<br /> ��1)
<br /> 280S1—The Auguatine Co., Grand Island, Nebr. �
<br /> HALL GOUNTY �$s' I, Charles Bossert, County Judge of Fia11 County, Nebraska, do hereby
<br /> certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of Final Decree entered IN THE I�ATTER OF THE ESTATE
<br /> OF ROY E. HIDDLESON, DECEASED, with the original record thereof, now remaining in said Court, that
<br /> the sazne is a correct transcript thereof, and of the whole of such original record; that said Court
<br /> is a Court of Record having a sea1, which �eal is hereto attached; tha.t said Court has no Clerk
<br /> authorized to sign eertif icates in his own name, and . that I am the legal cuetodlan of said Sea1 and
<br /> of the Records of said Court, a.nd that the foregofng attestation is in due form of 1aw.
<br /> IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF I ha.ve hereunto set my hand and affixed the aeal of' the Gou3�ty Court, at
<br /> Grand Island, this 3lat day of �c�Gober, 1947.
<br /> Charles Bossert
<br /> (gEAI,) County Judge
<br /> Filed for record thia 31 day of �etober, 1947, at �:�5 o� clock P.M. �^� (��
<br /> `
<br /> h Register of Deeds
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<br /> In the Matter of the ) �
<br /> Estate of Herman Siemers, ) DECREE DETERMINING HEIRSHIP
<br /> Deceaged. �
<br /> Now on this 12th day of November, 1947, this matter came on to be hea,rd on the Petition for
<br /> Determination of Heirship, said hearing having been ec�ntinued from the 6th day of August, 1947,
<br /> and the court, after having examined the records and files in this estate, finds that notice hae
<br /> been given in the manner and form provided by law of the filing of the Petition for Determination
<br /> of Heirship; whereupon, said cause came on to be heard, and now the cour.t, being fully advised
<br /> in the premises, finds:
<br /> Tha.t Herman Siemers died intestate on April 30, 1937; that he wae at the date o�' hia death a
<br /> resident of Hall County, Nebraska; that no adminiatrator has been appointed in Nebraska Por his
<br /> estate nor ap�lication made therefor by any person claiming to be intereated in his esta.te; that
<br /> more than two years h��.ve elapaed since his death; that all of the expenses of the last il,lness,
<br /> funeral expenses and expenses of this proceeding, including attorney f ee�, have been paid in full.
<br /> The Court further f inds that the said Herman Siemers left an eatate of the value oP less than
<br /> Ten Thousand Dollars, and that the same was not sub,�ect to the atate inheritance tax or federal
<br /> esta�Ge tax.
<br /> The Court further f inds that Herman Siemere died siezed of a fee simple title in the following
<br /> described real estate, to-wit:
<br /> The Easterly Sixty-two (62) fee� . of a piece or parcel of -land located in the �iorthwest Quarter
<br /> of the Northweat Quarter (NW� NW�) of Section Twenty-two (22) , in Tow nship Eleven (11),North,
<br /> Range Nine (9) , West of the 6th P.M. , Por�erly appearing as part of Bloek Six (6) on �he Plat
<br /> of South Grand T�land, more particularly described as follows, to-wit: Commencing at a point
<br /> 80 feet South of the Southwest corner of Lot 5 in Block 5, South arand Island, and running
<br /> thence East 132 feet, thence south 66 Peet, thence West 132 Peet, thence Narth paralle2 with
<br /> E d L cu t Street 66 f ee� tv the lace of be innin , bein a rectangul�r tract of
<br /> the a
<br /> st si e of o s P 6 � g
<br /> 6b eet on Locust Street in the Cit of Grand Island and
<br /> und h vin a Weste
<br /> rl fronta e of f Y ,
<br /> g
<br /> ro a
<br /> g Y �
<br /> a depth of 132 feet, in Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> The Cour� Purtl�er finds that said real estate wae the home a3�d homeetead oP the said xerman
<br /> Siemers and his wife, Tina Siemers, at the time of his death; that he left him surviving as his
<br /> r tw c ldren Mam e Ern tme er
<br /> sole and only heirs at law, his widow, the said �ina Sieme s, and v hi , i s y ,
<br /> a daughter, and George �i�mers, a son; and also Anita Brabander, Jack Mathiesen and George Riehard <
<br /> Siemers, otherwise known as Rieha.rd siem���,and whose true name formerly was George Richasd Mathi,esen,
<br /> the three children being the children of a deceased daughter, Alma Mathieaen; that the said George
<br /> Richard Nlathiesen was adopted by George 3lemers, and his true and eorreet name is George Richard
<br /> Siemers; that he is the same person described in the petition as Richard Siemers; and that there
<br /> are no other children, the issue of any deceased chi2d or children.
<br /> IT IS, THEREFORE, ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED BY THE COURT that the sole and only heirs of
<br /> the said Herman Siemers, deceased, were and are: Tina Siemers, his widow; Mamie Ernatmeyer, a
<br /> daughter; George Siemers, a son; and Anita. Brabander, Jack Mathiesen and George Richard Siemers,
<br /> grandchildren, sons and daughter of a deceased daughter, Alma Mathiesen; and that Tina Siemers
<br /> was the mother of a11 the children born to the said Herman Siemers,
<br /> IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED BY THE COURT that the afore descrlbed rea1. estate
<br /> is set off to said heira at la�t as provided by Iaw, as follows: A homestead interest therein to
<br /> Tlna ��.eme��,widow; an undivided one-third of the remainder to the said Tir���$��n��r�, �ido�; two-
<br /> nlnths �o e ach of Mamie Ernstmeyer and Geor�e Siemers; and 2/27ths to each of �iii�a Brabander,
<br /> Jack Mathiesen and George Richard Siemers, the same �erson as Riehard. 3iemers, named in the
<br /> petition, and formerly George Richa.rd Mathiesen.
<br /> . Charles Bossert
<br /> County �udge
<br /> STATE OF NEBRL�SKA ) gs. I, Charles Bossert Gounty Judge of Ha11 County, Nebraska., do hereby
<br /> HALL COUNTY )� �er�Gify that I have compared the foregoing copy of Decree Determining
<br /> Heirahip entered IN THE MATTER OF T HE ESTATE OF HERMAN SIEMERS, DE�EASED, with the original record
<br /> thereof, now remaining in said Court, that the sa.me is a correc� transcript thereof�, and of the
<br /> whole of such original record; that said Court is a Court of Record having a seal, which seal is
<br /> hereto attached; that said Court has no Clerk authorized to sign certificates in his own name, -
<br /> and that I am the legal cuatodian of said Sea1 and of the Recorda of said Court, and that the
<br /> foregoing attestation is in due form of law.
<br /> IN TESTIMONY 1�HEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and aPfixed the seal of the County Court, at
<br /> Grand Island, this 12th day of November, 19�7. Charles Bossert .
<br /> (SEAL) County Jud e ',
<br /> Filed for re aard this 12 day of I�o�reffi�er, 19�7, at 4:45 0� clock P.M. ��-����C �JJ� �'�
<br /> egister of .Deed� _ ',
<br />