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No <br />fl) FROW 4 ff a M N 3 <br />THEAUGUSTINECO. 20112-2-41 <br />the office of the County Judge of Hamilton County, Nebraska, on the 11th day of September, 1944, <br />at 2 o'clock P.M., and. it appears by proof on file that notice of said order was published as <br />ordered by this Coi..irt. <br />FIFTH <br />The Court further finds that on the 20th day of May, 1944, said Ernest G.Kroger, Executor of <br />said estate, filed in this Court, his Inventory of the property of said estate and on the 25th day <br />of August, 1941-11, filed a supplemental Inventory of the property of said estate, and that accord- <br />ing to said inventory and, supplemental inventory, the deceased died seized and possessed of the <br />following described property to-wit: <br />The Southeast Quarter (SEA) of Section Two (2) and the <br />Eleven (11), all in Township Twelve (12) North, Range Five <br />County, Nebraska, also <br />An undivided one-fourth interest in and to the Southwe <br />in Township Twelve (12) North, Range Five (5), West of the <br />also <br />Northeast Quarter (NE14) of Section <br />(5), West of the 6th P.M. in Hamilton <br />st Quarter (SWI.) of Section Twelve (12) <br />6th P.M. in Hamilton County, Nebraska, <br />An undivided five-eighths interest in Lot Five (5) of Lucas' Addition to the City of Grand Island, <br />M <br />Nebraska, in Hall County, Nebraska, also <br />Personal property of the approximate value of $7700.00- <br />The Court further finds that according to the terms, conditions and provisions of said Last <br />Will and Testament of said deceased, the North Half of the Northeast Quarter (NNE41) of Section <br />Eleven (11) in Township Twelve (12) North, Range Five (5), West of the 6th P.M. in Hamilton County <br />Nebraska, was devised unto Adolph T.Kroger, subject to a charge thereon in the sum of $1,000.00 <br />to be paid by said devisee unto Ernes-t G.Kroger, Executor of said Estate, and which sum was to <br />become a part of the residuary part of said estate; the balance of said property was devised and <br />bequeathed, share and share alike, unto Lydia Branding, also known as Lillie Branding, and also <br />known as Lilly Branding, but whose real and true name is Lillian Branding, Ida Wortz, whose real <br />and. true name is Ida Wurtz, May N.Reeb, who now is May Lindgren, William J.Kroger and Ernest G. <br />Kroger, all five of whom are over the age of 21 years. <br />SIXTH <br />The Court further finds that on the 11th day of September, 1944, an order of this Court was <br />madebarrino- the filing of any and all claims against said estate from and after that date and <br />0 Z-) <br />excluding the holders thereof from asserting or setting up any claims against said estate. <br />SEVENTH <br />The Court further finds that all claims against said estate, including the costs of admini- <br />stration thereof, excepting an Executor's fee, which fee has been expressly waived in open Court <br />by said Executor, have been fully paid by said Executor and that the final report is true and <br />correct in all respects and should be approved and allowed; that in addition to the items of <br />disbursements set forth in said Executor's final report, since the date of filing said report, <br />said Executor has paid to the County Treasurer of Hamilton County, Nebraska, for personal taxes <br />for the year 1944 on the property of said Testatrix, the sum of $30-40, his receipt for which has <br />been filed in these proceedings and that there therefore remains in his harrds the sum of $6762.81, <br />which sum includes three items of receipt which are not distributable as petitioned by said <br />Executor, these items being: Sale of household goods $275.95, sale of 67.06 bushel oats $33.60, <br />and sale of 27.24- bushel barley $26.65, as said household goods are exempt property and said <br />proceeds from the sale of said crops, being crops maturing after the death of said decedent, are <br />therefore not applicable by said Executor, upon the indebtedness of the legatee William J.Kroger, <br />to this estate and one-fifth thereof is due and payable from said Executor to said William J. <br />Kroger herein in the sum of $67.24; that said William J.Kroger is indebted to this estate on the <br />two promissory notes described in the inventory hereinbefore filed, both of which are uncollectable <br />as they are barred by the Statute of Limitations, which defense has been asserted by said William <br />J.Kroger, and his share of the residue of said estate applied by the Executor herein on said <br />indebtedness, is hereby approved, and that there remains therefore in the hands of said Executor <br />for distribution, the sum of $6762.81 as follows: <br />To William J.Kroger $67.24 <br />Ida Wurtz 1673.9-99 Lillian Branting - <br />Mae Lindgren 1673.89 <br />Ernest G.Kroger 1673.0/0 <br />according to the terms and. conditions of said Last Will and Testament, and. that there is due and <br />payable to the County Treasurers of Hamilton County and Hall County, Nebraska, no inheritance tax <br />herein whatsoever. <br />IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED BY THE COURT that the final report of Ernest G. <br />Kroger, Executor, be and the same is hereby approved and allowed as herein amended; that Lillian <br />Branting is one and the same nerson as Lydia Branding and. Lillie Branding named in the Last Will <br />and Testament of said Mary Kroger Reeb, deceased, and is also sometimes known as Lilly Branding, <br />irrespective of the aiscrepency in the spelling of said names; that Ida Wurtz is one and the same <br />person as the Ida, Wortz named in the Last Will and Testament of said Mary Kroger Reeb, deceased; <br />that May N.Reeb named in the Last Will and Testament of said Mary Kroger Reeb, deceased, is now <br />and in fact Mae Lindgren and is sometimes knMiTn as May Lindgren and is one and the same person as <br />the May Lindgren named in the estate proceedings and final decree entered by this Court in the <br />matter of the estate of George F.Reeb, deceased, on August 11, 1944, irrespective of the discre-p- <br />ency in the spelling of said names; the.t the property described in paragraph Fifth hereof was <br />devised and bequeathed according to the terms and conditions of said Last Will and Testament as <br />found. in Daragrai)-1 Fifth hereof and that there remains in the hands of said Executor the sum of <br />$6762.81 'which is distributable as hereinbefore found in paragraph Seventh hereof and upon said <br />Executor filing receipts sho,,,rin,-,r disbursement thereof according to this decree, that he be <br />discharged, his bond released and said estate fully administered, settled and closed. <br />IN WITNESS '4HEREOF I have hereunto set m,,,, hand and the seal of the County Court of Hamilton <br />County, Nebraska, this 18th day of November, 1944. <br />Ivan M.Bengtson <br />(SEAL) County Judge <br />I <br />I <br />J <br />0 <br />