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<br />THE AUGUST INE CO. 13600.12 -36
<br />that I have compared the foregoing copy of Last Will and Testament,Certificate of Probate thereof
<br />and Final Decree - IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CARRIE LEE,DECEASED,with the original record
<br />thereof,nnw remaining in said Court,that the same is a correct transcript thereof,and of the whole
<br />of such original record; that said Court is a Court of Record having a seal,which seal is hereto
<br />attached; that said Court has no Clerk authorized to sign certificates in his own name,and that I
<br />am the legal custodian of said Seal and of the Records of said Court,and that the foregoing attes-
<br />tation is in due form of law.
<br />IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County Court,at
<br />Grand Island,this 22nd day of August,1940.
<br />(SEAL) Paul N. Kirk
<br />County Judge.
<br />Filed for record this 23 day of August,1940,at 10:40 o'clock A.M. �?I
<br />wgister of
<br />- P- P- p-P-. P- o- o- o- a- o- o- oL o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o -o -o -o
<br />Now on this 10th day of July,1940,this matter came on to be heard o1a the final account and petit-
<br />ion for discharge of Henry Ross,administrator of the estate of Conrad Ross,deceased,and for the
<br />assignment of the real estate of said estate,and the evidence,and was submitted to the Court;on
<br />consideration whereof,the Court finds that due and legal notice of the time and place of hearing
<br />on said final account and petition for discharge has been given to all persons interested in said
<br />estate,as provided by Iaw.Thereupon the Court being fully advised in the premises finds as follows:
<br />. 1
<br />That the final account of the said Henry Ross,administrator of the estate of Conrad Ross,deceased,
<br />to in all respects just true and correct;that due notice to creditors has been given;that all
<br />clalms,namely,funeral expenses,court costs,attorney's fee,and all other debts and demands against
<br />said estate have been duly paid and satisfied.
<br />11
<br />That the deceased left an estate consisting of the following described real property,to -wit:
<br />Lot twelve (12),Block three (3),of Koehler Place Addition to the City of Grand Island,Hall County,
<br />Nebraska,including house,more commonly known as 213 South Oak Street.
<br />Lot five (5),Block one hundred and forty -five (145),of Union Pacific Railroad Company's Second
<br />Addition to the original town,now City of Grand Island,Hall County,Nebraska,including house,more
<br />commonly known as 604 East Yund Street; which is assigned to the following heirs;Kate Ross,also
<br />known as Anna Katherine Ross,widow;Conrad Ross,son;George Ross,son;Loulse (Ross) Gross, daughter;
<br />John Roes,son;Adam Ross,son;llarie (Ross)Brower,daughter;Henry Ross,son;and Louis Ross,son;all of
<br />legal age.
<br />IT IS THEREFORE ,COt1SIDERED,ORDERED,AWUDGED AND DECREED by the Court that the final account of the
<br />said Henry Ross,administrator of the estate of Conrad Ross,deceased,be and the same is hereby in
<br />all things approved,confirmed,and allowed; that the said Henry Ross is hereby discharged from his
<br />trust as administrator of said estate and the sureties on his official bond are released.
<br />—_ Paul N.Kirk
<br />In the County Court of Hall County,Nebraska County Judge
<br />State of Nebraska, G'ertificate
<br />�ssl I,Paul N.Kirk County Judge of Hall County,Nebraska,do hereby
<br />Hall County ) y certify
<br />that I have compared the foregoing copy of Final Decree entered IN
<br />THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CONRAD ROSS,DECEASED,with the original record thereof,nnw remaining
<br />in said Court,thattthe'same is a correct transcript thereof,and of the whole of such original record;
<br />