<br />THE Eleven North Range Nine (9),
<br />le ( ) West of the Sixth P.M. in the City of Grand Island,Hal1 County,
<br />Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point in the easterly line of
<br />Clark Street where the same would be intersected by the southerly line of John Street (if extended),
<br />running thence Southerly along said Easterly Line Fifty (50) feet, thence easterly at right angles
<br />one hundred t�renty -four (124) feet, thence northerly at right angles Fifty (50) feet to what would
<br />be the southerly line of John Street (if extended), and thence westerly along said southerly line
<br />one hundred tTfrenty -four (124) feet to the place of beginning, being a rectangular piece of ground
<br />having a westerly frontage of Fifty (50) feet on Clark Street with a depth of One hundred twenty -
<br />four (124) feet, and bounded on the north by the extended southerly line of John Street.
<br />Cash $181.69
<br />Promissory note dated August 1, 1934, payable on demand, $750.00 with interest at 5% payable semi-
<br />annually from date, executed by Loren R.Brooks and Marie N.Brooks,interest on the same paid to
<br />January 1, 1940.
<br />Promissory note dated Oat. 3, 1935, due in one year, interest at 5% from Oct. 7, 1931, $2700,
<br />executed by Albert F.Sehmidt.
<br />Promissory note dated April 1, 1934,payable on demand, interest at 5% from date, $250, executed
<br />by Albert F. Schmidt.
<br />Promissory note dated Oct. 22, 1935, payable on demand, interest 5% from Oct. 10,1930, $1900,
<br />executed by G.A.Schmidt,guaranteed by Augusta Schmidt, interest paid to the extent of X140.
<br />Promissory note dated Nov. 25, 1935, due in 1 year, interest 5% from May 28, 1932, $2190,executed
<br />by G.A.Schmidt,endorsed by Augusta Schmidt.
<br />Promissory note dated Nov. 5, 1935, payable on demand, 5% interest from Nov. 5, 1935, $2,000,
<br />executed by John Noehrn,
<br />Promissory note dated Dec. 24, 1931, due July 1, 1932, interest at 10% from December 26, 1931,
<br />$2750,executed by G.A.Schmidt, originally given to Grand Island National Bank.
<br />Mortgage on Lot 2 in Block 21, Wasmer's Add. to City of Grand Island,known as 1690 W.Koenig St.,
<br />$3200, interest due Sept. 27, 1940, 5%, loan due Sept. 7, 1942.
<br />The Court further finds that according to the terms and provisions of said Last Will and
<br />Testament, said property descends as follows:
<br />After the payment of debts and expenses of last illness, as well as administration expense and
<br />court costs, to be divided into five equal parts, one- fift-ji to Adele H.Boehm,one -fifth to John
<br />A.Noehrn, one -fifth to Marie A.Brooks, one -fifth to Florence A.Schmidt and one -fifth to Auguste C..
<br />Schmidt, after deducting indebtednesses to said testatrix of the last four named devisees and
<br />legatees from their respective shares.
<br />EIGHTH.
<br />The Court further finds that the time for filing claims against this estate has passed and that
<br />all claims presented against said estate have been fully paid as well as all costs of administra-
<br />tion, including Executrix' fees, attorney's fees and court costs and that any claims�S;gainst this
<br />estate which remain outstanding which have hot been filed against said estate are hereby forever
<br />barred and enjoined from being presented against said estate'or the assets thereof; that said
<br />estate has been fully administered, full distribution made and that there remains no money in the
<br />hands of said Executrix for further distribution.
<br />NINTH.
<br />The Court,further finds that on the 3rd day of July, 1940, Carl E.Willard was duly appointed
<br />by the Court herein as appraiser for inheritance tax purposes, who took his oath as such appraiser
<br />and after due notice and hearing and investigation, filed his report on October 29,1940, aptpraiding
<br />said estate of the total value of $15,521.22; and the Court finds that after deducting from the
<br />assets of said estate, all debts, cla.ims,costs of administration, other proper expenditures and
<br />the statutory exemptions allowed the legatees and devisees in said estate, that there is due and
<br />payable to the County Treasurer of Hall County, Nebraska, and to the United states of America no
<br />inheritance tax whatsoever herein.
<br />IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED BY THE COURT that the final report of the Execu-
<br />tors in said estate be. -.and the same is hereby approved and allowed as such; further that Adele
<br />H.Boehm, also known as Adela H.Boehm, John A.Noehrn, Marie A.Brooks, Florence A.Schmidt, and
<br />Auguste C.Schmidt are all a,Id the only legatees and devisees of said deceased, and that the property
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