<br />On this let day of May,1943, t}iis cause cane on for hearing upon the petition of iiinnie Vierk,
<br />Administratiox of the estate of Henry Vierk,who died intestate on the 23rd day of September,1942.
<br />That he was possessed of the following described property:
<br />Lots One (1),two (2),three (3),four (4),nine (9),ten (10),eleven (11) and twelve (12) in Block
<br />numbered three (3) in Robinson's Addition to the Village of Cairo,as same appears on the recorded
<br />plat,
<br />and one motor vehicle, a Willy-5 Deluxe Sedan.
<br />That a petition to administer said estate was filed in the County Court of Hall County,Nebraska,
<br />and Letters of Administration were granted to L1Iinnie Vierk,widow of the deceased,Henry Vierk,
<br />that said petition was published for three successive weeds in the Cairo Record,a legal newspaper
<br />in and for Hall County,lebrasha, that notice to creditors was :published in said Cairo Record for
<br />the probate notice to creditors.Further,that on the 6th day of Apri1,1943ian order was filed
<br />barring all claims only as such as are not required by law to be forever barred.The Court further
<br />finds that finds that all debts,claims,and demands have been paid in full and that the administr-
<br />atrix has advanced the funds to pay all of the claims in full.That there remains,a residue in the
<br />hands of the administratrix,of W-00 ,vlhich should be assigned to Minnie Vierk,administratrix.
<br />That IiIinnie Vierk as vaidow of Henry Vierk,deceased,and Victor Vierk,Frieda E.Diffendaffer,Leroy
<br />H'.Vierk,Eva 1' Hickok,are the sons and daughters of said deceased and that they are the only per-
<br />sons entitled to succeed to the interest of the said Henry Vierk,deceased, therein.That the above
<br />named heirs have quit claimed all their right,title,and interest to the following described
<br />real estate.
<br />Lots one (1),two (2),three O,four (4),nine (9),ten (10),eleven (11) and twelve (12) in Block
<br />numbered three (3) in Robinson's Addition to the Village of Cairo as same appears on the recorded
<br />plat.
<br />IT IS,T IIEREFOR ;,ORDERED,ADJUDGED,AITD DECREED BY THE 007JRT that the said residue of said estate
<br />now in the possession of said administratrix for distribution,be assigned to Minnie Vierk,widow
<br />of Henry Vierk,deceased.
<br />Paul N.Kirk
<br />County Judge
<br />In the County Court of Hall County,Nebraska
<br />Certificate
<br />State of Nebraska, )
<br />) ss. I,Paul N.Kirk County Judge of Hall County,Nebraska, do hereby certify
<br />Hall County ) that I have compared the foregoing copy of FILIAL DECREE entered IN
<br />THE 1,aAT E'ER OF THE ESTATE OF HENRY VIERK, DECEASED, with the original
<br />record t.hereof,now remaining in said CoUrt,that the same is a correct transcript thereof,and of
<br />the whole of such original record;that said Court is a Court of Record having a seal,whieh seal
<br />is hereto attached;that said Court has no Clerk authorized to sign certificates in his own name,
<br />and that I am the legal custodian of said Beal and of the Records of said Court,and that the
<br />foregoing attestation is in due form of law.
<br />IN TESTII.LONY WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County Court,at
<br />Grand Island, this 1st day of Iday 1943-
<br />(SEAL) Paul N.Kirk
<br />County Judge
<br />Filed for record this 1 day of dday,1943,at 11 o'clock A.dv1.
<br />Register of Deed
<br />DECREE
<br />In the Matter of the Estate of ) DECREE DISPENSING WITH ADMINISTRATION
<br />Moses Gildersleeve, Deceased. ) ANgDEfiFMI
<br />BE IT REMEMBERED that on this let day of May,, A.D., 1943, this matter came on for_hdaring on
<br />the petition of August Muller for dispensing with administration and determination of heirship
<br />of the estate of Moses Gildersleeve, deceased, and the evidence and the court being fully advised
<br />in the premises finds that notice of the time and place fixed for the hearing on said petition has
<br />been given by publication thereof as ordered by the court and as provided by law; that Moses
<br />Gildersleeve died intestate on the 26th day of January, A.D., 1992, a resident and inhabitant of
<br />Wayne County, Nebraska; that he died seized and possessed of the South half of the Southeast
<br />quarter of Section 4, in Township 12, North of Range 10, West of the 6th P.M., in Hall County,
<br />Nebraska; that more than two years have elapsed since the date of the death of the said Moses
<br />Gildersleeve, deceased, and that no application for the appointment of an administrator of hi#
<br />estate has been made in any county in the State of Nebraska by any heirs or persons claiming to
<br />be creditors of said deceased; that said real estate is not liable for the debts of the decedent;
<br />that the said Moses Gildersleeve left surviving him, a widow, Eliza Gildersleeve, and the follow -
<br />ing named children, to -wit:
<br />Johnson J.Gildersleeve, also known as J.J.Gilderaleeve,
<br />William H.Gildersleeve, also known as W.H.Gildersleeve,
<br />Charles E.Gildersleeve, also known as C.E.Gildersleeve,
<br />Liffie C.Gildersleeve, also known as L.C.Gildersleeve,
<br />Eugene Gildersleeve, sons,
<br />Glorin E.Woodruff, and
<br />Deborah E.McAninch, daughters,
<br />