discontinue them. Should the net income from my estate drop
<br /> to ha.lf of the net income at my death or other conaiderations make it inadvisable to set aside
<br /> the sums of �50.00 each for the education of my grandchildren, Mary Stephens or Riehard E.
<br /> Stephen.a, Junior, my daughter may discontinue- the same until the net income from my estate is back
<br /> to the net income at my death or other circumstances make it advisable to continue to set aside
<br /> those sums for their education. Shou�d either or both of my grandchildren die before any sums
<br /> set aside, or depositec3 �or invested for them or their education have been paid to them or used
<br /> for them, the provisions for my grandchildren shall lapse and cease and any accumulations for
<br /> the children or child -so dying shall go to their mother, Carolyn Connor Stephens. I direct that
<br /> the nrovisions for my grandchildren or either of them shall not be a lien or chaxge on any of my
<br /> estate, real or personal, owned by me at my death, but shall be the personal obligation of my
<br /> daughter, Carolyn Connor Stephens. -
<br /> ITEM FIVE: I appoint my daughter, Ca,rolyn Connor Stephens to be exec�atrix of this will and
<br /> provide that she shall not be required to give bond or eurety as such executrix.
<br /> In witness whereof, I have hereunto signed my name in duplicate this -� day of May, L9�-6, at
<br /> Fremont, I�ebraska.
<br /> Mary C. Van Metre
<br /> We, wnose names are hereunto subscribed a witnesses, do certify that the testatrix, Mary E.
<br /> Van Metre, signed, published and decla,red the f orego�.ng will in duplicate in our presence and in
<br /> the presence of each of us, at the same time declaring said instrument was her last will and
<br /> testar�ent and we, at ner request, and in her presenee and in the presence of each other have
<br /> hereunto subscribed our nam es as witnesses this �" day of May, 19�+6 in duplicate at Fremont,
<br /> Nebra.ska.
<br /> Doro'thy M. Nault R. N. of Fremont, Nebraska.
<br /> Mrs. Henry Christensen of F'remont, Nebraska.
<br /> ss. On this 15tn day of July 1946, the within last will and testament of
<br /> County of Dodge ) I�ary E. Van Metre also known as Mary E. Corinor Van Metre was duly
<br /> proved before me Fred C. Laird County Judge of said County, according
<br /> to law, as the last wi11 and testament of the real and personal estate of said deceased, and the
<br /> same was admitted. to probate and duly recorded in this office.
<br /> IN TFSTIP�ONY �^T�iE�REOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal the day and year above
<br /> written.
<br /> Fred C. Laird
<br /> ( SEAL) . County Judge.
<br /> Now on this 29th day of September, 1947, this cause came on to be heard upon the final
<br /> account and report of Carolyn C. Stephens, executrix of tne estate of Mary E. Connor Van PRetre,
<br /> deeeased, and upon the petition of said executrix that said estate be settled and closed and it
<br /> appearing fron the evidence and Uroofs on file iti this court that regula.r notice, as by law a.nd
<br /> the order of this court required, has been �iven to all persons intereated of tne time and place
<br /> of examining a_nd allowing sa.id final account, by publication far three successive weeks in a
<br /> legal ne�rspa�er, publiahed within said Dodge County, as by law provided, �,nd no one a�pearing to
<br /> ob,ject to said final account and report, the court, on examination. thereof, f inds that the same
<br /> is in all respects correct and should be allowed a.nd ap�roved.
<br /> The court further finds from the proofs on file herein tY�at legal notice, as by law and
<br /> the order of this court rec�uired, has been given to all persons, having claims against the de-
<br /> ceased or hPr estate, to exhibit and prove their claims; tha,t the �time for exhibiting and prbving
<br /> claims against said est�te has ex�ire�; that no claims against the deceased or her estate have been
<br /> filed; that all nurses� , hospital and undertaking bills have been fully paid; triat all costs
<br /> and expenses of administration, inclu�ing probate notices, have been fully paid; that all persons
<br /> or creditors having claims against said estate, not filed or allowed, if any there be, are
<br /> forever barred from making cla.im thereon and all such claims anc� debts, if any, are barred,
<br /> The court further finds from the evidence adduced th�t the deceased died testate on the 27th
<br /> day of P�Iay, 19�6 and that she left surviving at her death as her sole and only heirs a,t law, her
<br /> husband, Riehard T. Van Metre and her daughter, Carolyn C. Stephens and that she left as her
<br /> sole devisees and legatees, her said husband and daughter and:.:��r grandchildren, Mary Stephens
<br /> and Richard E. Stephens, Junior.
<br /> The court further finds that said testatrix died seized in fee simple of the following 2.
<br /> described real estate, a.11 situated in Grand Island, In Hall County, Nebraska, towit:
<br /> An undivi ed one half interest �.s tenant in common in fee simple in and to the ?�Testerly
<br /> One-third (W. 1�3� of Lot Two �2) in Block Sixty-five and the Easterly Two-thirds (E. 2/3) oP
<br /> Lot Five ( 5) in Block Fifty-six (56) in the original town, now City of Grand Island and Lot
<br /> Six (6) in Block One Hundred Seventeen (117) in Ra.ilroad Addition to the City of Grand Island,
<br /> and the entire interest in all of Lot One tl) and Lot Two (2} excepting the rectangula.r tract
<br /> conveyed to Central Po��er Company 1� feet by 26 �'eet describ�d in Book Seventy-five of the
<br /> deed records of Hall County, Nebraska, at page 39b, all in Block Twenty-three (23) in Ruasel
<br /> Wheeler� s Addition to the City of Grand Island, �n Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />