<br />child or children,her surviving;that her father predeceased her,and that her sole and only heirs
<br />at law were her mother,Anna Lorenzen,and her brothers and sisters,Rudolph J.Lorenzen,Otto E. Lor-
<br />enzen,Minnie A.Burmood.and Emil H.Lorenzen,of the first degree of kinship,and that the right of
<br />descent of the real property belonging to the laid Linda L.Lorenzen was to her mother,the said
<br />Anna Lorenzen, and to her brothers and sisters,Rudolph J.Lorenzen,Otto E.Lorenzen,Minnie A.Burmood
<br />and Emil H.Lorenzen,as tenants in common,share and share alike,in fee simple.
<br />The Court finds that more than two years have elapsed since the date of the death of the said Linda
<br />L.Lorenzen,and that her estate has never beep administered upon.
<br />Intestate on the 29th day of November,1904,a citizen and resident of Hall County,Nebraska;that her
<br />sole and only heirs at law were her mother,Amna Lorenzen and her brothers and sisters,Rudolph J.
<br />Lorenzen,Otto E.Lorenzen,Minnie A.Burmood and Emil H.Lorenzen,in the first degree of kinship,and
<br />that upon the death of the said Linda L.Lorenzen,all her right,title,interest,estate claim and
<br />demand,in and to each and every part of said real estate did pass and descend to her mother, the
<br />said Anna Lorenzen
<br />,and her brothers and sisters,Rudolph J.Lorenzen,Otto E.Lorenzen,Minnie A.Burmood
<br />and Emil H.Lorenzen,as tenants in common,share and share alike,in fee simple.
<br />Charles Bossert
<br />COUNTY
<br />In the County Court of Hall County,Nebraska
<br />Certificate
<br />State of Nebraska, )
<br />)ss. I,Charles Bossert County Judge of Hall County,Nebraska,do hereby certify
<br />Hall County ) that I have compared the foregoing copy of Decree entered IN THE MATTER
<br />OF THE ESTATE OF LINDA L.LORENZEN,DECEASED,with the original record
<br />thereof,now remaining in said Court,that the same is a correct transcript thereof,and of the whole
<br />of such original record;that said Court is a Court of Record having a seal,which seal is hereto
<br />attached;that said Court has ho Clerk authorized to sign certificates in his own name,and that I
<br />am the legal custodian of said Seal and of the Records of said Court-,and that the foregoing attest-
<br />ation is in due form of law.
<br />IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County Court,at Grand
<br />I sland, thi s 5th day of Aept ember 1945.
<br />(SEAL) Charles Bossert
<br />County Judge
<br />Filed for record this 5 day of September,1945, at 4:45 o'clock P.M. C/ ` JJ
<br />Register or e s
<br />-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-
<br />OF
<br />I,GEORGE TUTTLE WILSON,formerly of Omaha,Nebraska,hut now a resident of the City of Los Angeles,
<br />State of California,and I hereby declare it to be my intent and purpose tok a legal resident of and
<br />domiciled in the said City of Los An-eles,State of California,being of sound mind and disposing
<br />memory, do hereby make,publish and declare this to be my last Wil*nd Testament in the manner and
<br />form following,hereby revoking any and all former Wills and Codicils:
<br />FIRST: I direct my Executors to pay my just debts,last illness and burial expenses,and request that
<br />Ibe buried in the north end of my lot at Forest Lawn Cemetery in Omaha Nebraska,next to the grave
<br />of my wife and It the spot indicated by a marker already erected by me.t desire a Masonic funeral
<br />and committal.
<br />SECOND: I declare that I am a widower and unmarried and have no living or deceased children,nor
<br />the issue of living or deceased children.
<br />THIRD: I declare that all property in which at date hereof I have any interest is my sole and
<br />separate property and it is my intention hereby to dispose of all property,real and personal,
<br />wherever situated,which I am entitled to dispose of by Will.
<br />FOURTH: I give,devise and bequeath the following property or sums of money,to the following per -
<br />ons
<br />George Tuttle Wilson.
<br />1.
<br />upon the following conditions:
<br />(a) All my personal effects,furniture and fixtures shall be disposed of as follows: To J.Mack
<br />Sholl Lewis,my Masonic ring;all of my remaining furniture and fixtures,bboks,household goods,articles
<br />of ����o,,nal adornment and clothes of which I die ossessed to R6 A SHOLIl, LEWiB and MAURINE
<br />HEATH;��0 AHUE,provided,however,that should either the said ROXANA SHOLL LEWIS or MAURINE HEATH
<br />WILSON DONAHUE predecease me,then the survivor of said two persons shall take all of said remain-
<br />ing personal property.
<br />(b) The sum of Five Hundred ($500) Dollars to MRS.GEORGE SCHNEIDER of Reseda,California,should
<br />she survive me.Should she predecease me, the said sum of Five Hundred ($500) Dollars shall go the
<br />now living issue of her bo dy,share and share alike,or to the survivor thereof.
<br />(c) To THE CAPITAL LODGE #3 of the Masonic Order in Omaha,Nebraska,the sum of One Thousand (41000)
<br />Dollars to be used by them for the purpose of furbishing two (2) rooms in the Masonic Home at Platt -
<br />smouth, Nebraska.
<br />(d) To my nephew,GEORGE EMIL WILSON I devise and bequeath his promissory note given to me on the
<br />23rd day of October,1935,and secured by mortgage on an undivided one - fourth (1 /4th) interest in
<br />the east two- thirds (2 /3rds) of Lot One (1), Block one hundred eighteen (118), in the City of Omaha,
<br />