<br />28081 —The Augustine Co., Grand Island, Nebr.
<br />California and left property in the County of Riverside State of California
<br />That said deceased left a Will bearing date the 10th day of April, 1941 in the possession of
<br />Ethelyne E. McCarty which your petitioner alleges to be the last Will and Testament of said de-
<br />ceased, and which is herewith presented to said Superior Court;,
<br />That said Will is in writing, signed by the said testator and attested by the subscribing
<br />witnesses, at the request of said testator in the presence of said testator, and in the presence
<br />of each other, and.your petitioner alleges that said witnesses, at the time of attesting the
<br />execution of said Will, were competent; that the subscribing witnesses to the said Will are:
<br />Walter S. Clayson
<br />Bertha Miller
<br />residing at Corona, California
<br />residing at Corona„ California
<br />That at the time &aid Will was executed, to -wit, on the said 10th day of April 1941, the
<br />testator was over age of eighteen years, to -wit, of the age of 50 years or thereabouts, and was
<br />of sound and disposing mind, and not acting under duress, menace, fraud, or undue influence, and
<br />was in every respect competent, by last Will, to dispose of all his estate.
<br />That Ethelyne E. McCarty surviving widow of said deceased is named in said will as executrix
<br />thereof and consents to act as such executrix
<br />Wherefore, your petitioner prays that the said Will may be admitted to Probate, and that
<br />Letters Testamentary be issued to your petitioner, and that for that purpose a time be appointed
<br />for proving said Will, and that all persons interested be notified to appear at the time appointed
<br />for proving the same, and that all other neessary and proper Oders may be made in the premises.
<br />Dated December 1, 1943
<br />Walter S. Clayson
<br />Attorney for Petitioner
<br />Ethelyne E. McCarty
<br />Petitioner
<br />SS. Ethelyne E. McCarty, being duly sworn, deposes and says: she is the
<br />COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) petitioner in the above entitled proceeding; that she has read the
<br />foregoing petition and knows the contents thereof; that the,same is
<br />true of her own knowledge, except as to those matters which are therein stated do her information
<br />or belief, and as to those matters that she believes it to be true.
<br />Ethelyne E. McCarty
<br />Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1st day of December, 1943
<br />Walter S. Clayson
<br />(SEAL) Notary Public
<br />In the Matter of the Estate of Jesse A. McCarty Deceased
<br />No. 9740
<br />PETITION FOR PROBATE OF WILL and Appointment by Clerk
<br />Setting Time for Probate of Will
<br />Walter S. Clayson
<br />Attorney for Petition
<br />Corona, California
<br />Address
<br />E N D O R S E D
<br />F I L E D
<br />DEC 1 — 1943
<br />G. A. PEQUEGNAT, Clerk
<br />By B. H. T. Deputy
<br />The hearing of the within Petition for Probate of Will is hereby set for Mon. the
<br />13th day of December, 1943 at 10:00 o'clock A. M., in Department I of the Superior
<br />Court of Riverside County, California.
<br />G. A. PEQUEGNAT, County Clerk,
<br />By B. H. T. Deputy
<br />I, Jesse A. McCarty, now residing in the City of Corona, California, being of sound and dis-
<br />posing mind and memory, and not acting under fraud, threat, menace or undue influence of any per-
<br />son whomsoever, do hereby make, publish and declare this my last will and testament in the manner
<br />following:
<br />FIRST: I direct that my executrix hereinafter named, as soon as she has sufficient funds in
<br />her hands, pay the expenses of my last illness, together with all of my just debts.
<br />C
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