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1�0 1) <br />THE AUGUSTINE CO. 18600 -12 -96 <br />(2) That the said final account of Hugo V.Carroll, administrator of the estate of Margaret Roberts, <br />deceased, is in all respects just, true and correct; that due notice to creditors has been given as <br />provided by law; that all claims allowed against said estate have been duly paid and satisfied and <br />that the estate is now solvent; that no federal or state inheritance taxes are due or taxable against <br />the estate or the distributive share -of any heir, legatee or devisee of said decedent, -and said final <br />account is hereby allowed and approved. <br />(3) That all court costs, administrators and attorneys fees have been paid. <br />(4) That the deceased was a single person and left no issue and that she died January 2, 1939- <br />(5) That the only heirs at law of the deceased are as follows., <br />Edward Roberts, deceased, brother. <br />Harvey Roberts, brother. <br />Alvin Roberts, brother. <br />Rose Roberts, sister. <br />Lillian Kutcher, sister. <br />and that the said Edward Roberts, deceased, died about two months after the death of Margaret <br />Roberts, deceased, and that he left no wife or issue surviving and his sole and only heirs at law <br />are as follows: <br />Harvey Roberts, brother. <br />Alvin Roberts, brother. <br />Rose Roberts, sister. <br />Lillian Kutcher, sister. <br />(6) That after the payment of all claims, costs and expenses of administration the said administra- <br />tor has on hand for distribution the sum of $64.64. <br />(7) That at the time of her death the deceased was the fee owner of the following described real <br />estate, to -wit: , <br />An undivided one fourth interest in <br />Northwest Quarter and the Southeast Quarter of Section 32, Township 13, Range 9 in Howard County, <br />Nebraska. <br />Southwest Quarter and the South Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 5, Township 12,Range 9, <br />in Hall County, Nebraska. <br />Southeast Quarter of Section 31, Township 13, Range 9, and the Southwest Quarter of Section 32, <br />Township 13, Range 9, all in Howard County, Nebraska, <br />Northwest Quarter of Section 2, Township 12, Range 10, in Hall County, Nebraska. <br />which according to law descends as follows: an undivided one -fifth interest to each of Edward Roberts, <br />Harvey Roberts, Alvin Roberts, Rose Roberts and Lillian Kutcher. <br />0 <br />(S) That Hugo V.Carroll is the duly qualified and acting executor of the last will and t estatment <br />of Edward Roberts, deceased, and that the personal property now in the administrators hands should <br />be distributed,as follows: One fifth to each of Hugo V.Carroll, as executor of the last will and <br />testament of Edward Roberts, deceased, Alvin Roberts, Harvey Roberts, Rose Roberts and Lillian <br />Kutcher. <br />IT IG THEREFORE ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED by the court that the final account, of Hugo V. <br />Carroll, administrator of the estate of Margaret Roberts, deceased, be and the same is hereby in <br />all things approved, confirmed and allowed; that the personal property in the hands of the admin- <br />istrator be distributed as follows: one fifth to each of Hugo V.Carroll, as executor of the last <br />will and testament of Edward Roberts, deceased, Harvey Roberts, Rose Roberts, Alvin Roberts and <br />Lillian Kutcher; the said Hugo V.Oarroll administrator of the'estate of Mragaret Roberts, deceased, <br />is hereby ordered to pay to said parties above named their respective shares and upon the filing <br />of his receipts therefor is entitled to his discharge and the release of his surety. <br />BY THE COURT <br />(SEAL) <br />CHARLES C.LARSEN <br />County Judge <br />State of Nebraska ) I, Charles C.Larsen, Judge of the County Court for said county, and ex- <br />)as <br />Howard County ) officio Clerk thereof, do hereby certify that I have compared the fore- <br />going Copy of Final Decree with the original record thereof now remaining on file in this office, <br />rrr� <br />1 <br />LJ <br />1, <br />I <br />