<br />last illness, and costs of administration, except any indebtedness to my children, which are can-
<br />celled as hereinafter provided.
<br />111.
<br />I give, devise and bequeath the possession, control, use, income, profits, rents and dominion of
<br />Lot fourteen (14),in Block seven (7), Koehler Place Addition to Grand Island, Nebraska, the South-
<br />east Quarter (SE-1) of Section thirty -six (36), in Township nine (9), North of Range eight (9), and
<br />the Northeast Quarter (NEJ) of Section twenty -five (25), in Township nine (9),North of Range seven
<br />(7), West of the 6th P.M. in Hamilton County, Nebraska, to my beloved wife, Amelia Schnell, who
<br />resides with me at the above address, during the term of her natural life.
<br />1V.
<br />I give a.d devise to my son, John Schnell, of Grand Island,Nebraska, the Northeast Quarter (NE-1)
<br />of Section nineteen (19), in Township three (3), South of Range fifty -two (52), {Nest of the 6th P.M.
<br />In Washington County, Colorado.
<br />V.
<br />I give and devise to my daughter, Catharine Hintz, of Grand Island,Nebraska, the Southeast Quarter
<br />(SEJ) of Section eighteen (19), in Township three (3). South of Range fifty -two (52),West of the
<br />6th P.M., in Washington County, Colorado.
<br />V1.
<br />I give and devise to my daughter, Catherine Hintz, of Grand Isla.nd,Nebraska, Lot fourteen (14)0 in
<br />Block seven (7), in Koehler Place Addition to Grand Island,Nebraska, subject to the life estate of
<br />my beloved wife, Amelia Schnell, as provided in Paragraph 111 hereof.
<br />V11.
<br />I give and devise to my son, Nicholas Schnell, of Grand Island,Nebraska, the Southeast Quarter
<br />(SE4) of Section Thirty -six (36), in Township nine (9) North of Range eight (S) West of the 6th
<br />P.M., in Hamilton County, Nebraska, subject to the life estate of my beloved wife, Amelia Schnell
<br />as provided in Paragraph 111 hereof.
<br />Vlll.
<br />I give and devise to my daughter, Christina Kehm, of Grand Island, Nebraska, the Northeast Quarter
<br />(NEJ) of Section twenty -five (25), in Township nine (9), North of Range Seven (7),West of the 6th
<br />P.M., in Hamilton County, Nebraska, subject to the Irfe estate of my beloved wife, Amelia Schnell,.:
<br />as provided in Paragraph 111 hereof.
<br />1X.
<br />The bequests made in the foregoing Paragraphs 1V, V, V1, VI1, and Vill to my children are made upon
<br />condition that each of said children will cancel and release any and all claims that they may have
<br />against my
<br />estate of
<br />every nature and kind,
<br />for money
<br />borrowed, and
<br />for
<br />any
<br />other
<br />purposes, and
<br />my
<br />executrix
<br />is hereby
<br />authorized and directed
<br />to cancel
<br />and surrender
<br />to
<br />each
<br />of my
<br />said children
<br />any
<br />and all claims that the estate may have of every nature adf kind for money borrowed, or for any other
<br />purposes, the intention being that all indebtedness and claims of each of my said children to my
<br />estate, and any indebtedness or claims that I may owe each of them, shall be cancelled, released
<br />and fully satisfied by the - provisions made herein.
<br />X.
<br />All the rest, residue and remainder of my property, both real and personal, of which I shall die
<br />seized or possessed, I give, devise and bequeath to my beloved wife, Amelia Schnell, to have and to
<br />hold forever.
<br />X1.
<br />Deeds of conveyance have been executed by my beloved wife and myself for the land devised in
<br />Paragraphs 1V and V, situated An Washington County, Colorado, to my son, John Schnell, and my .
<br />daughter,Catherine Hintz, which are deposited with this will, and which my executrix is authorized
<br />