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<br /> `�'^'-'-4. ..�itiZ _ �.. _ � _ C' � ' :� a_i ` .S �.,c1 t�=:�- f_�r �-�C -
<br /> �` '< Ed _ . _ G-`' 4- ,�.-� ,. _ .t `-_"'r �. . - 4�_� � tx �n
<br /> ,=�c�'_ . _r � �� i. ,� y ' S� . � .r .q- `r . _
<br /> -4 f . i - .Sri �'1 .- , -t`. c. 2f F
<br /> :. - .. - t.,. . • ' a, c r'
<br /> 6 . �f b k •a� r - � - � - .h.' . *
<br /> , n �� ' F. '"u�� - � 1_�.
<br />' ' �l y .1. . yi� � ' f . ) . ..• '" _' t " � ; aF 4� F...__"''�. 4
<br /> . -� —_— — — `--�---��t?� — 5'"—�—i�--' _ _ '< ' _ "_ , e�.L. 1 —
<br /> :. ..�— ..f`Ci 1 :C -� �L�� . _ . ..C-- y 'y
<br /> l. . 'f. �:� _ ��..��5.���..�-..._a.�+..�. a�� .. ..��.� — } r�( .�`i
<br /> .. , `} . 1. . .
<br /> I °
<br /> . .. .1 • � -.. . �1�, . . u .
<br /> .. .. � - 1 �f� ������ ._.°'�:; ' . �- ��U � -
<br /> .. _ �] ��. ..' •. .
<br /> ,�., � 13.Notic�.Auj►antise to 8oaawer ptwided fas ia tbis S�itY Iasutma�i shaB be�ven Dy detivedng it or .. . � ..
<br /> .." . m ,_ ...
<br /> , � by ma�tg it by fiast class ma��ss appl�e law ceqai�s nse of another�thnd.Tl�notice shall t�di�Led w . .
<br /> r.�---� the Praperty Addresg or aaq atber address Boaower designates by aotioe to leader.Auy nouoe to L�asler sball be _
<br /> . � givea bp Srst c.}ass mai!to L�er's��dce�s stated I�eia or auy address Lender d�gnaz�bY mtice m Bono�ver. - ---
<br /> - ', �Y��P��far ia tbis Se�dty In�eat sLall be de�ed m have 6Een glven to Boaower os Leader when _,: _ .
<br /> ' given as Pravided ia this ga�agcaph. :.. . ;'';.`�
<br /> � - 1�.Gav�dn3�vi+Sev�ahSL€3y.7tis Sec�ty Inst�ameae shall be gavet�d by Fed�!law aod th$taw of �° , . .
<br /> :� - --- .. . ' the�aron ia wl�icL�e Pmpecty is WcaLed.In�e eveni tLat aaY Provision ar�of t�s Setwrity Tas�nt ;•:: ,. �.,
<br /> ` ..�- f' ' or the Note oontiicts w3th appiicable 3aw.sac�v�nSia sbajl noi aff�t oiher gmvlslons of tfiis Se�ity Ins�e�ai or `,s.y:'•,_;.'::: :��.._
<br /> <;. ; � �� the No�which can be given effoct wid�ut th°coaSictwg pmvision. To tlns ensl ths pmirisions of tl�is Sa�rltp ". ' ' �'
<br /> Insuameat and the Note ace d�to b�seveEab2e. � . ;. , ° .
<br /> . 15. BorY+a�v�s Cop�. Boa�wer &ball be given one oa�r�d copy of the Note aad of this Se�ty -; .
<br /> �' a' ,:..��
<br /> - _ Ia�umCnt. _ "
<br /> . °` 16. ��Sa6�aa�. Boirowe�shall not canse aa g�mi+>t3e gic�¢se.as�disPosal,s�age,ar telease ° ,
<br /> of auy Ha�douv Snbs�n�es on or ia the Piapeteq.Hoa+awa�not dn,m�s aIIow aayoae ets�m do,aaYB�ing :�S , �' .
<br /> . " affecarng the Pmgerty 8�at is ia violation of a�►y 8uv�a1�. 'i9ie gt�two senteaces s�aU nni appty w ;
<br /> ' . - th_ �. ur shn�8e on t�e Pmpetty of small qa� of Aa�ous Suhs� ti►at ac� geaetaIIy �, � : ,
<br /> . a fmpoCp41(p_ ;.
<br /> ' P��..�.��s � f
<br /> � � zeoogai�ed to ha appmpriate W ao�al resident�al ases and to m�auce af tLe Pavpezty. ' �''
<br />--_ Y'r-- "+ e0�Bmmwer s6aII gmmptiy 8�►e I�na�r ar�n natire of any�avesagatian:cfi�iai.deman4lawsuit or otber asx�an i.: :',:,'�° `;
<br /> ' ° or invoIving Piv�r �9
<br /> •-� ; ' ' bY a�gave�l or re�alaou=9 a8�9 P�P�5► � and Aar�ardous SnbsG�use or �� �,.�,A,,;.e.
