'L �'��y_t�d�� .. ' . .C ._L ' �.•s^'•'.
<br /> ' f..�'.'��'<. . ` - � ` 4.�- V�� ' �.: _ r`4 . _ 2, - ;k�� �: . �y`t -� . .
<br /> �- �af. �•, - _ , � °� . ' S , % " .' , ''�. P ,_' � �_ .
<br /> ._ „ . . � _ � '� . `i. . G-iti •C� ... _ . .f ..�Y- �-.� -�" '_�.c .r�e� _ ... - ��_
<br /> ' � '`� � . � �,- `: . ` 1, _yJ__ • _. _�...._._�. _`�+.._. � ��� �.'
<br /> .. - C " y4.�C 4.. '� _��L�i.-�._� .•4� �._:.��3�-..v
<br /> .`•__ , `_' '1,�...... .�. - -�...--.a.._.- W�i..��+_.:.-_a.,..,....___.__ -• `r "f � -.
<br /> � • Lcn�r may.at any ttrno.Cnf�tt eR9�otd amousrta tar Esaav��tams tn an�emount not to�ad Ma mmdmum � ;:-.�",.°•�:.;�.';�;•.
<br /> _ .... amount th�t ma11���d far Batr�wds aspati�eCCOUrtt un�r tRe R�f EBt��t RraCGduto3 Act 0!1974.12 UBC. 6 , _ ��.,,�
<br /> . �$E01 ffi�g,ga�ttd t�p�ntt�8�ns.24.CFR�mt 3540 as thoY a�Y be tus�t�trcm t6na to ttnq I'��A°?,�W ,, �. .��,..
<br /> . Mat trto cushton or �osaw OcfmBtcd by R�AA tar unanttc�➢�d dtsbura�nta ar Q[�hursa�ta Ooforo th� B�rtowels � , . ` -
<br /> ' fm
<br /> � payr�nts are "� b�tho cteeount rt�ay nat ba based cn amaueRS du0 far tha martgs3a hsunv�eo OtemLm. Q ' ". .�.�;. .
<br /> rt �
<br /> � c If tA0 CSmauntD held bY LBnQ£d for EEerOw ftGtn9 exe�d th0 k7mOtptffi R�►�t0 bta hald ti1f��0.LEt�der shBD fllx0uat
<br /> ` • to @oaower tar the�e dmQa es re�e�6�d bl►F�SPA.lf the emmmts of tunQs h c t�bp L e n d�r a t anY t i m a+�e n o t�►t t o :�: `� .
<br /> � ....:• ,. . •
<br />' . . . Pay the Eserow ttems when duG L�tt►dar maY not�Y ttr�Ba�end�tro Borrowsr w malcc�aA the sho�ta8o as pr�m3ted bY � . _;�. •, �:,,,f: �`
<br /> . • , R��AA :'
<br /> ���,.�-�' 'f�0 Fscrow Fands csro Fi�Qged as add3t�ts18Cwsa1►for aD 9ums 6ECUrsd by thb�eur3Y InsUUme°t If BammrEr tendera _ �_:F .
<br /> �'��' `` to Lsadar th0(W paymitnt of eb aueti surw,Botr�s 8r,�u�t sl�s9 b9 ereddsd wdh tA0 batsnee rema�ing far ell tr�srt
<br /> { , 4 ,r` Bems (a?. @k end (a)end any mortgega Nsurana+ Pranhun tns�t that Leader hes not Eecom2 oDtgamd w pay to the
<br /> . S�crstary►.and ien�et shaU prompQyr raamd sny o�ass tlmds w Bortovra�D�t to a forectqsuro sata of Me ProA�I �.� ? ,<...,;: '
<br /> . .. !`:: �:..�` '..�. ,
<br /> . ar�s atquTs9lon by Lendst.Bartow�s�ccous�!shaU be aed3ed w8h a+►y►halenee wrt�atninp tar ell insmDna�ta for�ms fe�,(b). :.:'. ,;N ;,..; : .
