<br />No. 7 HALL; COUNTY I
<br />In his estate, a widow, Amelia Schnell, and the following named children, to -wit: John Schnell -
<br />and Nicholas Schnell, sons, Mrs. Christina Kehm and Mrs. Catherine Hintz, daughters, all of legal
<br />age, and all of Grand Island,Hall County, Nebraska; that he left no other living children, or the
<br />living issue of any deceased children.
<br />2. That on the 6th day of April, A.D., 1935, the-last will and testament of said Nicolaus Schnell,
<br />deceased, was duly proved, allowed and admitted to probate, and on said date, Mrs. Christina Kehm,
<br />was appointed executrix of his estate, qualified as such, and has been acting in said capacity
<br />ever since.
<br />3. That due notice was given to creditors of the time limited within which to file claims against
<br />said estate; that such time has duly expired; that all claims against said estate, including the
<br />expenses of last illness of the decedent, his funeral expenses and the costs of administration,
<br />including the widow's allowance, h.-tve been paid and settled in full; that the further presentation
<br />and hearing on claims against said estate is forever barred; that there is no inheritance tax due
<br />the state of Nebraska, arid no estate tax due the United States of America.
<br />4. That the report of the executrix filed herein is in all things true and correct, and should be
<br />approved and allowed as her final report; that there is no money or personal property left in the
<br />hands of the executrix for distribution.
<br />5. That the said Nicolaus Schnell died seized and possessed of the following described real estate,
<br />and which by the terms and provisions of his last will and testament was devised as follows, to -wit:
<br />a. The Northeast quarter (NEB,) of Section nineteen (19), in Township three (3), South of Range
<br />fifty -two (52), West of the 6th P.11., in Washington County, Colorado, devised to the said
<br />John Schnell.
<br />b. The Southeast quarter (SEi) of Section eighteen (15), in Township three (3), South of Range
<br />fifty -two (52), West of the 6th P.M., in Washington
<br />County, Colorado, devised to the said Catherine Hintz.
<br />c. Lot fourteen (14) in Block seven (7), in Koehler Place Addition to Grand Island,Nebraska, devised
<br />to the said Catherine Hintz subject to the life estate of the said Amelia Schnell.
<br />d. The Southeast quarter (SEJ) of Section thirty - six (36), in Township nine (9),North of Range
<br />eight (5),West of the 6th.P.M., in Hamilton County, Nebraska, devised to the said Nicholas
<br />Schnell, subject to the life estate of the said Amelia Schnell.
<br />e. The Northeast quarter (NE4) of Section twenty -five (25), in Township nine (9),North of Range
<br />seven (7). Test of. the 6th P.M., in Hamilton County, Nebraska, devised to the said Christina
<br />Kehm, subject to the life estate of the said Amelia Schnell.
<br />1.
<br />That the report of the executrix, We. Christina Kehm filed herein, be and the same is hereby in
<br />all things approved and allowed as and for her final account, and in full settlement of her trust;
<br />that she be discharged as executrix, and she and her bondsmen released from all further--liability
<br />on their official bond.
<br />Il.
<br />That Nicolaus Schnell died testate on the 3rd day of March, A.D., 1935, a resident of Hall County,
<br />Nebraska; that he left surviving him a widow, the said Amelia Schnell, and the following nand
<br />children, to -wit: John Schnell and Nicholas Schnell, sons, Mrs. Christina Kehm and Mrs. Catherine
<br />Hintz, daughters;
<br />that
<br />he left no
<br />other living
<br />children, or
<br />the
<br />living issue
<br />of any deceased
<br />children, and that
<br />the
<br />said widow
<br />and children
<br />are the sole
<br />and
<br />only heirs of
<br />his estate.
<br />111.
<br />That the real estate hereinbefore described be and the same is hereby assigned as follows, to -wit:
<br />a. The possession, control, use, income, profits,rents and dominion of Lot fourteen (14) in Block
<br />seven (7), Koehler Place Addition to Grand Island,Nebraska; the Southeast quarter (SE4) of
<br />Section tiirty -six (36), in Township nine (9),Noi1h of Range eight (5), and the Northeast auarter
<br />(NEJ) of Section twenty -five (25), in Township nine (9),North of Range seven (71,West of the 6th
<br />P.M., in Hamilton County, Nebraska, to the said Amelia Schnell, for and during the term of her
<br />natural life.
<br />b. The Northeast quarter (NE4) of Section nineteen (19), in Township three (3). South of Range fifty -
<br />two (52),West of the 6th P.M., in Washington County, Colorado, to the said John Schnell.
<br />