<br />11.
<br />That the said Joanna Walker died intestate on the 24th day of May A.D., 1940, a resident of
<br />Buffalo County, Nebraska; that she left surviving her as her heirs at law and next of kin, the
<br />f ollowing
<br />Sylvia
<br />Dudley
<br />Myrtle
<br />Elma M
<br />Lenora
<br />named persons, to -wit:
<br />M.Dawson, a daughter
<br />C.Stubblefield, a grandson
<br />Z.Stubblefield, a granddaughter
<br />,Watson, a granddaughter
<br />M.Stubblefield, a granddaughter
<br />children of Daisy Stubblefield, a deceased daughter.
<br />Donald J.Walker, a grandson
<br />Joanna M.Spahr, a granddaughter
<br />Marjorie E.Spahr, a granddaughter
<br />children of Jesse C.Walker, a deceased son,
<br />all of legal age, who are the sole and only heirs of her estate.
<br />111.
<br />That the balance of $1169.54 in the hands of the administrator, be distributed, and is hereby
<br />assigned as follows: to L.F.Haug for filing final decree and incidental expenses $2.52; to Sylvia
<br />M.Dawson, one -third of the residue, being $389.01; to Dudley C.Stubblefield, Myrtle Z.Stubblefield,
<br />Elma M.Watson and Lenora M.Stubblefield, to each, one - twelfth of the residue, being $97.25, and to
<br />Donald J.Walker, Joanna M.Spahr and Marjorie E.Spahr, to each, one -ninth of the residue, being
<br />$129.67; that upon the filing of receipts for said amounts, the administrator be discharged, and
<br />he and his bondsmen released from all further liability on their bond.
<br />1V.
<br />That the real estate described in Paragraph 5 herein, of which the said Joanna Walker died
<br />seized and possessed, descended by law and the title vested in, and the same is hereby assigned
<br />to the said Sylvia M.Dawson, an undivided one -third thereof; to the said Dudley C.Stubblefie]d,
<br />Myrtle Z.Stubblefield, Elma M.Watson and Lenora M.Stubbltfield, to each, and undivided one - twelfth
<br />thereof, and to the said Donald J. Walker, Joanna M. Spahr and Marjorie E. Spahr, to each, an undivided
<br />one -ninth thereof.
<br />I, Harvey M.Wilson, County Judge, within and for said County of Buffalo and State of Nebraska,
<br />and keeper of the records and seal thereof, hereby certify that I have examined the within and
<br />foregoing copy of the record of the Final Decree in the Matter of the Estate of Joanna Walker,
<br />Deceased, and have compared all of the foregoing with the original record thereof now remaining
<br />in said court and have found the same to be a correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of
<br />said original record.
<br />IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court, on this
<br />22nd day of March, 1941. Harvey M.Wilson
<br />(SEAL) County Judge
<br />Filed for record this 25th day of March, 1941, at 9:30 o'clock A.M. �jj��'•C
<br />��Register of Deeds
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