<br /> `` ' r Hmrim�enml Iaw of wbirL Barmwer Ir�s asmal Iraov�ledge. 1€Hut�owxr I�.ai is nutif ed by aa9 gove�enml `9��P� �;�'
<br /> ,,� _ :
<br />- .i or�egWato19�hurity'.t�i anY remmral or otbec�[ediatioa af�ay Hazat�dot�s Snbst�ces uffecdng the P�pert9ls , ,...,
<br /> ,. ,�
<br /> . . . =•. �y�go�uer s�D pmmgtty takc aIl n�ry zemettiai a;c�t�s inacca�daace wIth Bnv�e�al Iaw. �
<br /> � ��.
<br /> , - t As a�ed Ip dna paQagraph 16, 'Ha�rdoas Sa�s�� ate diose sabsEances deSned as w�oic ar�a�dogs . � ,
<br /> '
<br /> - �-- substanoes bg Bnvitosmental Law sud the f�II� �: gasoltn�. �. a8i� fl�»"t+�er t�ac _-_ ��
<br /> fi. petro2eam psa�cts,toatc g�des aad h�bf�d�n�e salv�ls,.mateIIaL4�nd�asB�stos or�pde.
<br /> S�1�6, "Euv�1 Iaw'means fed��taws and laws of ths ',
<br /> � � and ra�aastive mateuials. As used ia dns paiag�g . �':
<br /> jaasdicdon wheie the pcoperty is lasat�tbat relate w healtL.sa�or em►inammenral Pnnt�icn- ,;. �"
<br /> , ; .� .,,;, ;
<br /> • . t� ��f ,.
<br /> ' NON-UNIFO�i COVBNANTS.Bnamver and Lender fm9he�oave�rant aad�as fo7laws: - -�,`
<br /> c�a �. : . 19.ASSD�a€�.HOmuvrrer uDCOBdidoaallY asd�s and tieas�s�a LCndec eII t�e IeIItg em�cev�ues �t�-.�';;;�
<br /> {� . r},� .
<br /> .. . ^ of the Ptupeae3t.Basmwar aathosize.s 1 cnder or I.ender's agents m c o l I e c t 6 i e�nts a n i f tE.we�e s u d h e c�i g d�e c t s d�''�•r��� . '' •, �
<br /> a ,.. �r�
<br /> ea�te�vnt of tlte Propeity to pag the�to Lender ar Irader's ageats. Howevea. Priar to I,eader's�miice co ,�� ,, .-
<br /> �v
<br /> : .� Boaawer of Hu�awer's breac�of�y ooveuant or ag�uent in the Secu�tp Ins�eas,Boa�awe:sdaII aaQ�act� ,,;� , �i -
<br /> �eoeive all zeam aad seve�es of the Pmprsty as t¢astee far the benefit of Lender a�Boaower.lbis as�t of +�+��:,y,
<br /> . `• eam �
<br /> �.�.
<br /> , : rents oonsdmOcs aa absoiate assignmenl and uot an sssigament for addifional secmity only. �*��
<br /> • `�' If Lender g'tves notioe of bseas�to Bamawer.(a)aU zents ce�eived by Boaawer sh�ll be IIeId bq Bosmwer as ,�',�" ;-
<br /> ' tzustee for be�fit of Iender only,to be aPPl�ed w tDe s�s s�d�y tbe Sec�ity I�(b)I.ender s�all be Y"`"`�> .�•-
<br /> D , x:� -
<br /> . �itted w colt,�aad m�etve all of the rents of the Fiupertq;aad(c)each tenaut of the Pragerty sLaII pay aII ren� ;::'�'�. �—
<br /> �• ' dae and�Id to I�dec ar Iendez's agent on Lender's wriuea demand oo the Oeaaat. , "�` -
<br /> �.,� . �� Boaaw•,rr bas noi c�ated aay prIor assigament of the ren�and bas Ant�arID�t perfo�aay ast t�at wuntd �i�!f : �,
<br /> a �f.
<br /> � � pzeveat I.eaffer from e�vsmg its�hts mider dris pareg�aph 17. � �•��,�
<br /> , �,,,,��,
<br /> . . � Lecs�er sball not be t�qai�d tQ enser a�pon,take oo�vl of ar mai�im�Se�opertq before o:after givvmg nadce � �°•�.__
<br /> . of b�aslL oo Borrower.However.L�nder or a Nd�cialfY ePPoi��Q�ay dn so at a��y time tbeie is a breaci�. . , ;' j ,
<br /> . ,..Y,..� - _
<br />-,�.; : . . �.. �Y�T�u�6on of mats�ia11 not aue as araiive any detadt or urdali�e aug�ffier right or�y of F�er.'ibis ,
<br />=:�,, � assi�eat of reats nf ti�Pmperiy shaU cerminate ahen the debt�hF t�Secu�ity Ias�u�acat�s pafii;�ii fiill. .
<br /> � � , � �' `'q`�(f„',.'
<br /> . . . . •t' '. .�.5•4@A��.'
<br /> ., . . r, i . .� . �
<br /> /
<br /> � t
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<br /> . '� .
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<br /> . , ,f;��. .
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