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<br />that I have compared the foregoing copy of Last Will and Testament, Certificate of Probate and
<br />Final Decree, IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOSEPH D.MARTIN, DECEASED, with the original record
<br />thereof, now remaining in said Court, that the same is a correct transcript thereof, and of the
<br />whole of such original record; that said Court is a Court of Record having a seal, which seal is
<br />hereto attached; that said Court has no Clerk authorized to sign certificates in his own name,
<br />and that I am the legal custodian of said Seal and of the Records of said Court, and that the fore-
<br />going attestation is in due form of law.
<br />IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County Court, at
<br />Grand Island, this 23rd day of May, 1939•
<br />Paul N.Kirk
<br />(SEAL) County Judge.
<br />Filed for record this 23 day of May, 1939, at 11:55 o ' clock A.M.
<br />egister ✓of Leeds
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<br />We; August Schwieger and Ida Schwieger, husband and wife, of Grand Island,Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />both.bLing_df sound mind and disposing memory, do hereby make our joint and mutual will in manner
<br />and form following, that is to say:
<br />FIRST.
<br />The first to die directs that his or her funeral expenses, just debts and the costs and expenses
<br />of administering his or her estate will first be paid from such personal property as may be left
<br />by said deceased. If that be insufficient the Executor, hereinafter named, shall have authority
<br />to sell so much real estate as may be necessary for that purpose, the within being his or her, as
<br />the case may be, full authority to make necessary deeds of transfer without order from any court
<br />whatsoever. Such power shall also extend to the Executor of the last to die.
<br />SECOND
<br />The first to die hereby gives, devises and bequeaths to the survivor, for and during his or her
<br />natural life, the remainder of his or her estate, both real and personal, the said survivor to
<br />have the rents and income from all real estate and to be charged with the payment of taxes and
<br />with the obligation of keeping said real estate in reasonably fit condition, and to have the use
<br />and income of any personal•,.property herein bequeathed, with the right to use the income therefrom
<br />and such of the principal as may be necessary to permit of such survivor living in a comfortable
<br />manner. On the death of the last to die, the remainder of said estate, both real and personal,
<br />to be divided among the folloving named children, to -wit:
<br />Ella Jackson, a daughter, of Scotts Bluff County, Nebraska,
<br />Minnie Wolski,, a daughter, of Scotts Bluff County, Nebraska,
<br />Olga Kincaid, a daughter, of Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska,
<br />share and share alike, or in the event any -of said children shall precede the last of those
<br />making this will to die, leaving issue, the issue of said deceased child to take the share of
<br />the parent by right of representation.
<br />THIRD
<br />We hereby revoke all former wills by either of us made, and the one dying first hereby appoints
<br />the other Executor or Executrix hereof, as the case may be, and both join in the appointment of
<br />their said three children jointly as Executors of this will in so far as the same is the last will
<br />and testament of the last to die.
<br />-2-
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF we have hereunto set our hands this 6th day of October, 1936.
<br />itnesses:
<br />ladys Simpson August Schwieger
<br />Claude A.Davis Ida Schwieger
<br />