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26 <br />Also chattel and personal property of the value of $9,000.00 <br />SIXTH. <br />The Court further finds that on the 28th day of October, 1942. an order of this Court was made <br />allowing creditors three months from November 25, 1942, in which to present claims against said <br />estate for adjustment and allowance at the office of the County Judge of Hall County, Nebraska, <br />and fixing a time for hearing on claims filed against said estate on the 27th day of February, <br />1943, at 9 o'clock A.M. in the County Court Room'of said County and further ordering that notice <br />of the same be given to all persons interested and to all. creditors by publishing such notice <br />for three successive weeks prior to the 25th day of November, 1942, in the Grand Island Independent <br />a legal newspaper published and circulated in Hall County, Nebraska, and it appears by proof on <br />file that notice of said order was published as ordered by this Court. <br />SEVENTH. <br />The Court further finds that on the 27th day of February, 1943, an order of this Court was <br />made barring any and all claims not filed within the time provided by said order of this Court <br />and forever barring and excluding all persons from setting up or asserting any such claims <br />against said estate. <br />EIGHTH <br />The Court further finds that the following are the heirs -at -law and only heirs -at -law of said <br />Bernhard Wiese, deceased., to -wit: Fred Wiese, a son, Maria Brabander, a daughter, and Martha Reher, <br />a daughter, all over the age of 21 years, said Bernhard Wiese having been a widower at the time of <br />his death; that under the provisions of said Last Will and Testament of said Bernhard Wiese, de- <br />ceased, the following legacies have been fully paid: <br />Bernhard Brabander, $125.00 <br />Walter Brabander $125.00 <br />Arthur Brabander 125.00 <br />Orville Brabander 125.00 <br />Genevieve Brabander 125.00 <br />Hugo Wiese 125.00 <br />Arnold Wiese 125.00 <br />Glen Wiese 125.00 <br />Viola Reher Grotz 125.00 <br />Donald Reher 125.00 <br />William Reher 125.00 <br />Bernice Reher 125.00 <br />and the balance of the personal estate of said Bernhard Wiese, deceased, was bequeathed unto said <br />Testator's children Fred Wiese, Maria Brabander, and Martha Reher, share and share alike, to them <br />and to their heirs forever and did so pass and said - Executors have made distribution in accordance <br />therewith, good and sufficient receipts for which are on file in this Court. <br />NINTH. <br />The Court further finds that Block El ht (8) in Pleasant Home Subdivision, being part of the <br />East Half of the Southeast Quarter (F434) of Section Twenty -one (21), Township Eleven (11),North, <br />Range Nine (9), West of the 6th P.M. in Grand Island,Hall County, Nebraska, was devised and did. <br />pass under said Last Will and Testament, unto Fred Wiese, Maria Brabander and Martha Reher, share <br />and share alike, to them and. to their heirs forever. <br />TENTH. <br />The Court further finds that the following described real estate, to -wit: South Half of the <br />Southeast Quarter (Si SE4) of Section Fifteen (15), and the Northwest Quarter (NWZ) of Section <br />Twenty -six (26), all in Township Twelve (12) North,Range Ten (10),West of the 6th P.M., in Hall <br />County, Nebraska, was devised and did mass and descend under said Last Will and Testament of said <br />Bernhard Wiese, deceased, unto Fred Wiese, to him and to his heirs forever, subject to the paying <br />by said Fred Wiese unto said Maria Brabander the sum of $3,000.00, and subject to the paying by <br />said Fred Wiese unto said Martha Reher the sum of $$3,000.00, which payments have been made by said <br />Fred Wiese unto said Maria Brabander and Martha Reher, and said real estate accordingly passed <br />unto said Fred Wiese in fee simple absolute free and clear of any lien or charge thereon, said <br />Fred Wiese having made a payment as hereinbefore stated unto said Maria Brabander and Martha <br />Reher, as required of him under and according to the terms of said Last Will and Testament of said <br />Bernhard Wiese, deceased. <br />ELEVENTH. <br />The Court further finds that all debts and claims against said estate and the costs of adminis- <br />tration, including attorney's fees and Executors fees, have been fully paid, that the children of <br />said Bernhard Wiese, deceased, have fully paid unto said Executors, all debts owing said Bernhard <br />Wiese by them, and that there remains no money or property in the hands of said Executors undisposed <br />of and that they have completed administration of said estate in accordance with said Will. <br />TWELFTH <br />The Court further finds that after deducting from the assets of said estate, the debts, costs <br />of administration, other proper expenditures and the statutory exemptions allowed said devisees <br />and legatees, that there is due and payable to the County Treasurer of Hall County, Nebraska, <br />no inheritance tax whatsoever, and no estate tax is due the United States of America. <br />IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, ADJUDGED ADD DECREED by the Court that the final report of Fred <br />Wiese and William Reher as Executors under the Laot Will and Testament of Bernhard Wiese, deceased, <br />be and the same is hereby approved and allowed as such; that the property described in paragraph <br />Fifth hereof, descended by virtue of and under the terms and conditions of the Last Will and Testa - <br />ment of said Bernhard Wiese, deceased, as herein found in paragraphs Eighth, Ninth and Tenth <br />hereof; that settlement of said estate has been completed and distribution fully made and said <br />Executors have fully discharged all of their duties and obligations as such and are therefore <br />hereby granted a discharge and their bond released. <br />IN WITNESS 14HEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of the County Court of Hall County, <br />Nebraska., this 19th day of May, 1943- <br />(SEAL) Paul N.Kirk <br />County Judge. <br />IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HALL COUNTY,NEBRASKA <br />CERTIFICATE. <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA I, Paul N.Kirk, bounty Judge of Hall County Nebraska, do hereby certify <br />HALL COUNTY s s • <br />that I have compared the foregoing copy of kinal Decree entered IN THE <br />MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF BERNHARD WIESE, DECEASED, with the original record thereof, now remaining <br />