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<br />THEAUOUSTINECO. 20112.241
<br />devisees, to -wit: Henry Knuth, Herman Knuth, Hellmuth Knuth, Arthur Knuth, Anna Wiese, and
<br />Hedwig Reher,share and share alike.
<br />The west half of the west half of Block Fifteen (15) in Windolph's Addition to the city of
<br />Grand Island, in Hall County, state of Nebraska, to Henry Knuth, Herman Knuth, Hellmuth Knuth,
<br />Arthur Knuth, Anna Wiese, and Hedwig Reher, share and share alike, as residuary legatees.and
<br />devisees.
<br />IT IS, THEREFORE, OPIDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED BY THE COURT that the real estate above described
<br />passed and descended as above stated.
<br />The Court further finds that the Executors have been unable to sell and dispose of the following'
<br />securities:
<br />Certificate No. 155 for 20 shares Farmers Union Co- operative Cream and Produce Company,
<br />Certificate No. 53, for 2 shares Farmers Union Gas and Oil Company,
<br />Certificate No. 117, for 10 shares stock in Grand Island National Bank
<br />IT IS, THEREFORE, ORDERED BY THE COURT that the Executors hold as trustees said $300.00 herein -
<br />before mentioned., together with the following securities:
<br />Certificate N'o. 155 for 20 shares Farmers Union Co- operative Cream and Produce Company,
<br />Certificate No. 53, for 2 shares Farmers Union Gas and 011 Company,
<br />Certificate No. 117, for 10 shares stock in Grand Island National Bank,
<br />and that they shall endeavor to sell and dispose of said securities and to report to the Court within
<br />one year from the date hereof as to the disposition of said securities.
<br />Paul N.Kirk
<br />This cause came on further to be heard with reference to the real estate herein after described,
<br />which T.ras omitted from the decree heretofore ]entered herein.
<br />The court finds that the said Juergen Knuth, deceased, at the time of his death was the owner
<br />of the following described real estate: The south half of the northwest quarter of the southwest
<br />quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 21, in Township 11 North of Range 9 West*of 6th P.M.,
<br />in Hall County, Nebraska, and the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of the southeast
<br />quarter of Section 21, Township 11 North of Range 3 West of nth P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />devised under the last will and testament of said uergen Knuth to the residuary devisees, Henry
<br />Knuth, Hellmuth Knuth, Arthur Knuth, Herman Knuth, Anna Wiese, and ?fedwig Reher, share and share
<br />alike.
<br />IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED BY THE COURT that the real estate above described,
<br />under the last will and testament of Juergen Knuth, deceased, was devised and passed and descended -
<br />to Henry Knuth, Hellmuth Knuth, Arthur Knuth, Herman Knuth, Anna Wiese, and Hedwig Reher, share
<br />and share alike.
<br />Paul N.Kirk
<br />Co. 'Judge
<br />HALL COUN'T'Y )s` • I, Paul N.Kirk, County Jud of Hall County, Nebraska., do hereby certify
<br />that I have compared the foregoing copy of Last Will and Testament, Certificate of Probate thereof
<br />and Final Decree - IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JUERGEN KNUTH, DECEASED, with the original record
<br />thereof, now remaining in said Court, that the same is a correct transcript thereof, and of the
<br />whole of such original record; that said Court is a Court of Record having a seal, which seal is
<br />hereto at--ached; that said. Court has no Clerk authorized to sign certificates in his own name, and
<br />that I am the legal custodian of said Seal and of the Records of said Court, and that the foregoing
<br />attestation is in due form of law.
<br />IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County Court, at
<br />Grand Island., this 5th day of August, 1943- Paul N.Kirk
<br />(SEAL) County Judge
<br />Filed for record this 5 day of August, 1943, at 4:00 o'clock P.P.
<br />Register of Deedls
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<br />At a Session of the County Court held in and for said County, at the County Court Room, in the
<br />City of Hastings, County of Adams, and State of Nebraska.
<br />Present: W.HALSEY BOHLKE, Judge of the
<br />IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE ) County Court.
<br />On this 2nd day of August, 1943, this matter came on to be heard upon the petition of the ad.
<br />ministrator, with will annexed, of the estate of the deceased for final settlement and the report
<br />and the account of the administrator and the evidence and was submitted to the court, upon eonsid..
<br />eration whereof, the court finds:
<br />That notice has been given of the time and place of this hearing as provided by the order of
<br />this court and as required by law, and the court has acquired and has jurisdiction over the person
<br />of all persons interested herein and the subject matter.
<br />That Peter Kroll died on the 6th day of April, 19410, testate, a resident of said county.
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