<br />HALL COUNTY )ss' I, Paul N.Kirk, County Judge of Hall County,`,,Nebraska, do hereby
<br />certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of Final Decree entered IN THE MATTER OF THE
<br />ESTATE OF MARY E.FINAN, DECEASED, with the original record thereof, now remaining in said Court,
<br />that the same is a correct transcript thereof, and of the whole of such original record; that
<br />daid Court is a Court of Record having a seal, which seal is hereto attached; that said Court
<br />has no Clerk authorized to sign certificates in his own name, and that I am the legal custodian
<br />of said Seal and of the Records of said Court, and that the foregoing attestation is in due form
<br />of law.
<br />IN TESTIMONY 14HEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County Court,
<br />at Grand Island, this 23rd day of July, 1943.
<br />Paul N.Rirk
<br />(SEAL) County Judge
<br />Filed for record this 23 day of July, 1943, at 4:45 o'clock P.M. J
<br />Register of a ds
<br />0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0 -0 -0-
<br />OF
<br />In the Name of God, Amen.
<br />I, William H. Foster, also known as Will H. Foster, of Hall County, Nebraska, being of sound
<br />mind and memory, but considering the uncertainty of life, do hereby make publish and declare
<br />this and none other to be my last Will and Testament, hereby revoking Ali other Wills by me made.
<br />FIRST.
<br />I direct that all of my just debts and funeral expenses including an appropriate monument
<br />at my grave, and costs of administration of my estate, be first paid.
<br />SECOND.
<br />I give, devise and bequeath to my beloved wife, Nancy B.Foster, also known as Nan Foster,
<br />all of the real estate herein set out in this "SECOND" Paragraph of this my last Will and Testa-
<br />ment, and more specifically described below, as a life estate only, she to have all of the income,
<br />rents, profits and crops from the said real estate during her life time and upon her death, then
<br />I give, devise and bequeath all of the said real estate hereinafter described in this "SECOND"
<br />Paragraph, as follows:
<br />(1)
<br />I give, devise and bequeath to my son, Earl V.Foster, at the present time residing in
<br />Grants, New Mexico, and to his heirs, forever the following described real estate:
<br />The North half of the Southwest quarter (N SW4) of Section Twenty -seven (27), Township
<br />Ten (10),North Range Nine (9),West of the th P.M.;;and the South half of the Northwest
<br />Quarter (SOWil of Section Twenty -seven (27), Township Ten (10) North'Range Nine (9),
<br />West of the 6th P.M., all in Hall County, Nebraska, together with all of the appurten-
<br />ances thereunto belonging;
<br />Bayard
<br />H.Paine Jr. William H.Foster
<br />Shirley
<br />Dunn
<br />-2-
<br />(2)
<br />I give, devise and bequeath to my son, Charlie H.Foeter, at the present time
<br />residing in Ansley, Nebraska, and to his heirs forever the following described
<br />fiwenty (23), Township
<br />real estate: The Northeast quarter (NE4) of Section -three
<br />Ten (10) North,Range Nine (9), West of the 6th P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska, to-
<br />gether with all of the appurtenances thereunto belonging.
<br />(3)
<br />I give, devise and bequeath to my daughter, Anna Fay Foster, also known as Fay Foster,
<br />of Hall County, Nebraska, and to her heirs forever, the following described real estate:
<br />The Southeast quarter (Ski) of Section Twenty -three (23), Township Ten (10) North,
<br />Range Nine (9),West of the 6th P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska, together with all of the
<br />Appurtenances thereunto belonging, the same being known as "The Home Place."
<br />(4)
<br />I give, devise and bequeath to my son, Wayne S.Foster, of Hall County, Nebraska, and
<br />to his heirs forever, the following described real estate: The Southwest quarter (Swi)
<br />and the Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter (SWJNEJ) of Section Fourteen (14),
<br />Township Ten (10) North,Range Nine (9),West of the 6th P.M., all in Hall County, Ne-
<br />braska, together with all of the appurtenances thereunto belonging.
<br />(5)
<br />I give, devise and bequeath to my son, Carl W.Foster, at the present time residing
<br />in Mount Vernon, Washington, and to his heirs forever, the following described real
<br />estates The Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter (SWJNEi) and the East half
<br />of the Northeast quarter (EJNE*) and Lot Two (2) on the Mainland Salso described as
<br />the South half of the Northeast quarter and Lots One (1) and Two t2) on the Mainland)
<br />all in Section Twenty -two (22) in Township Ten (1Q), North,Range Nine (9), and Lot
<br />One (1) on the Mainland in Section Fifteen (15), Township Ten (10), North,Range Nine
<br />Nebraska,
<br />(9),West of the 6th P.M. all in Hall County, together with all of the
<br />appurtenances thereunto belonging.
<br />(6)
<br />I give, devise and bequeath to my four sons, Earl V.Foster, Charlie H.Foster, Wayne
<br />S. Foster and Carl W. oster, share and share alike, and to their heirs forever Lots
<br />(11),consisting i
<br />Ten (10) and Eleven (11), in Section Eleven of approximates gh y-
<br />I
<br />five (95) acres; and Lots One (1),Two (2) and Four (4) in Section Fourteen 14),
<br />consisting of approximately One Hundred Fifteen (115) acres all of which is located
<br />on an island in the Platte River, in Township Ten (10) North,Range Nine (9),West of
<br />the 6th P.M., all in Hall County, Nebraska, together with all of the appurtenances
<br />thereunto belonging, the same being known as "The Ranch ".
<br />All of
<br />the above bequests, however, being subject to a life
<br />William H.Foster
<br />Bayard H. Paine Jr.
<br />r e u n
<br />