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U <br />1 <br />C <br />L <br />1 <br />115 <br />No., 7 HALL COUNTY.... � <br />I g to be the last will and testament and codicil of Adda Laine Dorgan, deceased, be admitted to <br />probate, and that said Henry Victor Morgan be appointed executor thereof, coming on regularly to be <br />heard this day, and it appearing to the Court that said Adda Laine Dorgan died on or about the 14th <br />day of November, 1931, at Tacoma,Washington, leaving estate in the County of Pierce, State of Wash- <br />ington, that the said document is the last will and testament and codicil of said Adda Laine Morgan <br />deceased; that it was duly executed by her in her life -time; that the same was duly attested as <br />required by law; that said decedent, at the time of executing said will and codicil, was of lawful <br />age and of sound mind, and not under duress, menace, fraud or undue influence, or in any respect in- <br />competent to execute said will. <br />IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, That, said document, which was filed in this Court on the 4th day of December, <br />1931, be and hereby is admitted to probate as the last will and testament and codicil of Adda Laine <br />Morgan, deceased. <br />It is furthHr ordered that Henry Victor Dorgan named in said will as executor be and he is hereby <br />appointed executor of said last will and testament and codicil; and that letters testamentary there <br />on be issued to said Henry Victor Morgan upon his taking the oath required by law, no bond required. <br />Done in open Court this 26th day of December, 1931. <br />F . CT. RE&1ANN, Judge <br />Filed in Open Court Dept. 4 <br />Dec. 26 1931 Entered in Probate Journal No-J-3, <br />J.K.Scott,Clerk, by G.Deputy page 100. <br />IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON <br />IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF <br />ADDA LAINE MORGAN, deceased <br />STATE OF WASHINGTON ) <br />ss. <br />COUNTY OF PIERCE ) <br />IN.AND FOR THE COUNTY OF PIERCE <br />IN PROBATE <br />NO. 2561a <br />LETTERS TESTAMENTARY <br />WHEREAS, the last.will and codicil of Adda Laine Morgan, deceased, was on the 26 day of December, <br />A.D., 1931, duly exhibited, proven and recorded in our said Superior Court, a copy of which is <br />hereto annexed; <br />And Whereas, it appears in and by the said will that Henry Victor Morgan is appointed executor <br />thereon; and, whereas Henry Victor Morgan has duly qualified; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL DEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we do hereby authorize the said Henry Victor <br />Morgan to execute said will according to law. <br />WITNESS, the Hon. F.G.Remann <br />Judge of the above entitled Court, and the <br />seal of said Court affixed this 29th day of <br />December, 1931. <br />(SEAL) <br />Entered in Record No. 16, Letters Test. page 253 <br />J.K.Scott,Clerk of said <br />Buperior Court <br />By Stella Parker,Deputy <br />IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON <br />IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF PIERCE <br />IN <br />THE MATTER <br />OF THE <br />ESTATE ) <br />No. 2 5 6 1 0 <br />OF <br />ADDA LAINE <br />MORGAN, <br />deceased) <br />CERTIFICATE, <br />I. L "'W.Craig, County Clerk and by virtue of the laws of the State,of Washington, ex- officio Clerk <br />of the Superior Court of the State of Washington, in and for the County of Pierce, do hereby certify <br />that the annexed and foregoing is a true copy.of the 4;ILL AND CODICIL, ORDER ADMITTING WILL TO <br />PROBATE AiID APPOINTING EXECUTOR and LETTERS TESTA1ENTARY: - - - - -- <br />in the above entitled matter, as the same now appears on file and of record in my office. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and affix my official seal at TACOMA in said County, <br />