<br /> NO. 9 HALL COUNTY
<br /> _ �
<br /> FINAL DECREE Hall �ounty, Nebraska
<br /> F I L E D
<br /> IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE ) Charles Bossert
<br /> OF ) FINAL DECREE. County Judge
<br /> On this lat day of October, 1947, this cause came on Por hearing upon the final Peport of
<br /> Robert Rutscher, adminiatrator of the estate of Lillie Kutscher, deceased, and upon the Petition
<br /> of said administrator for the allowance and approval of said report, settlement of said estate
<br /> and his discharge herein, and the court being fully advised in the premises fincla that due and
<br /> legaY notice has been given to all pereons of' the time and place fixed by the court for the
<br /> hearing thereon, and there being no ob,�ections to said report and the court having examined the
<br /> same, together with the vouchera on f ile, finds that said report is true and that the same ought
<br /> to be approved and allowed as and for the final repor� of said administrator, said estate settled
<br /> and closed and the administrator discharged.
<br /> The Court further finds that the said Lillie KutecY�er departed this life on the �yth day of
<br /> ��ao�mber, 19�6, and that at the time of her death she was a reaident of Hall County, Nebraska,
<br /> and died intestate; that a Petition for Letters of Administration was f iled on April 10, 19�7,
<br /> aekin� that said ee'�ate be admitted to probate and that Letters of Ad.ministration be granted to
<br /> the petitioner, Robert Kutscher, widower of the said Lillie Kutscher, deceased, � upon the goods,
<br /> real estate, chattels, righta and credito,�a of the said Lillie Kutscher, deceased, and that upon
<br /> a hearing held upon said Petition after notice was duly given to all persons interested in said
<br /> estate the same wae admitted to probate on the 7th day of I�ay, 19�7, and Letters of Adminiatration
<br /> were duly issued by this court to the said Robert Ku'�scher on the estate of Lillie Kutscher, de-
<br /> ceased.
<br /> The Court further f inds that due and legal notice has been given to all persons of the time and
<br /> place fixed by the court far filing claims against the estate of the deceased and that the time ao
<br /> fixed has fully e�cp�:red and that a11 persons having claims against the estate and not Piled within
<br /> the time limited by the court are forever barred� and excluded from aetting up or asaerting any
<br /> such cla.ims against said estate; the court further finda that the administrator ha.s paid the
<br /> funeral expenses and a1i debts against the e$tate and the costs of these prbceedings and tha� in
<br /> order to do so it has been necessary f or him to advance funds for that purpose, and that nothing
<br /> remains in the way of peraonal propertg which is sub�ect to distribution among the heirs of the
<br /> estate.
<br /> The Court further finda that the estate of said deceased is not sub�ect to an inheritance tax
<br /> under the lawa of the State of Nebraska nor to a Federal estate tax under the laws of the United
<br /> States.
<br /> The E�ourt further finds that the said Lillie Kutacher was poasessed of the following-described
<br /> real estate at the time of her death, to-wit :
<br /> The North Ha1f' of the Southe st Quarter (N�SE}) and the Weat Half of the Northeast Quarter
<br /> (W�NE�) of Section One (I) , �ownship Twelve (12) ,North,Range Ten (10) ,west of the �th P.M. ,
<br /> Hall County, Nebraska. `
<br /> The �ourt further finds that the said Lillie Kutseher left surviving her at the time of her
<br /> death the said Robert Kutscher, her hueband, and Edward Kutscher, A ma Heyde, Elsie Kruse, Ruth
<br /> �utacher and Erma Kutacher, sone and daughters; that all of said children are of legal age; that
<br /> the rea.l estate hereinabove-deacribed ia the homestead of the said Robert �utseher and that sub�ect
<br /> to his homeatead righte therein said real estate passed and descended upon the death of Lillie
<br /> Kutacher to Robert Kutscher an undivided one-third thereof and to Edward Kutscher, Anna Heyde,
<br /> Elsie Kruse, Ruth Kutseher and Erma Kutgcher, each an undivided 2/15 interest therein.
<br /> IT I�, THEREFORE, ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DEGREED BY THE COURT that the final report of Robert
<br /> Kutscher, administrator of the estate oP Lillie Kutacher, deceased, be, and the same hereby is,
<br /> in all things approved and allowed as and for the final report of said administrator, and the
<br /> said estate is hereby settl.ed and closed and 'Ghe administrator dischaxged.
<br /> IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED BY THE COURT tha.t all persons having any claims
<br /> agair�st said estate, if any such there be, are forever barred, en�oined and excluded from
<br /> setting up or asserting any such claim against said estate.
<br /> IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED BY THE COURT that any personal property remaining
<br /> in the possession oP the administrator, if a�y such there be, be assigned to Robert Rutscher by
<br /> " reason of advancements here�ofore ma.de by him or as property exempt to him, and that the real
<br /> estate hereinabove-described paesed and descended to Robert Kutscher, widower, and Edward.
<br /> Kuta�her, Anna xeyde, Elsie Kruse, Ruth Kuta`�ier and Erma. Kutacher, children, in the manner and to
<br /> the extent as hereinabove set forth abaolutely and in fee, sub�ect, however, to the homestead
<br /> rightg of �Ghe said Robert Kutscher in the said real estate.
<br /> Charles Bossert
<br /> County udge
<br /> STA'�E OF NEBRASKA ) I, �harles Bossert, County Judge of Ha.11 County, Nebraska, do hereby
<br /> H,ALL COUNTY �as' certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of Final Decree entered
<br /> II� THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF LILLIE KUTSCHER., DECEASED, with the original record thereof, now
<br /> remaining in said Court, that the same is a correct transcript thereof, and of the whole of euch
<br /> original record; that said Court is a Court of Record having a sea1, which seal is hereto attached;
<br /> that said Court has no Clerk authori2ed to sign certif ica.tes in his own name , and that I am the
<br /> legal custodiar� of said Seal and of the Records bf said Court and that the Poregoing attestation
<br /> i s in due f'orm of law.
<br /> IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal oP the Gounty Court,
<br /> at Grand Island, this 18th day of' November, 19�7•
<br /> Charles Bossert
<br /> (SEAL) County Judge
<br /> Filed for reeord this 19th day of November, 1947, at I0:00 o� clock A.M. �(����
<br /> \l(
<br /> Register of Deeds
<br />