<br /> - Y:
<br /> - -_ end(o1 '►r%'•-;c''ws'�.�'4:
<br /> . .� 3.Q�9�IIl�fdOf1 Ot PAyiRERtm.AH paymenb ttnd�ParaqrapDs 1 and 2 she7 be eDAESd Af►londts es foRaxr� ��s�,t%::t,� Fr '
<br /> •"�:�3. FftSt,to ths martgag�tnsursneo O�mlum to be P�bY L,enQzr w ths Se�et�Y or to tha m�thh chsfg�bY the 3eaet�y � �``-` t> s -
<br /> insmad of tAO rtw�rthty mortgege��suran�o PrmnSm� '
<br /> ' S@COnd, to arry fm�ss. speciat assessmcntB, ieasohotd peyrt�ents or grovnd casits. and fire. ftood end oth�ar hamrd �� ,�'�if` k; ', f ..
<br /> � '�' insurenea pt6mlums.es�eq�:i.°'i..�.' r'��/�4`���� ' ` '
<br /> ` �! . �:s T11�f��t0 B1t9cBLt di:e r�t7re�Q� , t -
<br /> � • 7; �.t/��A��F��' -.
<br /> '' � = F01![$R�s to tlmOrt�SCrt O�tns�'���t�23at�ettd ����r``< <�� �; -
<br /> r��?�g����� �i F[�t9(82@ CfiB.'$�3 C *�+B tm'fPS°�NOffi. �i tt' � ��''
<br /> o-tj, � w 1�!�,y �s_i ��y �,�y, �7� �w�y�yp�p ,�.�,w,,�.�et� �,�,.�e�n�� �
<br /> �/'�t9>t!,`1 �',•� 7��1ii�rp 1�1'4LW11t V�'�i'i ii�iiL� �iiiK�� �s�7�+��$��� �+�+���a"%"�^i ��r•"rWu'�Y.r N�� � y 9r�i ` r�f I,-.
<br /> � '# {�s���'f'�rS �9fms,an�l a�it3�'�gE.nc�as.t�sNnB ftre.fOr wltiCA L�IQfJr ���� fF' •:' .
<br /> J`�,,,:. �.• naw in� cr su.'`��`1 e�.��Y �•
<br /> ,
<br /> �� tr,�.,;�,t• f ! '",
<br /> f i E:'°�3����"�$ [emJi69 hSUrBrICe.Thi4 irss.�.^SS�S,''�GSi ba mAhte619d 61 th9 CmCUl1ffi C�tT�d(0�tR0 pEUtOdS thHt LEtid��BquVe3.BOfiOtYef ShEH �,.,a.-
<br /> `� �t/:��y.ift���'�� . atso Insure aD�rov�ts c+n fhe P+roperty.wheth8r novi�m�ce or subse�entty e[ec2ed.e9ahst tosa by t�a8s m thfl , � . �►.�
<br /> ,,,.�..
<br /> ,:-,>.cs;,�t:Pt>>�:,. th AO hsutBtiCO ShsD bfl Ct3rt(ed w3h CompBt�ies eDDmved bY len4�Tha(nsurBttioF�Po1�CYis ertd {� ��±.��
<br /> �� `:'i''' � .•(:�'<<- �t1 f8�W1�by 8$8G0i8fY• � • ; . . +�v;
<br /> . ._"..�.�;Cte1
<br /> e,ry r�new�ta ehaU be hefd 6Y Lender c�d shaB het��o taas payebla et�ses b fava of.and h a farm eccrqlAbg to�I.�d�: `� "r�,�1:
<br /> - - - M tha event ot foss. Bortow�StfaD gke L�d� �mnsdtap�otks ti1l� L�der may make proof of lose B not rt� j-._... ,.�.�''•F-;
<br /> . � • .
<br /> � �.,t O��Y b7►Bnrrorv� EacA inauranca comDsm►eonc�+s�� ls�y�her[�d Qnd d�eotod to make payment fat suCA bss ��r' f w�� ..
