,. �: ,sr�. _ _ .�t �_� ��.
<br /> �fi',:�, � - —_` '�-- ___ .
<br /> ., — - —
<br /> ' - �—
<br /> .��, . :.
<br /> , � . � _
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<br /> _��. . . ' ' . . '!_ `: . - �- - . �; �t' . � � � �V
<br /> v.3• t:F� 1 .�.....�.S.v1.G�+� ,`u.11:.>�.w1.i.•.Y+�"��aat '°� �!'f� i ^� ..
<br /> � _
<br />. . ` i f.':���_.Y� �-4•
<br /> J ._ 1 '
<br /> -- . ; UNIPOAM COVENANT�Barrow�r and Lender caves�ant and agree as blit�u�: ��m ����� -:T ` � {:
<br /> � ~ 1. Payr�flant�t Priri�tp�0 and dnt��4.Barrower shall promptiy Pary when due the princip d interest indebtadness � . �: � . .
<br /> , �,� evidortced by t�e Note and late charges es provided in the NoU� ��;' :;� ° -� �
<br /> 2. FunQs4orT�esaa�taseu�ar►ee.Subje�ttoappllcabsetav�orativritten�vaiverbyLender.BortowershalipaytoLend�v ��:. ;�.:.°:;�,,.:. .
<br /> , ` � on the day mobhly payments at prtncIpal and interest are payabte under the Hote.urtil the Nate is paid in fnp.a sum(herein . ,. �.y. -
<br /> � • �� "Funds")equsi to on�iwetfth of ths yearly taxes and a�essm�Ms(indudng candaminium artd plarmad unit davetopmsM =('.. •.: _.
<br /> asse�smetits,i4any)t�,�hIct�mayattainprio►ItyoverthtsQe�da4�rust,andQronrtdrer►tsonttteProperty.NenY.Plusonedweiff0 `,;, _ :...` ,
<br /> • .� otyeastypremiuminstalimenLatorharardinsu�.�tuson�tvrelfthofyeartypremiuminsKailmer�tstarr►uor�qageinsu►ant� .
<br /> . (}arry�ai{asreasonabiyesttmatedin�laltyar►dtrom�metorimebylenderanthebasfsotassessmentsendbilisand�easonahie .t� ,° '.
<br /> ° . esNmadssMereof.Borrowrershallnotbeabligatedtoma�cssuchpaymemsoiFundstoLendartothawctentthat6amowarmakes . � ;:
<br /> such paymants to ti�e�older o!a pftor mortgage or deed af tr�ust if such hotder is aie inatiituttor�al tender. � , �, '_
<br /> ,.� .F;• u
<br /> �„�-,;� if Borrower pays Fu�Ms W Lender.ths Funds sAati be hetd in an insdtutton the deposits or sccounts of which are insured _. `.�:. :. : `,�
<br /> .—_-�a o�guaranteed by a Federai ar s�tate agency(inda�ng Lea�ar i4 tender is such�in�tttution�.LenQsr shatl$�PtY the Funds _,_—�.-- ;�.;.,`
<br /> �ta
<br /> '. � to pay said taxgs,assessmants,insuranca premlums ead ground renis.Lend�t may not charge for so hotding artd appiyfrtg ;.�,4���.�-.. .,
<br /> �:: -���.
<br /> :: 4-.:��,s , .
<br /> � � � theFunds,ana[yzIngsafdaa:ountorverityingartdwmpiiingsatdassessmentaartdONl�.untassLenderpay9Batrawetinterest „
<br /> � � �s antheFundsandapPi�cahietawpermitsLendertomatcesuchad►arge.6arroe�n�randlendermayagrae�n�v�tfn�attlre�rme . . .
<br /> -�� ` � of exsc+fion of this Oeed of Tnist that trrterest an t�e Funds shaEt be pa�ta•6oRCUrer.artd untess sacA sgreemern Is made o� ;� ; -,_• . � �', ,
<br /> st �
<br /> .,�� applicabte taw requtres such interest to be paid.Lender shaU nat be�ec�qt�dta pay Bcrrceve�eny iaterest or ear�ings on t9te . : ::,-,':;:r�:: ., � �
<br /> ..? . ;,�_. .,,.
<br /> Funds.lender shall ghra to Barrawe►.without charge.en annual accoutritng of the Fuads slipwfng credits and dsbits to the s..
<br /> , � - FundsartdMepurposeforwhkheachdebittotheFvrtdsvuasmadaTheFundsareptedgedassdd�ionalseairit�lbrthesums ;� _ �":" ._ �
<br /> ,,s. ,�, _ �'"
<br /> < '~ secuted by this Deed of 1FusL ' -�Y�"'
<br /> e dorWthedue `� :,. �"�"=�':
<br /> � � �^+�� Ifthearr�urttottheFundshetdbylsnder,tagetherwit3ithefuYuremonthtyin,stattmernsafFundspayaW p - ;:;�;�r.,:_
<br /> dates af taxes.asssssments.insurance premiams and ground rents.sfiail ex�seed the amount required to pay seid taxes. , ;: �;,-;.>
<br /> � � - assessmer�.insurancepremtumsartdgroundrerrtsastheytalldue�suchexoessshallbe.atBorrowePsop4ion,efthe�pcomptly ..r..,f.�._�-;i:
<br />;.r �... ' " rppa�dm Bortou�,rer ct crediied to Borraweron montftty installmenfs of Funds.[t the amourtt af the Funds hetd by Lender shsl! . ',.� �._�,.• ��'
<br /> ..� • .
