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<br />HALL COUNTY )ss' I. Charles Bossert, County Judge of Hall County, Nebraska, do hereby
<br />certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of Final Decree entered IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE
<br />OF ORREN HOWE, DECEASED, with the original record thereof, now remaining in said Court, that the
<br />same is a correct transcript thereof, and of the whole of such Original record; that said Court
<br />is a Court of Record having a seal, which seal is hereto attached; that said Court has no Clerk
<br />authorized to sign certificates in his o7m name,. and that I am the legal custodian of said Seal
<br />and of the Records of said Court, and that the foregoing attestation is in due form of law.
<br />IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County Court, at
<br />Grand Island, this 7th day of May, 1945-
<br />Charles Bossert,
<br />(SEAL) County Judge
<br />Filed for record this 7 day of May, 1945, at 11:15 o'clock A.M. Al
<br />Register of eed
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<br />In the Matter of the Estate )
<br />of )
<br />Earl D.Bishop.. Deceased. )
<br />FILED April 26, 1945
<br />Keith Trotter
<br />County Judge
<br />And now on this 26th day of April, 1945, at ten o'clock in the morning this matter comes on
<br />for hearing upon the final account and petition for distribution of F.E.Ward, the administrator
<br />of said estate Piled herein and the court finds that due and legal notice of hearing of said
<br />account and petition for distribution has been given as required by law and the order of this
<br />court and that the Court has jurisdiction of the parties and of the estate of Earl D.Zishop and
<br />that this matter is now regularly set for hearing and on consideration of the final account and
<br />petition for distribution and of the evidence, the court finds generally that each and every
<br />allegation in said-final account is true and correct and that the said final account ought to be
<br />allowed exactly as filed herein.
<br />And the court finds further that due and legal notice to creditors has been given herein as
<br />required by law and that the only claims filed herein have been allowed and paid and vouchers
<br />filed therefore.
<br />And that funeral costs and expenses of the last sickness and all debts, costs and charges
<br />including the costs of the printer have been paid in full and that the administrator and the
<br />attorney for the administrator have been paid their fees and that the fees claimed and paid to
<br />them are proper and just and that there remains on hand to be distributed herein the balance of
<br />cash on hand of $2531.74.
<br />And that there likewise remains on hand the following real estate to -wit:-
<br />Lot Five (5) of Block C of the County Addition to the City of Fullerton, Nance County,
<br />Nebraska, and
<br />Lot Fifteen (15) of Block Twenty (20) of Scarff's Addition to West Lawn in the City of
<br />Grand Island in Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />And the Court further finds that Earl D.Bishop died intestate on the 25th day of April, 1944,
<br />a resident and inhabitant of Fullerton, Nance County, Nebraska, that he left surviving him no
<br />wife or children being a single man and that his -- mother had died before him and that his sole and
<br />only heir at law is his father, Miles L.Bishop, who is entitled to'all of his estate.
<br />That the said estate inventoried less than $6,000.00 and that of said estate $4,000.00 was
<br />cash and a house was bought within two months of his death for $900.00 which was appraised in this
<br />estate for $1,000.00 and that the only assets of said estate was a pick -up truck and a vacant lot
<br />and that the estate is of less value than $10,000.00 plainly and that by reason thereof there is
<br />not inheritance tax herein because Niles L.Bishop, the father, has an exemption of $10,000.00
<br />from inheritance taxes.
<br />And the court further finds that the administrator has paid the income tax of the deceased for
<br />the fraction of the year prior to his death and that since his death the administrator has received
<br />no item of income whatever.
<br />WHEREFORE, it is now and here ordered, adjudged, and decreed by the court, first, that the
<br />accounting of F.E.Ward, Administrator, be settled exactly as filed and that the payments made by
<br />him including the payments for fees to himself and the attorney were properly made and are all
<br />approved.
<br />Second, that any and all claims against the estate of Earl D.Bishop were hereby barred.
<br />Third, that the sole and only heir at law of Earl D.Bishop is adjudged to be Miles L.Bishop,
<br />his f ather,•and that the administrator, F.E.Ward, is hereby directed to turn over to him the
<br />cash balance of $2531.74 and it is hereby assigned and vested in him the real estate of this
<br />estate to wit: -
<br />Lot Five (5) of Block C of the County Addition to the City of Fullerton, Nance County,
<br />Nebraska, and
<br />Lot Fifteen (15) of Block Twenty (20) of Scarff's Addition to West Lawn in the City of
<br />Grand Island, in Hall County, Nebraska
<br />Fourth, that there is no inheritance tax or federal estate tax herein and that said estate is
<br />exempt therefrom.
<br />- Fifth, That_upon the payment of said money to the said Miles L.Bishop and procuring of his
<br />receipt therefore the said Administrator be then discharged.
<br />(SEAL)
<br />Keith Trotter
<br />County Judge
<br />STATE OF NEBRASKA )ss. I, Keith Trotter, the duly elected, qualified and acting Judge of the
<br />NANCE COUNTY ) County Court of Nance County, Nebraska, and ex- officio Keeper of the
<br />Records and Seals of said Court do hereby certify that I have compared the above copy of the final
<br />decree and order of distribution made in the estate of Earl D.Bishop, Deceased with the original
<br />thereof now on file and of record in my court and do certify that the above is a true, correct and
<br />literal copy thereof and that the same is in full force and effect and unmodified, all of which
<br />appears to me of record.
<br />In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of said court at Fullerton, this
<br />