<br />THEAUGUSTINECO. 20112.2.41
<br />IT IS, THEREFORE, ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED BY THE COURT thj4 all persons having claims
<br />against said estate, not filed and allowed within the time fixed by A8urt, if any such there be,
<br />are forever barred, excluded and enjoined from setting up or asserting any such claims against
<br />said estate; it is further ordered that the final report filed herein. by Fred Dobberstein,
<br />administrator, be and the same is hereby, in all things, approved and allowed as and for said
<br />administrator's final report, and said estate is hereby settled and closed and said administrator
<br />fully discharged.
<br />IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the real estate owned by the deceased, at the time of her death,
<br />hereinbefore described, did pass and descend under and by virtue of the Statues of Descent of the
<br />State of Nebraska, as hereinbefore found by the court, and distribution thereof is accordingly
<br />made.
<br />Charles Bossert
<br />HALL COUNTY )ss. I,Charles Bossert County Judge of Hall County, Nebraska, do hereby
<br />certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of Decree entered in the
<br />MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF AUGUSTA DOBBERSTEIN, DECEASED, with the original record thereof, now
<br />remaining in said Court, that the same is a correct transcript thereof, and of the whole of such
<br />original record; that said Court is a Court of Record having a seal, which seal is hereto attached;
<br />that said Court has no Clerk authorized to sign certificates in his own name, and that I am the
<br />legal custodian of said Seal and of the Records of said Court, and that the foregoing attestation
<br />is in due form of land.
<br />IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County Court,
<br />at Grand Island, this 8th day of November 1944.
<br />(SEAL)
<br />Charles Bossert
<br />County Judge.
<br />Filed for record this 8 day of November, 1944 at 1 :15 o'clock P.M. (Awc� ---
<br />Reamer of Deeds
<br />0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0 -0 -0 -0
<br />In the matter of the
<br />Christian Goettsche,
<br />estate of )
<br />deceased )
<br />Estate No.
<br />Final Decree.
<br />This cause coming on to be heard this 15th day of November, 1944 on the petition filed herein
<br />of Sophie Goettsche for a determination of the death of Christian Goettsche, deceased, and for a
<br />determination of the heirs of said deceased, the degree of kinship and the right of descent of the
<br />real property belonging to said deceased and upon the process and evidence adduced in open court
<br />and it appearing to the court from the proofs and the pleadings and process that Sophie Goettsche
<br />was qualified to file the petition and that the petition is proper and sufficient under Chap. 30,
<br />Art. 17 of Compiled Statutes of Nebraska of 1939 as amended, and that more than two years have
<br />elapsed since the date of death of the deceased on July 8, 1930; that the deceased died intestate
<br />and was a resident of said Hall County at and prior to his death and that no administrator has
<br />been appointed of deceased's estate in Nebras)�a and that deceased died seized in fee simple of
<br />the folio- tiring described real estate situated in Hall County, State of Nebras ka;
<br />(1) An undivided o> e half interest tenant in common of Westerly Seventeen (17) feet of
<br />Lot Six (6) and Easterly Thirty -one (31) feet of Lot Five (5), all in Block Eight (8) in H.G.
<br />Clak
<br />.r's Addition to the City of Grand Island, in Hall County, Nebraska, the homestead of deceased
<br />and Sophie Goettsche, his widow.
<br />(2) West Half of Southwest Quarter and Southwest Quarter of Northeast Quarter (W -SV& and
<br />SWNE4) of Section Thirty -six (36,) and Northeast orthst Quarter of Southeast Quarter (NE4SE$) of Section
<br />Thirty -five (35), all in Tcwnship Eleven (11), North, Range Nine (9) ?Vest of the Sixth Principal
<br />Meridian in Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />The court further finds from the evidence that the deceased left him surviving as his heirs
<br />at law and as his sole and only heirs at law, his widow, Sophie Goettsche and. his children, Lena
<br />C.Goettsch, William Goettsc -�e, John Goettsche, Rudolph A.Goettsche, Henry Goettsche, Clarence
<br />Goettsche and Elsie Reher, all over the a e of twenty -one years.
<br />The court furth er finds that no administration was ever ap .0lied for on the estate of the
<br />deceased either by the heirs or creditors or others interested in said estate; that all debts and
<br />claims against the deceased and his estate were fully paid and that if any claims were unpaid
<br />they are barred and ,precluded by the statute of limitations.
<br />The court further finds that the lands and interest therein above described of which tree
<br />deceased died seized in fee simple at his death passed and descended under the statutes of
<br />descent of Nebras'r.a as follows: an undivided one third part thereof to his widow, Sophie Goettsche
<br />together with a ho °Zestea.d estate or life estate in the undivided half of the real estate des-
<br />cribed in paragra:lh one above and that an undivided two - twenty- firsts interest as tenants in
<br />common.passed and descent -,_ed to each of seven children of the deceased above named and that the
<br />same should be awarded to them in the proportions above set forth, the shares of the children
<br />above named subject only to the life estate or homestead estate of Sophie Goettsche referred to
<br />in paragraph (1) above.
<br />The court further finds that the allegations contained in the petition of Sophie Goettsche
<br />filed herein are tr_.e and that notice of the time and place of hearing on said petition as
<br />provided by law and in accordance t&Tith the order of the court filed herein has been given to all
<br />persons interested in said estate, both creditors and 'heirs by publication for three successive
<br />weeks prior to said hearing in the Grand Island Daily Independent a legal newspaper published
<br />in � iid Hall Coi.inty as ap ~-)ears from the proof of publication filed herein and that the court has
<br />jurisdiction in the premises.
<br />IT IS THEREFORE ADJ'?LGED AND DECREED: By the court, that Christian Goettsche died intestate,
<br />a resident of said Hall County, on July 8, 1930, seized in fee simple at the time of his death
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