<br /> r�attiesufflciertitopay�►assessmemts►insuranoepremiumsandg�undr+er�tsastheytatldue.8orravrershaUpaymisnder ��� :�:`
<br /> arry amount rteoessary ta make uA the deftcter�cy in one or mote paymeMS as Leadar may require.
<br /> refund to 6crrowrer any Funds be(d .�'''.`'..`: � ~
<br />� ' •.:_:� Upan payment in fu0 of all sums secured by thfs Oeed atTnist,L,ender shail pr8mptly -�- " ;-.�'�,;
<br /> • byLertdar.ffunderparagraphl7h�reo9lhePro�ertyissoldorthePropertyisathe�wiseaoquiredbyLender,Landershallapply, ; • _ ;.`•.;.�:._.;:
<br /> rto laier ti�an[mmediatety prtor to the sale attt�c�Pncperry or[ts acquisi�on by Lender,arry Furtds hetd by Lender at the time � -�"�;
<br /> �. , _�� � < ,. .,
<br /> of appiicatlon as a cxedn against the sums secured by thls Deed ot Trust. � .� "'-
<br /> . . .-.._�; : ,��;� 3 Appit�attonolRayme�s.Untessappllcablefawprcvidesothen�fse�alipayimeMSreoeivedby►lende�underthel�oie � „ ._;.�_f.
<br /> oa
<br /> - -. and paragraphs t and 2 hereaf shall be appt4ed by Lender first in paytr[etn at amourns payabSe to Len�er try Borrawe�under i� ��,_ �
<br /> ���>�: ' � paragraph 2 hereot.then to irrterest payabie on the Note.and then to Me principal of the Note. + �` ,�
<br /> . � �.��,'„ 4. i�riorQlRaetg�gesandCeedsat7t'+te��fiar�les.L[ens.BortowershailpeifortnailMBortawePsobt�gationsundererty ��;-;�r,':b-v,�,;`
<br /> � ,�. : R rtga r'.�,.t� -
<br /> . � - mortgage,deedoftsustorothersecurityagreementwithalienwhichhasp�toriiyoverthisDeedafTrust,inctudingBorrower's < <
<br /> �°'�
<br /> cavenar�tomatcs�eritswhendae.BoROwershallpayor�susetobe�atdai�taxes.essessmerttsandothercharges.�nes ` � . � ,,,,;;;•;,_
<br /> ts
<br /> ` ', � andi�CSi4iions��btetothePropertywhichmayattatnapriarityover�isQeedoiTrust,andleasehotdpaymer�tsorground �:'" .: �:-..
<br /> . fetlt5►iY�:�Ta :;•��:.;::.:t:'���'zz:
<br /> �.'.':;�7;`.)s`.e_�YYY�'..�.�.,
<br /> ; �.� :, S. �nd I��..nce.Bo►rower shatl keap the improvements naw existing or hereafter erecied on the f�gs�4y insu�eA ..,,., . ��
<br /> - against loss by�rc�h�aaards iricluded within the term"extended coverage';and such other ha�rds as i.endor ec:ay require . ,n��r: �=:� ,.
<br /> � � '� a n d i n s u c h a m o u r d s a n d t o r s u ch pertods as Cender m a y require. _ � �
<br /> :; �.,`
<br /> The insurance carrier praviding the insurance shall by chasen by Borrawa�subjectto appra�ral by Lertder,provlded,ihat � ; '�,`,-
<br /> �:s,�t.
<br /> suc4�approval sha11 not be unreasunably vdthhetd.Ati insurance pofictes and rene�vats thereaf shaif ba in a torm acceptable rf; � ,,:�_
<br /> , ,.s-r.rJ...:
<br /> ��� � to Lertd�and shall includa a standard mortgage ctaus�a In tavor of and in a torm acc�cabls to lender.Lender shall hava t�e •�,,}��l,��j:�_ " `
<br /> . �ighEtoRoidti�epolidesandrenewalsthereot,subjecttothetemnsofanymort a e.deedoftrus4orolhersecurityagreement Yr � -
<br /> 9 8 � � ,�`f�,,� .....,, :
<br /> '� t� �vith a lien which has priorlty over this Oeed af 7rust. y���✓i������_
<br /> � { tc�t3�a$ventofta�.Borrcwershaligivepromptnotfcewtheinsurance�amerandLertder.�dta�'maymakepraototloss „�_J_`____
<br /> + if rta��rar�pmmptly by Borrower. { 4�`�£"` _ -
<br /> :'��Y} �f��PropeRy is abandoned by B�mower,ar if Borra�r+m���.r1s to respond to Lendar ea1lhin 30 days iram the date natice is �' � :.
