<br />INA (LIFO" 11 i 11UQ1N1_
<br />I, Elizabeth Keefe, of Grand County in the State of Indiana, being of sound mind and disposing
<br />memory, do hereby make, publish and declare the following to be my last will and testament.
<br />Item I'
<br />It is my will that all my just debts, funera expenses and the expenses of my last illness
<br />shall be first paid by my execudor hereinafter named.
<br />Item IT.
<br />I give and devise unto my niece, Mrs. Charli; a Swan, resident of Walnut Park Plaza, 63rd &
<br />Walnut Streets, in the city of Philadelphia and State of Pennsylvania, my farm of 160 acres of
<br />land situate and being about one and one -half miles west of the town of Wood river, in the
<br />County of Hall, and State of Nebraska, to havel, and to hold in fee simple, but subject, however,
<br />to the three charges which I hereinafter make against the proceeds of the sale of said land.
<br />Item 'III.
<br />It is further my will that upon the sale of said land
<br />nephew, Harry LaBelle, of Anderson, Indiana, the sum of
<br />sister, Margaret Ham, the`sum of Three Hundred',($300.00
<br />the Catholic Church of Marion, Indiana, the slap of Five
<br />amounts to be held by them as their absolute nroperty.
<br />given to the said Father John McCarthy is to be used by
<br />by my said niece, she shall pay to my
<br />Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars, and to my
<br />dollars, and to Father John McCarthy of
<br />Hundred ( X500.00 ) dollars, the several
<br />And the Five Hundred ($500.00) dollars
<br />him for the purpose of saying Masses.
<br />Item IV.
<br />All the rest, residue and remainder of my property, both real and personal and wherever situate
<br />I give and bequeath unto my said niece, Charllne_Swan, to have and to hold as her absolute property.
<br />Item V.
<br />I hereby nominate and appoint my nephew, William Swan, the husband of my said niece, to be the
<br />executor of this my last will and testament.
<br />In Witness Whereof, I hate hereunto set my 'hand and seal this 23rd day of August, A.D. 1937.
<br />Elizabeth Keefe (SEAL)
<br />STATE OF INDIANA, )ss:
<br />GRANT COUNTY, ) I, MILDRED L.WHITE, Clerk of the Circuit Court within and for the
<br />County of Grant, and the State of Indiana, the same being a Court of Record having a sale, do
<br />hereby certify that the above and foregoing its a full, true and complete copy of the last will
<br />and testament of Elizabeth Keefe, deceased, and of the proof and probate of the same, as the same
<br />I
<br />Signed, sealed, published and declared as and for the last will and testament of the above
<br />named testatrix, in our presence, who have, at her request and in her presence and in the presence
<br />of each other signed our names as witnesses thereto.
<br />Wilson D.Lett
<br />Hilda N. Bainbridge
<br />Earl C.Bainbridge Witnesses:
<br />"Exhibit" "A"
<br />(COPY)
<br />Margaret Ham, being duly sworn on oath, says that Elizabeth Keefe departed this life on or about
<br />the 17th da.y of October, 1937, and at the time of her death, was a resident of said County and
<br />State.
<br />Margaret Ham.
<br />Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 21st day of October, A.D. 1937.
<br />(SEAL) Mildred L.White,Clerk
<br />Before Mildred L.White, Clerk of the Circuit Court of the County of Grant in the State of Indiana,
<br />personally came, Wilson D.Lett, subscribing witness to the foregoing instrument of writing, who,
<br />b.eing first duly sworn, upon oath deposes and',says that Elizabeth Keefe, the testatrix named in
<br />the instrument of writing purporting to be her last will and testament, did sign, seal, publish and
<br />declare the same to be her last will and testament, on the day of the date thereof; that the said
<br />testatrix was, at the said time, of the full age of twenty -one years, and of sound and disposing
<br />mind and memory, and that she was under no coercion, compulsion, or restraint, and that she was
<br />competent to devise her property. That the said testatrix so signed, sealed, published and dP-
<br />clared the same to be her last will and testament, _1h m -nder' and form as- aforesaid in'.the- prese_nc,e
<br />-of aff ant, and of.Hilda N.Bainbridge and Earl C.Bainbridge, the other subscribing witnesses there-
<br />to, and that they each attested the same, and subscribed their names as witnesses thereto, in the
<br />presence and at the request of said testator, and in the presence of each other..
<br />Wilson D.Lett
<br />Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 21st day of October, 1937•
<br />Mildred L.White
<br />(SEAL) Clerk,Grand'Circuit Court.
<br />I, Mildred L.White, Clerk of the Circuit Court of the County of Grant, in the State of Indiana,
<br />do hereby certify that the foregoing last will and testament of Elizabeth Keefe has been duly ad-
<br />mitted to probate before me, that the same was proven by the examination, under oath, of Wilson D.
<br />Lett, the subscribing witness thereto and that a full and complete record of the said will, and of
<br />the goof and examination of the witness by whom the same was proven, has been made and is now of
<br />record in the Will Records of said County.
<br />IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed the seal of the said Court, and subscribed my name
<br />at Marion, this 21st day of October, A D. 1937.
<br />?SEAL) Mildred L.White,Clerk.
<br />Elizabeth Keefe
<br />Will Rec. 9 Page 549
<br />#6943.
<br />(COPY)
<br />-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - --
<br />STATE OF INDIANA, )ss:
<br />GRANT COUNTY, ) I, MILDRED L.WHITE, Clerk of the Circuit Court within and for the
<br />County of Grant, and the State of Indiana, the same being a Court of Record having a sale, do
<br />hereby certify that the above and foregoing its a full, true and complete copy of the last will
<br />and testament of Elizabeth Keefe, deceased, and of the proof and probate of the same, as the same
<br />I
<br />