<br />THE AUGUSTINE LO. 18800.12.88
<br />Lot Seven (7) in Block One Hundred Twenty -four (124) in Union Pacific Railway Company's
<br />Second Addition to Grand Island,Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />An undivided one -half interest in the north half of Lot Five (5) and the north half of the
<br />west two- thirds of Lot Six (6) in Block Fifty -four (54),Original Town, now City, of Grand
<br />Island,Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />that said George A.Leiser was also the owner of a certain real estate mortgage covering the fol-
<br />lowing described premises;
<br />The east one-half of the southeast quarter of Section Thirty -four (34) in Township Twelve
<br />(12) North of Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., containing 80 acres, a little more or less,
<br />complete with equipment for irrigation, consisting principally of well-, pumps, motors and other
<br />equipment used in connection therewith.
<br />That said executrix and administrator foreclosed said mortgage, and in order to protect the estate,
<br />bid in said property at the sale in their names as executors, and that said real estate thereupon
<br />became a part of the estate of George A.Leiser, deceased.
<br />The Court further finds that under the last will and testament of George A.Leiser, deceased,
<br />said real estate passed and descended to Mabel E.Neumayer, Grace R.Wells, Blanche L.Unger, and
<br />Maud H.Geddes.
<br />The Court further finds that the special legacies provided for in Paragraph Second and Third
<br />of the last will and testament have been paid.
<br />The Court fi.arther finds that there was no inheritance tax to be paid.
<br />The Court further finds that all of the property, real and personal, in the hands of Maud H.
<br />Geddes, Executrix and William Suhr, Administrator, has been delivered to Mabel E.Neumayer, Grace
<br />R.Wells, Blanche L.Unger, and Maud H.Geddes, residuary legatees and devisees under the last will
<br />and testament of George A.Leiser, deceased, except Certificate No. 70, for 5 shares capital Stock
<br />Commercial State Bank of Grand Island,Nebraska, Certificate No. 124, 5 shares capital stock
<br />Commercial State Bank of Grand Island,Nebraska, Bond M1570, Caja DeCredito Hipotecario, Chile, and
<br />Bonds Nos. B3330 and B 3331, German External Loan 1924, $500.00 each, which stocks and securities
<br />have been delivered to Maud H.Geddes, upon the request of the residuary legatees and devisees,
<br />as attached to the final report filed herein.
<br />That nothing further belonging to the estate remains in the hands of said Executrix and Admin-
<br />istrator and that the final report is hereby approved and allowed as their final report and said
<br />estate is hereby settled and closed and said Executrix and Administrator discharged and their
<br />bonds as such released.
<br />IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that under paragraph Fourth of the last will and
<br />testament of George A.Leiser, deceased, the absolute title to the following described premises:
<br />Lot 7 in Block 124 in Union Pacific Railway Company's second Addition to the city of Grand
<br />Island, in Hall County, Nebraska
<br />An undivided one -half interest in the north half of Lot 5 and the north half of the west
<br />two- thirds of Lot 6, in Block 54, in the Original To,,-in, now City, of Grand Island, in
<br />Hall County,state of Nebraska.
<br />passed and descended to Mabel E.Neumayer, Grace R.Wells, Blanche L.Unger, and Maud H.Geddes,
<br />sole devisees and legatees of said last will and testament of said George A.Leiser,deceased.
<br />IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that the following described real estate:
<br />The east one -half of the southeast quarter of Section 34, in Townsli-lip 12 North of Range
<br />9 West of the 6th. P.M. containing 80 acres, a little more or less; complete with equipment
<br />for irrigation, consisting principally of well, pumps, motors, and other eq�upment used in
<br />connection therewith.
<br />title to which was secured by said Executrix and Administrator in foreclosure proceedings,
<br />became the property of the estate of George A.Leiser, deceased, and under the last will and testa-
<br />ment the absolute title thereto passed and descended to Mabel E.Neumayer, Grace R.Wells, Blanche
<br />L.Unger, and Maud H.Geddes. Paul N.Kirk
<br />County Judge
<br />STATE OF NEBRASKA )ss. I, Paul N.Kirk, County Judge of Hall County, Nebraska, do hereby
<br />HALL COUNTY ) certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of Last Will and Testa --
<br />