<br /> .i .,y��, , r'_4{�� �s _.:.. --
<br /> H
<br />- .(i���,; . �.;� . �
<br /> ma's�e+��t Lender to Borrower that the insurance carrier ► � to settte a clatm for insurance benefits�Lende r i s a u t h o d z e d ; :�;-_
<br /> � " WcolfectandapptytheinsuranoepmceedsatLender'sop�onetthertorestor�tonorrepairotthePropeRyortathesumssecuned L,�,�
<br />_ , : ,. .. �, ;� ttyG�ts�eedolTrust. � ��:.'�`
<br /> � � � 6h+esenra4[on end Malnteaanee of Propeity;L+easehoid�;Condomtntuma;�t�nned Unit Dev@lopmer�.Borrower :.
<br /> � '. � shatl farep tAe PropeRy in good rapair and shall not comcrri2�Naste or permit impaim�r�or detetioration o14he Property and . � -:��
<br />_ � +� shali comply with the provistons a!any lease tf this!�d�d Trust is on a leasehol�.it this Oeed of T�ust is on a unit in a ���a:�' ::'.
<br /> _,�_.,�._.�._,.,.
<br /> - condominium or a pianne�unit devetopmertt,Q�re���:��7i perfarm at1 ot Borrower's obltgations under the declaretion or . �.„�
<br /> '� , caven�nbcreattrtgc�govemingthecondominiurraag�iartr�edunitdev83�r�nt,4heEydawsandregu�at3onsatthecondaminiaun� .� u;
<br /> � or��-od unit dsKC.epment�and constituent doeumerttr. 4°4,��.� , ; �
<br /> , .4�,:�.,. � 4. P�tectlon o!Lender's Sscurity.If BoROwer ta.►:��a p�erfo►m the covananta and agreements con4aine�inthia Daed : .�i��'f�'� � . ,
<br /> ` �!.l�� . � o t T r u s t,o r i f a n y a c t t o n o r p r o c e e d i n g i s c o m m e n c a 0 v fi���t a m s a t e r i a l t y a f t e c t s L e n d e r'9 i n t e re s t i n t h e P ro p e r y;2 C�en.Lender� ';. , ��+��f�; ,. , .:. .
<br /> -= alLender'soption,�nnnottcetoBorrower�ma��eakss�chappearances,disbursesuchsums,inctud3ngreasona6teattomey� � �� �
<br /> <<�.'
<br /> � � fees,and taics such aation as is necessary to ptt�tect Lender'e interest.It Lender required maRgagc�insurance as a condittar� �', � ` •:r;•��
<br /> . ' otmaldngthetoansecuredbythisDeedolTrust,Scmawershallpaythepremiumar�equiredOomainte��saohinaurenceine4fect �� ` :�,' �:"°;�
<br /> � ��� � untitsuchtimeastherequiremeMiorsuchinsu►ancetermi�atasinaccardancewith6ore�war'eandLender'awrittenagresment ���,�;,��>'�a�� � . . ..
<br /> }��;.,,,�
<br /> , ..'. � � ar appticable Iaw ''"`''• .• .
<br /> 1 71.h1'
<br /> - ��� My amour►�eS�bursed by Lender pursuant to thi�paragraph 7.wlth Interost thereon.at the Note rate,shail become , � �
<br />-'�;'� �� ' addiUon�findebt�dRa�sofBomowarsecuredbytRisOoedalTrust.UniessBamo�varandLenderagreetoother3ermsafpayment. � � �
<br />=�� � such amourtts shail be payabte upon notioe irom Lender to Borrower requesting paqment thereW.Nothing contained in this
<br />_ � paragraph 7 shali require Lertder to incur eny exp�nse or take aml action hereunder. , � �
<br /> ° . �� 0. Inspectlon.LenAer may make or causeto ba made reasonable entNes upon and inspectiona otthe Property,provlded . , ,. ` �
<br /> _ , �. � � thffi Lender shatl give Borrower notice prior to any such tnspectlan spacifying reasonable cause therefor related to LenQet's ` �„. . � .
<br />_ - ' � interest in the Properly. ' _ � ��
<br />- - �, �� 9. Cdr�Qomnatlon.The praceeda of arry award or ctaim for damages,direct or consequential,in connection v1itA any �
<br /> - � . - condemnaUon or oiher taWng ctthe Property,or paRthereof,ortar conveyancs in lieu of condemnation�are hereby assigned
<br /> � �� anQ shatt Da pald to Lender.subject to the terms of any mortgage,deed of trust or other security agreement with a lien which . �
<br /> ' •�'�. � has prtority over this Dee�of Trust. �
<br />_...-._,- �-- _
<br /> _ CAf3E2 ---.— ,—---- --
<br /> . � .
<br /> t � . -T -- -^ .^^�;'Y� ......- .. - ............-- ^�,°� i ^r••-a•�r,r.^ r°-`-
<br />. .-�.-.+t.,��.--•---�. - � . a . . . . , � , _ .^_..�'�,r'......�. _. � .'�� . . . . _ .�i ..., _, r ..1•,'� . . � .•,•: .. •- i�. �.. . ... . .. '�.r� -�+-
<br />