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<br /> �Ite foflocving ate addend�ta the Mortgage. Please chacic the applisable addenduffi.. ,
<br /> - -.�:-°��-. T�e addeudum ch�ksd shall be iacoiparated into,aud recorded with,tl�Mortgage. 'ibe term _, ' -.
<br /> ' °Mo=tgage° sba11 be d�me�w iacYude°D�ed af Tn�st,° if applicable. �r; ;`..<.-
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<br /> ` THIS TAX EXEIV�T FINANCING Id�ER is�ade this 12� day of rfa�t , �g47 ;�:��.
<br /> :,.:.`_ � , and is iuco�oiated inW and shall be deemed tu amend and supp2ement the Mortga�e, Desd of �. �.° :����::':
<br /> - -- ''� . Tn�st or Secvtity Deed (°Set�uity Instcument°) of the same date given bq th� �ersiga�ed � '�:�'-"=-�?"
<br /> , :.�.•�,:..-
<br /> - (°Bomower°}�to s�Borrower's Note(°Note")W NOffiJEST MORTGAGEs � :,.n��;ri, ,,,
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<br /> .� � . (°Lender°)of t&e same date and cavering the property descn'bed in the Secuiity Im�ment and ,,�,�.k;p���:�.-
<br /> �t ,•:1,:`'?.r'���Y�;
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<br /> r i�t��;t=�f;�s.a:.:,
<br /> � . , [Property Add�ess� -;�,.�,•r:},�:�;;
<br /> .� �,: ;;: �.. .d,,�`.�.�:.'
<br /> In addition to the covenanLs and agreemeats made in the Security Insrivment, �omnwer and . .
<br /> ;���, ...... : ,.. ---
<br /> �; , .,;;..._---
<br /> � . �-.� Lender further cavenant and agree w amend Faiagiaph 9 of We Model Moxt�age Forffi,entitled y������-��•-
<br /> , t �'�/�;�:__'�_.
<br /> a.... "Grounds for Accelera�ion of Debt"as by adding additianal grounds for acceteration as follows: ���°;�;:::�=:j_�.
<br /> .. ..A: . �lj�.,•t'� - _
<br />. . ' '1�`•�f::��,:�_
<br /> . � .. ...�. .. -)��q7: � ��
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<br /> � : Lender, or snch of its successors or assigas as may by sepaiate instmment assume ��;
<br /> ,' :_ ...it
<br /> •;,�'}^.,.,; • : , respons�'biliry for assuring compliance by the Boriawer witb the provisions of tliiis , �i;`;,�k.�,�' �
<br />. , t��`;.°� . ,; � Tax-�xempt F'inancing Rider,may re�uire immediate payment ia full of all sums secur+ed ., :��;F`,
<br /> `�. : a by s�s Sec�rity Insttumeni if: � :��,�' "
<br /> ,v1,.� ., : � . • � �t��;�c�'��` `.
<br /> _,s��i,Y�.:,.._ " � � �. (a) A]1 or part of the Pmpeztq is sold or otheswise�aansferred'by Borrower �:;"��,s�r�sy,=
<br /> r?���� � . to a purchaser or other transferee: �"��'"" :°_
<br /> ��:�;, . . ; r.�,""
<br /> ,�:.,,,,...:
<br /> '<i.:�. :�a�zrr,rn.�,
<br />`t.,�,� . . (� Who cannot ieasonably be expected�a�ccupy th�pmpeity as a . . . , {;;�,,,;��f?�;ry'
<br /> �,U�t� ;•.�� princi�li dtesidence within a reasonable time after d��e or"�cansfer, aU as � � ,R �:-
<br /> .{.�F� •':l AiA,talis�.
<br />... Z'� . . '� �ii,t:j. ti�".
<br />:;":.cf,4� �:,: ptovf��Section 143(c)aad (:�f�2)of the Intemal fl��Ca��,or , ; _��trl,.i.
<br /> . ti,:, :,•
<br />- � (ii) Who has bad a p�sent ow�p interest in a p�in�at Residence � �.
<br /> � :: ,�:::.;.: ; d�rInB�►Y Part af the ti�ee-year period enc&s�g on the date of tbe sa�e or traasfer, . . ��:� ::,'
<br /> ';,�'?���:}�,:' . ,:;�.
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