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J <br />DECREE <br />211111 <br />1 I <br />IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />691 <br />In the Matter of the Estate ) <br />of DECREE <br />CATHARINE BRENNAN, Deceased. ) - - - - - - <br />Now onrthis 12th day of December, 1945, this cause came on for hearing upon the petition of <br />Michael Brennan praying for a settlement of the estate of said deceased for a determination of her <br />heirs and the right of descent of her real estate, and the degree of kinship of her heirs -at -law <br />-and for a decree settling her estate, and it appearing to the Court fhom the proofs on file herein <br />that due and legal notice has been given by publication for three (3) successive weeks as by law <br />and the order of this Court provided to all heirs -at -law and other persons-interested in said es- <br />tate of the filing of said petition and of the time and place fixed for the hearing on the same. <br />And there being no objections thereto, this cause was duly submitted to the Court upon the petition <br />and the evidence in support thereof, and the Court being fully advised finds that the allegations <br />of said petition are true and that said petitioner, Michael Brennan, is the present owner of the <br />real estate described herein, and he is a competent and proper person to prosecute this proceeding. <br />THE COURT FURTHER FINDS that the said Catharine Brennan departed this life intestate at her home <br />near Wood River, Nebraska on April 1, 1916; and at the time of her death she wag, a resident of Hall <br />County, Nebraska.and was the owner in fee simple title of Lot One (1) in Block Three (3) in <br />Spaulding and Gregg's Addition to the City of Grand Island, in Hall County, Nebraska, and that more <br />than 29 years have elapsed since her death; that no application has ever been made in the State of <br />Nebraska for the appointment of an administrator and no petition has been filed for that purpose, <br />and no administration has ever been had upon the estate of Catharine Brennan, deceased. <br />THE COURT FURTHER FINDS that the said Catharine Brennan wad, at the -time of her death, a widow; <br />that she left surviving her as her heir -at -law and only heir -at -law, Michael Brennan, a son. <br />THE COURT FURTHER FINDS that under the laws of the State of Nebraska in force at the time of <br />the death of the said Catharine Brennan, the real estate-herein described passed and descended in <br />absolute title to Michael Brennan, sole surviving son and heir -at -law of Catharine Brennan, deceased. <br />THE COURT- FURTHER FINDS that the funeral expense of the said deceased have been fully paid, and <br />that all other debts of said deceased have been paid and settled, and if any unpaid claims existed <br />that the same are forever barred and precluded, and that the costs of these proceedings have been <br />pal d. <br />IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED BY THE COURT that the said Catharine Brennan <br />died intestate in Hall County, Nebraska on the first day of April, 1916; that more than 29 years <br />have elapsed between her death and the filing of this petition, and that no application for the <br />appointment of an administrator of her estate has ever been made, nor has there ever been any <br />administration upon the estate of said deceased in the State of Nebraska; that the deceased was <br />the owner in fee simple title to the real estate above described; that the petitioner herein is <br />a competent and qualified person to prosecu,is proceeding;-that said deceased left surviving <br />her as her heir -at -law and only heir -at- law„ Michael Brennan, and upon the death of the said <br />Catharine Brennan, the real estate hereinbefore described passed and descended by absolute title, <br />under the intestate laws of the State of Nebraska in force at the time of the death of the said <br />Catharine Brennan, to Michael Brennan, petitioner herein and son of Catharine Brennan, deceased. <br />IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED BY THE COURT, that all debts of the deceased <br />have been paid and that any claims which may have existed, the same are forever barred and precluded; <br />that further administration of said estate is hereby dispensed with, and said estate is finally <br />settled and forever closed. <br />Charles Bossert <br />County Judge <br />IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />CERTIFICATE. <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ) I, Charles Bossert, County Judge of Hall County, Nebraska, do hereby <br />HALL COUNTY ) ss• certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of Decree entered IN THE <br />MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CATHARINE BRENNAN, DECEASED, with the original record thereof, now remaining <br />in said Court, that the same is a correct transcript thereof, and of the whole of such original <br />record; that said Court is a Court of Record having a seal, which seal is hereto attached; that <br />said Court has no Clerk authorized to sign certificates in his own name and that I am the legal <br />custodian of said Seal and of the Records of said Court, and that the foregoing attestation is in <br />due form of law. <br />IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF <br />Grand Island, this 14th <br />I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County Court, at <br />day of December, 1945- <br />( SEAL) <br />Charles Bossert <br />County Judge <br />Filed for record this 15 day of December, 1945, at 10:30 o'clock A.M. NJ,14�� <br />egister of Deeds <br />0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- <br />FINAL DECREE <br />IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />In the matter,of the estate ) CASE N0. 3525 <br />of Frances Jeanette - Watson;. ) <br />Deceased. ) FINAL DECREE. <br />Now, on this 19th day of December, 1945, this cause came on for hearing upon the final report <br />of the administratrix, <br />The Court, having examined the records and files and being fully advised, finds that due and <br />legal notice has been given to all persons interested in said estate of the time and place fixed <br />for the hearing upon said report, as heretofore ordered. <br />The Court, having examined the final report, together with all other files, and testimony <br />offered in support thereof, finds that said report is true and correct in all things and ought <br />to be allowed and approved as and for the final report of said administratrix. <br />The Court finds that Frances Jeanette Watson departed this life in Grand Island, in Hall <br />Nebraska, on the 10th day of January, 1945, and at the time of her death was a resident and <br />tant of Hall County, Nebraska. <br />The Court finds that a petition was filed herein for the appointment of an administrator, <br />Leona E.Bate was appointed as administratrix and qualified as such. <br />County, <br />inhabl:-,, -n' <br />and <br />