<br /> ' : .- .?;�' diroo9y to t�d�►fnataad of to Bortaww�rr and to LenQ�jolnty.AO or anY part o}ths t�sursncs'P��may bo uPDl�d by . :,,:., j.:y
<br /> � .;•`.' Lender.at rta oP�.oeh�(e)to tho ceduet[on ot the tndcDte�ess undar the Noto artd tflb�Y Instrucnenb Arst to eny . i#'S+'`
<br /> - _ . "J defnqu�t emaunts ePPQaA tn tRO ordos tn Faot�raDh 3.and tAer�W O�Y�!oi pMelpeR or(b)to Ihe rastorellon as�Dair of ;; ',. +�
<br />.:_,�- : �.........:.:... .�:tr�
<br /> • tAe Oemu6ad Fra�sly. My eAAiS�n ol th� Oraeseds to ttw pr9nc�1 sha0 not e�oan0 or postpone th0 du9 dafa of tho •-,•�-,�,
<br /> � . '1.:.,yl..:-. •:r�r-=.r
<br /> ,, . monthly OaYrn�ta wi�Tcd ere retacrad to {n Para�oyh � or chang�thg amount of sucA payrt�anta MY �csa tnsurun�o �:.. �`-�
<br /> , . pra�eds av�en emount�trad w D8Y n0 auffitandin0 fn62bt�s w+�No Noto and th�BscuBY�strurr�snt aAeB bo pnEd ;rt.,�, :r.�
<br /> . ; ' to th0 ent�y teg81t�1 eatB�Bd theeRo. � �
<br /> � ,•' In tha event of tareciosura of t0i3 Seeut�U InsLrum�t or other trensf� of tAlo to tho PreA�Y thftt eoRb�ui3h88 tho �.� . . �
<br /> indgbt�dnE�ss.eD rtghb ts'tt�ant!intcves4 of Bortovrer En end to ins�uance Do¢cbs in torco sdeD p�W t ho puro P�n s e r. ; .�, , ' �-�•
<br /> - - 5. Occupanay. Presenration, Main4�reanco and Pro3eotton o4 tho Praparty; ���rower'� LroaYe ` .� %
<br /> es ;; _ �
<br /> ��'> A�Pli�ation; L.eageQ��lds�.eorrativer seao oceuvv.65�Is4�.Br1G uso th0 ProD�►l►a9 Bortmvds D���rasldortCO w$fih
<br /> + �r,,,;' .:',¢,:F spRy days ufter tha�mrast'�n of th��ur31f tnsD�a�s(ar w�hin s6dy QaYs of a tat�r sai0 or Uansfer of tfie Pra�a¢!y)and sha7 ���'r4 :�':
<br /> �, ,,��!>" continua os occupy the DrmDOrcY es Borrawets pAr,��ast�nce tor at least cra ymar af►s tfla data of o�nay.unYtss y '. �;
<br /> ,; E -
<br /> <-� fc�r�.. ��,�wh� > N,,
<br /> s ,S<<"• y'.;;•; Len6Et�ea that raQuUa�t w�3 x�un�e h�hi�for Ea�am,or ur�ss�� r --
<br />,.,.,�,;};f„•., . psyond Bormw�'s contraf.Laeawe��'hd not6Y Lerdar o!eny�u s Y i n 9 e .�rea.Berra�aha8 nat comm�wasU�r or t `. `. Y==
<br /> �,:tF r,{,.� � .' �Y.�r�gO or sub�GssYm'.1Y oAe�fhe Prot�31 cr aAow tha ProyeRy to �se.reasonabto wear eeid msr aoxapted. v:;- � ,z ;
<br /> i��y;: p •
<br /> -9n�5''. . : .:
<br /> ..4+��i•)� . .�•.�i,' LenAer rt�►hsAect th0 PraOertY e ttse ProDert�►ts�nt or ebandoned or tne cas��i�detauR Lander mal►�reasanabb �..T�1'-.., s . -yav.-
<br /> �. . �::,��: actlon tm�tect and praserve sueA v�ant or ehe�sdanod Propsrel/-Bar►owsr stiaD s�3 bo h d�#�Bo►rowti c�fnp Ure foan 1;+;?��,;; f f�- ^�
<br /> ' . . • :y�'�'c�i� app4c�tan pracaas.Bava male+tellY h�o►tnaea�eta tniomiaucn or emta�nmrta to Lendsu(m�d ea pravide l�n6er wM rmN , r; A�--
<br /> r , �
<br /> h �:tr�,,' mateAal tntoRnsttan)(r�carma,etton witr�tAe toan avt?encad by the�totv.tncUE�ng.but not QmBea t�,ceDrasonffitton9 aancominti � � �t��'i��,
<br /> : �� �r:�r...
<br /> Borrowefa oCCUAanay of the Property► tia o pfinc��i reslGeifce Ii thh S6�urd�l tnstrumant is an a �s s a fio i 0. B o r r o�n s r s h a q �j.,:";> ,. .
<br /> r.. • ..r ..,, , .•. �
<br /> � ccmPN wRf�fha ptavL�tane ot the basa.II eo�rrov�r acQu(res teo t�b to the ProPerty►, t�e�i�end fe�tRi�a1�0 not bo :�.;.,,,�.`�`:;,':: .
