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? <br /> ��y <br /> NO. 9 HALL COUNTY <br /> e <br /> ��I�� ���FtEE_� <br /> IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HALL COUNTY, NEHRASKA <br /> In the Matter of: ) � <br /> THEESTATEOF FINAL DECREE <br /> ROY E. HIDDLE30N, <br /> De�eased. <br /> NOW, on tYiis 31et day of October, 1947, thig matter came on for hearing upon the petition <br /> of Adell Hidd��son Brand a,nd the pleadings and the evidence and was submitted to the Court; on <br /> consideration whereoP, the Court having examined �he records and files herein, including said <br /> petition, heard the evidence in support thereof, and being full� advised in the matter and f rom <br /> the proof on f il e, f inds that: <br /> 1. Due and legal notice of the time and place of this hearing has been given to all pereons <br /> i,nterested in said matter, both creditora and heirs, in the manner required by law and the order <br /> of this Court. <br /> 2. All of the statements and allegations set forth in the said petition are true; the said <br /> Roy E. Hiddleson died intestate in Hall County, Nebraska, on the 7th day of September, 1937, being <br /> at that tirne a citizen and resident of Ha11 County, Nebraska; more than two years have elapaed <br /> since the date of his death; and no application has been made in the State of Nebraska for the <br /> appoin�ment of an adminiatrator of t he eatate of said deceased. <br /> 3. The said Roy E. Hiddleson, deeeased, Ieft surviving him as his sole and only heirs-at- <br /> law his wife and one dau�hter, who are eaeh more than twenty-one years� of age, namely: <br /> Clara B. �iddleson, hie wife, of 249 South Plum Street, Grand Island, Nebraska. <br /> Adell Hiddleson Brand, a daughter, of 249 South Plum 5treet, Grand Island, Nebraska <br /> �. The said Roy E. Hiddleson, deceased, �ras seized and posseased at the time of his death <br /> .of the fo3lowing described real estate, to-wit: <br /> Lot Nine (9) , in Block One (1) , in Koehler Place, an addition to the City of Grand Island, <br /> Ha11 County, Nebraska. <br /> �. By virtue of the Statutes of Deacent ln the Compiled Statutes of the State of Nebraska, <br /> in full foree and effect at the date of the death of the said Roy E. Hiddleson, deceased, the <br /> abone said described real estate desaended, at the time of the death of the said Roy E. Hiddleson, <br /> deQeased, to his sole and only heirs-at-law as herein set out in the following shases: <br /> To Clara B. Hiddleson: an undivided one-half (1/2) interest, she being the surviving wife <br /> and widow of Roy E. Hiddleson, deceased, and the mother of the only chlld hereiri of the said <br /> Roy E. Hiddleson, deceased; <br /> _ h ��"' To Adell Hiddleson Brand; an undivided one-half (1/2) interest, sub�eet to the homestead <br /> interest in the wido�r, Clara B. Hiddleson. <br /> 6, The tota]. value of said estate is lesa than �10,000.00 and the said estate is not liable <br /> for any inheritanee t ax; there are no c reditors of said estate; all elaims against said estate <br /> should be forever baxred; tYie further administration of said estate should be diapensed with; <br /> and all costa and fees herein have been paid in full, includin� court costs in the County Court <br /> of Hall @ounty, Nebraska, publication costs, and a reasonable attorneys� fee to Paine & Paine <br /> attorneys. <br /> IT IS THEREFORE OR.DERED, ADkTUDGED AND DECREED BY THE COURT that Roy E. Hiddleson died intestate <br /> on the 7th day of September, 1937, bein� at that time a citizen and resident of Hall County, <br /> Nebraska, and leaving surviving him as his sole and only heira-at-law the following, who are a11 <br /> more than twenty-one yeara of age, namely: <br /> Clara B. Hiddleson, his wife, of 249 3outh Plum 8treet, Grand Island, Nebraska. <br /> Adell Hiddleson Brand, a daughter, of 2�9 South Plum Street, Grand Island, Nebraska. <br /> IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED BY THE COURT that the said Roy E. Hiddleaon, <br /> decea8ed, waa seized and possesaed at the ti�e of his death of the following described real <br /> � esta,te, to-wit: <br /> Lot Nine (9) , in Block One (1) , in Koehler Place, an addition to the City of Grand <br /> Isiand, Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> which above said deseribed real estate did deacend at the time of the death of the said Roy E. <br /> Hiddleson, deceased, under and by vlrtue of the Statutes of Descent of the State of Nebras'�a, i� <br /> full force and ePfect at the time of the death of said deceased, to his sole and only heirs-at-law, <br /> as herein $�� out, in the following ahares: <br /> To Clara B. Hiddleson: an undivided one-half (1/2) interest, she being the aurviving <br /> wife and widow of Roy E. Hiddleson, deceased, and the mother of the only child herein <br /> oP the said Roy E. Hiddleson, deceased; <br /> To Adell Hiddleson Brandt; an undivided one-half �l/2) interest, ,aub�ect to the home- <br /> stead interest in the widow, Clara B.. Hiddleson; <br /> and distribution thereof is hereby accordingly made. <br /> IT IS FU�I�ER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED BY THE COtTRT that there are no creditors of said <br /> es�tate; that all claims and demands against the estate of the said Roy E. Hiddleaon, deceased, <br /> whether due or to become due, whether absolute or contingent, be and the same hereby axe forever <br /> barred; that the court coata, including publication fees, and attorney Pees in the administration <br /> oP the estate of Roy E. Hiddleson, deaeased, have been paid; that the said estate ia not liable <br /> for any inheritance taxes; and that the further adminlstration of said es�ate is hereby dispens�d <br /> with. _ Charles Bossert <br /> COUNTY JUDGE <br />