<br />300
<br />No. 7 HALL COUNTY
<br />In the matter of the estate
<br />of ) DECREE OF
<br />Theodore Schaumann, Deceased. )
<br />Now, on this 2nd day of August, 1939, this cause came on for hearing before the Court upon the
<br />final report of Harry P.Schaumann, Administrator, and Clara Schaumann, Administratrix, of the
<br />estate of said Theodore Schaumann, deceased, and their petition for distribution, thereupon
<br />evidence was duly introduced and the Court, being fully informed, finds that due and legal notice
<br />of the time and place of the said hearing has been given to all persons interested in said estate,
<br />by publication as provided by law, that the said final report is true and correct in all respects
<br />and should be approved and confirmed by the Court.
<br />The Court further finds that all proceedings have been had for the filing and allowance of claims;
<br />that a. time and place has been duly fixed by order of the Court for the filing of claims against
<br />said estate, and due notice thereof given to all creditors and other persons interested, that
<br />said time has expired and that all claims filed and allowed have been paid; that the claim of
<br />Clara Schaumann has been paid by a renewal of the obligation by certain of the heirs, hereinafter
<br />named, and that the contingent claim of the Nebraska Loan and Trust Company has been withdrawn,
<br />that all funeral expenses, and expenses of administration, inheritance taxes, allowances, and all
<br />other claims, debts, and demgnds of every kind, against said estate have been paid, and there re-
<br />mains of the personal property a balance of 4447.03, and a certain promissory note made by M.A.
<br />Fields, described in the inventory herein, which the said personal representatives have been unable
<br />to collect.
<br />The Court further finds that Theodore Schaumann departed this life at his home in Hall County,
<br />Nebraska, on November 20, 1939, leaving a last will and testament, which has been admitted to
<br />probate herein, that the legatee and devisee, Emilie Schaumann, described in said last will and
<br />testament, departed this life prior to the time of the death of said Theodore Schaumann, and the
<br />said Theodore Schaumann left, as his only surviving heirs at law, and as the only persons In-
<br />terested in said estate,.the following:
<br />Walter Schaumann, a son, of Omaha, Nebraska,
<br />Barry P.Schaumann, a son, of Grand Island,Nebraska,
<br />Clara Schaumann, a daughter, of Grand Island,Nebraska,
<br />Alma Rippen, a daughter, of North Platte, Nebraska.
<br />George Schaumann, a son, of Grand Island,Nebraska,
<br />Theodore Schaumann,Jr. a son, of Grand Island,Nebraska.
<br />and that all of said heirs at law are of full age.
<br />The 6ourt further finds that Theodore Schaumann died seized of the following described real
<br />estate situated in the state of Nebraska, to -wit:
<br />Lots Three (3) and Four (4) in Block Ninety -three (93) in the Original Town, now City, of
<br />Grand Island, in Hall County, state of Nebraska,
<br />The center one -third of Lot One (1) in Block Sixty -seven (67) in the Original Town, now Uity
<br />of Grand Island, in Hall County, Nebraska, the same being 22 feet wide fronting on Third Street
<br />by 132 feet to alley in said Block 67,- saving and reserving a strip of land eight inches wide
<br />along the west line of said parcel of land beginning at the street front and extending along
<br />the west wall of the brick building known as the Scarff Block- as far as the south line of said
<br />wall, said strip of land, together with the party wall thereon, having been sold to Wm.MCAlliBxer;
<br />also the right of ingress and egress to stairways leading to the second and third floors of the
<br />Scarff block aforesaid.
<br />IT IS, THEREFORE, ORDERED ANDDECREED BY THE COURT that the said final account of the said
<br />personal representatives be, and the same is hereby approved and confirmed, that the personal
<br />property remaining in their hands as aforesaid be distributed to the said heirs at law in equal
<br />undivided shares, and that upRn payment thereof the said administrator and administratrix be die -
<br />charged from their trust.
<br />IT IS FURTHER ORDERED AND DECREED that the real estate hereinbefore described be, and the same
<br />is hereby, assigned and distributed as follows:
<br />