THE AUGUSTINE CO. 18800.12.36
<br />The Court finds generally that the allegations of the petition for determination of heirship is
<br />true; that said Nettie E.Hurst died intestate on December 26,1937; that she was at the time of
<br />her death a resident and inhabitant of Hall County,Nebraska,and died seized of an estate of in-
<br />heritance,to- wit,was the owner thereof in fee simple absolute in the following described real es-
<br />tate to -wit:
<br />Beginnin at a point marked by cement block set on the South boundary line of the Northwest Quar-
<br />Section Thirteen (13),Township Nine (9),Range Eleven (11) West,711.28 feet East of
<br />ter (NW4� of
<br />the Southwest corner of said Northwest Quarter of said Section 13,running thence East along said
<br />South boundary line 658.22 feet to a point marked by a cement block; thence North parallel with
<br />the East boundary lines of Sections 12 and 13,in said Township and Range,5280 feet to the North
<br />boundary line of the Southwest Quarter of Section 12,in said Township and Range to a point marked
<br />by a cement block thence West on said North boundary line 658.22 feet; thence South parallel with
<br />the East boundary lines of said Sections 12 and 13,for a distance of 280 feet to the place of
<br />?NWJ)
<br />beginning,and being a tract of land situate in the Northwest Quarter of Section Thirteen
<br />(13) and the Southwest Quarter (SW4) of Section Twelve (12) Township Nine (9),Range Eleven (11)
<br />West,consisting of 77.12 acres,all in Hall County,Nebraska (Exclusive of the Platte River) as
<br />shown by survey thereof made by Hurla W.Kibby,County Surveyor,recorded in Book 2,Page 8,Surveyor's
<br />Records of Hall County,Nebraska,to which reference is hereby made.
<br />That more than two years have elapsed since the date of the death of the said Nettie E.Hurst and
<br />no application for the appointment of an administrator of her estate has been made in this State
<br />by any heirs or persons claiming to be creditors of said deceased; that said premises constituted
<br />the homestead of said decedent.
<br />The Court further finds that Jesse F.Hurst was the spouse of the said Nettie E.Hurst; that your
<br />petitioner,Alva Z.Hurst,and Nobel G.Hurst are children and sole heirs of said Nettie E.Hurst and
<br />sons of said decedent and are of lawful age.
<br />The Court further finds that the court costs,including publication fees and expenses of adminis-
<br />tering the estate have been paid in full,and that said estate was not subject to inheritance tax,
<br />either Federal or State.
<br />IT IS,THEREFORE,ORDERED,ADJUDGED AND DECREED by the Court that said Jesse F.Hurst be and he is
<br />hereby assigned the homestead interest in said estate, and that the remainder in said estate be
<br />and the same is hereby assigned as follows, to -wit:
<br />To Jesse F.Hurst an undivided one -third interest therein;
<br />To Alva S.Hurst an undivided one -third interest therein; and
<br />To Noble G.Hurst an undivided one -third interest therein.
<br />IT IS FURTHER ORDERED,ADJUDGED AND DECREED by the Court that the sale and only heirs at law of the
<br />said Nettie E.Hurst were and are Jesse F.Hurst,her husband,Alva S.Hurst and Noble G.Hurst,her
<br />sons; that she left no other heir or heirs her surviving; that the said Nettie E.Hurst died in-
<br />testate at her residence in Hall County,Nebraska,and was at the time of her death a resident and
<br />inhabitant of Hall County,Nebraska; that she died on December 26,1937; that nore tham two years
<br />have elapsed since her death; that no application has been made in the State of Nebraska for the
<br />appointment of an administrator of her estate,and that she was at the time of her death the owner
<br />in fee simple of the afore described real estate,and that said afore described real estate descend-
<br />ed upon her death as hereinbefore set forth.
<br />Paul N.Kirk
<br />)ss. I. Paul N.Kirk County Judge of Hall County,Nebraska,do hereby certify that
<br />Hall County )
<br />I have compared the foregoing copy of Decree determining Heirship in the
<br />matter of the Estate of Nettie E.Hurst,deceased,with the original record thereof,nnw remaining in
<br />said Court,that the same is a correct transcript thereof,and of the whole of such original record;
<br />that said Court is a Court of Record having a seal,which seal is hereto attached; that said Court
<br />has no Clerk authorized to sign certificates in his own name,and that I am the legal custodian of
<br />said Seal and of the Records of said Court,and that the foregoing attestation is in due form of law.
<br />IN TESTIMONY tdHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County Court,at Grand
<br />Island,this 31st day of August 1940.
<br />(SEAL) Paul N.Kirk
<br />Filed for record the 3 day of 8eptember,1940,at 8 o'clock A.M. Co y Judge.
<br />Register of Deeds-.--""
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