THE AUGUSTINE CO. 19600.12 -86
<br />administrator;
<br />That all claims against said estate be, and they are forever barred;
<br />That the said warranty deed executed by the said Fred E.Teng to Emma Schmidt, wherein the here -
<br />inbefore described real estate has been conveyed to the said Emma Schmidt in lieu of her distri-
<br />butive share in the personal property belonging to sa'.d estate be, and the same is hereby confirmed
<br />and approved;
<br />That there remains personal property belonging to said estate for distkibution among the heirs
<br />thereof in the sum of $897.04 less $4.25,filing fees, and upon the filing of receipts from the
<br />heirs above names for their distributive share of said money, said administrator and his bondsmen
<br />will be discharged.
<br />i3Y THE COURT
<br />(SEAL) Charles C.Larsen
<br />-
<br />County Judge
<br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ) I, the undersigned, Charles C.Larsen, judge of the probate court in and
<br />) ss.
<br />COUNTY OF HOWARD ) for the county of Howard, State of Nebraska, and ex officio clerk of
<br />said court, do hereby certify the above and foregoing to be a full, true and correct copy of the
<br />Final Order as the same appears of record in said court.
<br />In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said court, at my
<br />office, this 28th day of December, 1940.
<br />(SEAL) Charles C.Larsen
<br />Probate Judge and Ex officio
<br />Clerk.
<br />Filed for record this 3 day of January, 1941, at 9:30 o'clock A.M. 2==:L
<br />Register of VeedEr
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<br />In the matter of the estate
<br />of )
<br />Mary E.Stout, Deceased. )
<br />This cause came on for hearing
<br />H.P.Honnold, administrator of the
<br />The Court finds that said Mary
<br />on this 14th day of December, 1940, upon the final report of
<br />estate of Mary E.Stout, deceased.
<br />E.Stout departed this life in Hall County, Nebraska, on the 15th
<br />day of July, 1938, and at the time of her death was a resident and inhabitant of Hall County,
<br />Nebraska; that no last will and testament of said deceased been discovered, and that said Mary E.
<br />Stout died intestate, and left surviving her, as her sole and only heirs at law, the following
<br />named:
<br />Sylvia M.VanBuskirk, a daughter
<br />E. Calvin Stout, a son,
<br />0. C. Stout, a son,
<br />Mabel Brown, a grand - daughter,
<br />Vernon L.Smith, a grandson,
<br />Elmer Smith, a grandson,
<br />(children of Daisy M.Smith, a daughter of
<br />(Mary E.Stout, deceased, who died prior to
<br />( the date of said Mary E.Stout),
<br />-The Court further finds that on the 19th d.ay of July, 1938, a petition for letters of adminis-
<br />tration was filed herein, and hearing had thereon on the 13th day of August, 1938, and on said
<br />date H.P.Honnold was duly a_)pointed, and qualified as administrator of said estate.
<br />The Court further finds that due and legal notice of the time and place for hearing on the final
<br />report has been given to all persons interested in said estate, as provided by law, and the Court
<br />finds that said account is in all respects true and correct.
<br />The Court further finds that due notice has been given as by law required, to creditors, and
<br />that all claims filed and allowed against said estate have been paid, or settled, that there was
<br />