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FW <br />7NEAUGUSTINE CO. 20112.2.41 <br />back along the Alley in said Block) 66 feet to the Easterly line of said Lot. <br />and that said above described real estate did pass and descend upon the death of said Mary J. <br />Boehl to her children,Arthur H.Boehl and X1arie C.Kranz In equal shares to each. <br />The Court further finds that said estate was subject to an inheritance tax as shown by the report <br />of the appraiser; that said inheritance tax in the sum of $125.64 has beer paid to the County Traas- <br />urer of Hall County,Nebraska,and receipt therefore has been filed in this Court. <br />The Court further finds that said estate is not subject to an inheritance tax under the lags of <br />the United States. <br />The Court further finds that the funeral expense,t1ae expense of the last illness,and that Court <br />costs herein have been paid and that said estate should be closed and settled. <br />IT IS THEREFORE OR0ERZ7),ADJUDGED,AND DECREED BY THE COURT that all claims filed against said estate <br />have been paid and that any other claims,if any,are barred and precluded,and that the above des- <br />cribed real estate did pass and descend to Arthur H.Boehl and Marie C.Kranz in equal shares to <br />each in absolute title and the same is hereby awarded to diem. <br />IT IS FURTHER ORDERED,ADJUDGED,AND DECREED BY THE COURT that the City Service stock,above described, <br />did, pass and descend to Arthur H.Boehl and I'larie C.Kranzit equal shares to each ;that the stock <br />of groeeries,merchandise,and fixtures as set forth in the inventory,passed and descended Tpon the <br />death of Mary J.Boehl to her above named children and heirs -at -law in equal shares to each. <br />IT IS FURTHER ORDERED,ADJUDGED,AND DECREED BY THE COURT that said estate has been fully settled; <br />that the administrator has accounted for all property coming into his possession ;that said estate <br />is hereby closed and settled ;said administrator is discharged and his bond released. <br />Paul N.Kirk <br />County Judge. <br />In the County Court of Hall County,Nebraska <br />Certificate <br />State of Nebraska, ) I�al7_ Cbunt N <br />)ss. I,Paul N.Kirk County Judge of y, ebraska,do hereby certify <br />Hall County ) that I have compared the foregoing copy of Final Decree entered IN <br />THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MARY J.BOEHL,DECEASED,with the original <br />record thereof,now remaining in said Court,that'the same is a correct transcript thereof,and of <br />the whole of such original record;that said Court is a Court of Record having a seal,which seal <br />is hereto attached;that said Court has no Clerk authorized to sign certificates in hisown name, <br />that I am the legal custodian of said Seal and of the Records of said Court,and that the foregoing <br />attestation is in due form of law. <br />IN TESTIMONY WIHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County Court,at <br />Grand Tsland,this 29th day of February 1944. <br />(SEAL) Paul N.Kirk <br />County Judge <br />Filed for record this 29 day of February,1944, at 4:30 o' clock P.P.Q. <br />Register of Deeds <br />o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- - -o -o- <br />DECREE I <br />IN THE COUNTY COU_HT OF HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />In the matter of the estate ) <br />of ) DE C R E E <br />Leva. M.Gunnarson, Deceased. ) <br />Now, on this 28th day of February, 19414, this cause came on for hearing upon the pleadings and <br />the evidence, and was submitted to the Court, and on consideration thereof the Court finds: <br />That due and legal notice of this proceeding has been given to all persons interested in said <br />matter, both creditors and heirs, as required by law. <br />That all of the statements and allegations set forth in said petition are true: <br />That said Leva M.Gunnarson died, intestate, in Hall County, Nebraska, on the 8th day of November, <br />1926. <br />That said Leva. M.Gunnarson was seized And possessed of the;following,described real estate: <br />in ''Hall County, Nebraska: <br />An undivided one -sixth interest in and to the easterly thirty feet of Lot Six (6) and the <br />westerly six feet of Lot Seven (7), in Block Nine (9),all in the Original Town, now City <br />of Grand Island,State of Nebraska, as shown by the recorded plat thereof. <br />That no ap,Dlication has been made in the state of Nebraska, for the aptDointment of an adminis- <br />trator of the estate of said deceased. <br />That she left surviving her, as her sole and only heir at law: <br />Carrie Gunnarson, her mother, of legal age, <br />that the father of said Leva M.Gunnarson died March 2, 1919. <br />IT IS, THEREFORE, DETERMINED AND DECREED BY THE COURT that said Carrie Gunnarson was the sole <br />and only heir at law of s?id Leva M.Gunnarson, deceased, and said real estate passed and dewcended, <br />under the law of descent of the state of Nebraska, to Carrie Gunnarson, mother of said Leva M. <br />Gunnarson, deceased. <br />IT IS FURTHER. ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED BY THE COURT that the above described real estate, <br />and interest therein, be, and the same is hereby assigned to said Carrie Gunnarson. <br />