<br /> t_ . . ,��, (�}�9Y�WO���W�w"'W U'0�'^�O r�YI W11U1� ;.Y ' - ,
<br /> � : �f:�: �f �,:. 4 �
<br /> ' 8. Condamnattde. mo oro�s o�w�r awara or creun sor�r�ns. dfroct or Conse�conthl,�n oonnt�cNon wM mny �
<br /> , comtomnatton or othOr tacbtp of any PcA ot tAs Pro9�f►.or for comoyanao N pt�o!condr+nnatbn.ere horeDy as�iQnOd and `J,�,;'.:-.. : .
<br />.`. ' . ' aha9 bs patd to I.enC�to tha amwnt ot tho fU9 emawq of t�a fids�btaQnoss that rerruha u►ryatd undor tho Noto end thb `: t ,.
<br />,,ri'��� ''' . . �'•"'.�."'
<br /> • SecwBfi tnstrum�nL Lend� sha0 eODN euaA proe�ds to tho roQutllbn of tha tndobteQnos9 un�r ths Nota nnA thb Socutftf► ;4_;�,,+�..:. . .
<br /> - • InBtrumant itst to enf► �9nqucml amounts apAl�In tho orser Dmvtdod 1n P�uagrapA 3.and than to preqpaY�nt ot pnc�baL : . .
<br /> - � qny appl5oatian af tlur O��ds W the Dmc�al shaD not md�nd or pDatpono tho dua date o!the monNty paym�is. vmfcA e� ,
<br /> � � • �far�sd to fi Pt�raQh P.or cAanga tho amount of sueh payments.My azcosa Oroce�ds over en ameun!raquied to DaY� � ' . •
<br /> ' . ,_ autsmn6h8 tndQbteQr►6ES und�tho Noto end thLa S�ur$y Inatrumsnt shaA Oe patd to the entiry tognBy entRte�thareto. �� •. �.
<br />�-;�.:�., � 7. Ciuvgae to Borrower ana �rotectd�n ot I.+end�r'e Righ4o in t9�� ProperiSt. eorrower st�nu vay sn . . �.
<br />�;` +, � govemm�l at muntci�tU charges. f�e9 and hiposR(ons that are not hcl�asd In Pera�aph 2 Borrowar shaU Ray tPioss
<br /> - obCgaWna on tirt�dlroctly to Ne ent�y which(s o�vsd tha pay�ner+t tl taiLro to pey v�autd ad+r�sflly aftoct Lendsrs Interest 1n
<br />��"' � " t�A PropeAy�Won L6rtdere request 8ortawet shaD Promptly fumbA to LenCer raCeipta�vlQOneing these QttymEnts. . - ..
<br /> � � ►t Borravrar fn�s to matce these Oaf��or thFi payments requiad by Paragra9h 2.ar fa�s to pertorm arty othor covenants . • .
<br /> - � ena eg�emn�x�ts contntnea in tnl�Sec�lr�nswr.�l,or th�e(s e t3gs1 oro�adi�9 ena:msr slpnUicantry aif�t L�ndEls�ignss in '. . .
<br /> _ � �,,,`.;•.;:;;• tho Propaty(sucA es a pmcmdtr:g c:I�Dx1►.tor ean�n or to entaroa[aw�or ro�'�s�thar+Esr.d�r ms9 do and , _' ;;;';,
<br />_ .,.rr,� ..:,y.(.,
<br /> - ;^: pay what�vm b necessary to Fro�es+L'�s v�s of tf.o ProA�Y ans Lande/9�a h tho ProP�J.�eh:4�:9 RaY►n�nt ot texe9. , .
<br /> s 1��; , "� � heretd insuranco and cths►ksma mpr+ttonsd b P�myraDh 2 �;. '
<br /> :,Il�i';n, f°t�i .: � ' -
<br /> ��i;�,:r..: %y.,`': ,
<br /> t�y •� a '�.
<br /> �l! ��,._� . _�;.t.�..� Fse�auKa�o�s) oaa.a o�s t . :r,.�,
<br /> ti � �r: r� - -��� ,-
<br /> , k
<br /> ��b`''sf��;,, . • � . _
<br /> ��;��1u�'a;�' , ',y'`, `� '
<br /> �'��+�?� .. . . . - Sp1 �` � . .
<br /> ...�_...��� - � - -- . . _. . . . . — _... _ . . +� .._� . u`. .
<br />