<br />THE AUGUSTINE CO. 15600.12 -56
<br />petition praying that said account be allowe.4,for a decree of heirship, an order of distribution,
<br />a final settlement thereon and discharge.
<br />For these purposes, the 14th day of January, 1939; at 10 o'clock A.M. at the County Court Room in
<br />said County, was assigned as the time and place for hearing said petition, examining and allowing
<br />said accounting, and it Yras ordered that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing
<br />thereof be given to all persons interested in said matter by publishing such notice in the Grand
<br />Island Independent, a legal newspaper printed in said County, for three successive weeks prior to
<br />said day of hearing; and it appears by proof on file that said notice was given as ordered by Court
<br />and no objections to said. final report having been made or filed,
<br />Upon an examination of the record and the evidence in this matter and being duly advised in the
<br />premises, the Court finds as follows:
<br />First.
<br />That jullus P.F.Leechinsky departed this life on the 30th day of September, 1937, in said Hall
<br />County, testate, and at the time of his death was a resident of said County, and that the deceased
<br />left a last Will and testament which was filed in this Court for probate on the 6th day of October
<br />1937, and that said Julius P.F.Leschinsky was commonly known as Julius Leschinsky and frequently
<br />did business under the name of Julius Leschinsky,
<br />Second.
<br />That Minnie :,esehinsky was nominated in said will as executrix thereof and that the following
<br />persons are the legatees, devisees and heirs -at -law named therein, to -wit: Minnie Leschinsky,
<br />Mrs. Anna Lumbard, Miss Elizabeth Doll, Stanley Lumbard, Carl Lumbard, Lawrence Lumbard and Gerald
<br />Lumbard; the children of Hans Leschinsky; Fritz Leschinsky, Dr. George Leschinsky and Mrs. Anna
<br />Oltmann; Margaurite Leschinsky and Maxine Leschinsky; Ilsie Wolf and Carl Heinz Leschinsky; Anna
<br />Klann; Bertha Pruszeit, Anna Leschinsky, Ida Leschinsky and Bruno Leschinsky; Lydia Ebel.
<br />Third.
<br />That on the 6th day of October, 1937, said Minnie' Leschinsky filed her petition in this Court for
<br />the probate of said will and her appointment as executrix hereof;.that on said date an order of
<br />this Court was made assigning the 3rd day of November, 1937, at 10 o'clock A.M. in the County Court
<br />Room in said county as the time and place for hearing said petition and ordering that notice be
<br />given to all persons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of said order in the Grand
<br />Island;Independent, a legal newspaper printed and published in said County, for three successive
<br />weeks prior to said day of hearing, and it appears by proof on.file that notice of said order was
<br />given as ordered by this Court.
<br />Fourth.
<br />The Court further finds that no objections were filed to the probate of said will and that on said
<br />third day of November, 1937, a hearing was held on said petition and said will was duly proved,
<br />approved and allowed as the last will of said Julius P.F.Leschinsky, deceased, a decree of probate
<br />was made thereon and Minnie Leschinsky, named therein,was, upon her giving bond in the sum of
<br />$5,000.00 as ordered by this Court, appointed executrix thereof.
<br />The Court further finds that the deceased at the time of his death, was a married man and that he
<br />left the following heirs -at -law: Minnie Leschinsky, Mrs. Anna Lumbard, Miss Elizabeth Doll, Stanley
<br />Lumbard, Carl Lumbard, Lawrence Lumbard and Gerald Lumbard; the children of Hans Leschinsky;
<br />Fritz Leschinsky, Dr. George Leschinsky and Mrs. Anna Oltmann; Margaurite Leschinsky and Maxine
<br />Ida Leschinsky
<br />Leschinsky; Ilsie Wolf and Carl Heinz Leschinsky; Anna Klann; Bertha Pruszeit, Anna LeschinskyAand
<br />Bruno Leschinsky; Lydia Ebel, and that said will was in words and figures as follows:.
<br />�I, Julius P.F.Leschinsky, of Grand Island,Nebraska, hereby make this my last will and testament,
<br />hereby revoking all former wills by me made.
<br />1.
<br />I appoint my dearly beloved wife Minnie Leschinsky, executrix of this will and provide that she
<br />