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<br />THE AUGUSTINE CO. 18600 -12.26
<br />DECREE
<br />In the Matter of the Estate of )
<br />CASE NO. 2533
<br />Deceased. D E C R E E
<br />Now on this 7th day of September, 1935, this cause came on to be heard upon the final accounting
<br />report of O.A.Abbott, Administrator of the Estate of Thomas C.McDermott, deceased, and the court
<br />finds from the proofs on file herein that legal notice, as by law and the order of this Court.. re-
<br />quired, has b(�en.given to all persons interested of the filing of said final account, and the time
<br />and place of hearing thereon; that no objections have been filed to said final account and the same
<br />is correct and should be approved.
<br />The court further finds from the proofs on file herein, that notice as required by law and in
<br />accordance with the order of the court herein was given to all creditors of said deceased of the
<br />time allowed and place appointed for filing claims against his estate; that all debts of the deceased
<br />and claims against his estate which have been filed or allowed have been fully paid and that all
<br />claims outstanding against said estate and not filed as required by law, if any there be, are for-
<br />ever barred; that all costs and expenses of administering said estate have been fully paid; that
<br />there is no inheritance or succession tax due under the laws of the State of Nebraska and no federal
<br />estate tax due the United States.
<br />The Court finds that the deceased left as his sole and only heirs at law, the following named
<br />persons, to -wit: Alice L.McDermott, a sister, and Mary A.Baker, a sister.
<br />The Court further finds that the deceased died intestate, on the 25th day of September, 1936, a
<br />resident of the City of Columbus,County;-of.Ftanklin and State of Ohio, and that he died seized in
<br />fee simple of an undivided one -third interest of the Westerly One Third (1/3) in Lot Three (3),
<br />in Block Sixty -eight (65) of the original town, now city, of Grand Island, in Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />and that all of the interest of said deceased in said property passed and descended under the laws
<br />of the State of Nebraska to his heirs, above named.
<br />The Court further finds that said Administrator has accounted for all and singular of all of the
<br />property coming into his hands as Administrator and has paid all the costs of Administration and
<br />that the estate has been fully administered and should be closed and the Administrator discharged
<br />of his trust.
<br />of said Administrator be, and it is allowed and approved, that all debts and claims and costs of
<br />administration have been fully paid; that there is no inheritance or succession tax due from said
<br />estate under the lays of the State of Nebraska and no federal estate tax due the United States from
<br />said estate; that all debts and claims, not filed or allowed, if any there be, are barred and all
<br />such creditors, if any there be, having such unfiled debts or claims against said estate are for-
<br />ever enjoined from setting up said claims against said estate; that all of the property of which
<br />said deceased died seized, being a fee simple undivided one -third interest of the Westerly One -Third
<br />(1/3) in Lot Three (3), of Block Sixty -eight (65), of the original town, now city, of Grand Island,
<br />Hall County, Nebraska, passed and descended under the laws of Nebraska, to Alice L.MeDermott and
<br />Mary A.Baker, in fee simple, each taking an undivided one -half interest therein; that the Adminis-
<br />trator be discharged and his bond released; that the estate has been fully administered and is
<br />hereby forever settled and closed. Paul N.Kirk
<br />Judge
<br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ) I, Paul N.Kirk, County Judge of Hall County, Nebraska, do hereby certify
<br />)ss
<br />HALL COUNTY ) that I have compared the foregoing copy of Decree entered IN THE MATTER OF
<br />THE ESTATE OF THOMAS C.McDermott, DECEASED, with the original record thereof, now remaining in said
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