<br /> NO. 9 HALL COUNTY
<br /> . � � _�
<br /> Lot Four (�+) in Block One Hundred Thirty Two (132) in Koenig & Wiebe �s Addition to the City of
<br /> Grand Island, Nebraska.
<br /> that under the terms and provisions of said La.st Will and Testament the said real estate did
<br /> pass and descend at the death of the said Anna E. Baldwin, to Fred G. Baldwin in absolute title.
<br /> The Court further finds that the bequests provided in the second and third paragraphs of said
<br /> will have been by the executor naid in �ceordance with the provisions thereof.
<br /> The CQUrt further finds that the bequest in the fourth paragraph of said w111 had been paid
<br /> and settled by Anna E. Baldwin during her lif etime; that the provision thereof had been satisfied
<br /> previous to the death of the said A11ce Taylor by the said Anna E. Baldwin, and that the paragraph
<br /> has been held by th e Court to be cancelled and Pully complied with, and that the estate oP Anna E.
<br /> Baldwin, deceased,was not liable for the payment of any sum whatsoever under the four�h paragraph
<br /> of said will.
<br /> IT IS THEREFORE CONSIDERED BY THE COURT tha,t the report oP the executor be, and the same hereby
<br /> is approved and allowed as and for his Final Account, and he is discharged of his trust and his bond
<br /> released.
<br /> IT IS FURTHER CONSID�ED AND ADJUDGED BY THE COURT tha,t all persons are barred and precluded
<br /> from setting up any claim against the estate of Anna E. Baldwin, deceased, and it is further
<br /> d�creed by the Court tha,t all claims have been paid including the funeral expensea and the expense
<br /> of the last illness of said Anna E. Baldwin, deceased, have been paid anc3 settled.
<br /> IT IS FURTHER DECREED BY THE COtTRT that the estate oP Anna E. Baldwin, deceased, is not sub,�eot
<br /> to inheritance tax under the laws of the State of Nebraska or of the United States.
<br /> IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED BY THE COURT that the peraonal property belonging
<br /> to the said Anna E. Baldwin, deceased, consisting oP cash on hand, househvld furniture, 10 shares of
<br /> Equitable Building & Loan Stock, being account No. 5��6, 10 shares in the Home Federal �vings and
<br /> Loan Association, bein� account No. 61, a.nd � shares of stock in the Union Pacif ie Railroad Company
<br /> be3.ng certificate No. A 5431�6, passed and descended under the terms of the will of Ann� E. Baldwin,
<br /> deceased, to Fred G. Baldwin in absolute title, and said personal property, stock and building and
<br /> loan shares are hereby assigned and transferred to the said Fred G. Baldwin.
<br /> IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED BY THE COURT that the real estate, to-wit:
<br /> Lot Four �4� in Block One Hundred `�hirty Two (132) in Koenig & Wiebe�s Addition. to the City oP
<br /> Grand Island, Nebraska,
<br /> did pass and descend at the death oP the said Anna E. Baldwin, deceased, to Fred G. Bal.dwin, in
<br /> absolute title, and the same is hereby awarded to him in absolute title.
<br /> IT IS FURTHER ORDERE�t, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED BY THE COURT that aaid estate is closed and
<br /> settled; that the costs oP administration have been paid and that the executor is discharged and
<br /> hie bond released.
<br /> Charlea Bossert
<br /> oun y u �e.
<br /> ss. I, Cha,rles Bossert County Judge of Hall County, Nebraska, do hereby
<br /> HALL COUNTY ) certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of Last Will and Testament,
<br /> Certificate oP Probate of Will and Decree-IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF
<br /> ANNA E. BALDWIN, DECEASED, with the original record thereoP, now remaining in said Court, that the
<br /> same is a correct transcript thereoY, and a� .the whole of such original record; that said Court
<br /> is a Court of Record having a seal, ?�hich seal is hereta atta�hed; that said Co,ur'G has no Clerk
<br /> authoriZed to sign certificates in h�.s own name, and that I am the legal custodian of said seal and
<br /> of the Records of said Court, and that the foregoing attestation is in due form of law.
<br /> IN TESTIMONY �ATH�REOF I have hereunto set my hand and afPixed the seal of the County Court, at
<br /> Grand Island, this 25th day of September, 1947.
<br /> Cha.rlea Bossert,
<br /> (SEAL) Cou nty Jud e.
<br /> N
<br /> F31ed for record the 26 day af September, 19�+7 at 11:15 0 � clock A.M.
<br /> • Register of Deed .
<br /> o-o-o-o--o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o
<br /> pF ) FINAL DECREE
<br /> Now on this �th day of October, 19�+7 this cause came on for hearing upon the final re�ort of
<br /> Willia�n G. Cowle, Administrator of the Estate oP George Co«le, deceased, and upon his petition Por
<br /> settlement of said estate and his discharg� therein. And the Court being duly advised in the
<br /> premises and having examined the records and files finds that due and legal notice has been given
<br /> to all persons interested in said estate of the time and pla.ce fixed far heaxing on said estate as
<br /> heretofore ordered by the Court.
<br /> And no one appearing to ob,ject to said report and the Court having examined same together wlth
<br /> vouchers on file and the testimony offere� in support thereof, and being duly advised in the
<br /> premises, finds that said report is true and correct in all things, and that the same ought to be
<br /> allowed and approved as and Por the f inal report of sa�d Adminstrator.
<br /> The Court further finds that the said George Cowle departed this life intestate on the 1?�th
<br /> day of August, 19�+5, and at the time of his de�,th the said George Cowle was a resident and inhabi'�ant
<br /> of Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />