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<br /> . `µ ` 13.Natices.Auy noace to Bomower pravided for in this Serurity InsC�ument sha11 be given by delivering it or �`
<br /> . �� � e un
<br /> :��:.�� by mailmg it by 5rst cia4s mail unless applicable law requires nse of another method.The notioe shali be direrted w :. ��`
<br />,- - --- __�:9. �p ro p�y Addt�ss or a t�y oiker asldtess Bortower desigQates by notice to Leader.EWy notice to l..ender shall be
<br /> ,�e � given by firsc class ma�to Lender's addcess stated herein or auy add�ess Lender desigaates by notice to B o i r ower.
<br /> - �; . provided for us this Serutity Unsunment shall 6e deemefl w bave been givea ta Borrower or Leades whai `.
<br /> F;', �, Any aotice
<br /> .?�. given as pmvided fa tlus paragraph. �����Federal law aad ti�law of �' Y, �
<br /> ,�f���=r, 14.t'sOV�niag H.OtY;SeVeiehil�ty.Thi.S Secunty �spc� �� ; � .
<br /> ( .J �y��.{�� y *.�^ .y,.� vis�e.�c�:3avse of this S�rity ,�'ry
<br /> IF�`��riY} - �J���Wlllldi i'3F��� il!IIiL .��LLlai�� ';� �iitl�3iJ1/'.
<br /> �i,��'�r��k t ° o r t h e N o t e c o n fl i c t s v e i d��i t x�'_°.l�r,.sctch wn8icc sball uot affe��,�n��� -s5����� ;_�t
<br /> '`tivt�� , l ; t h e Note which c�&e.����=�nt the ca�licang Pmvi...`i�: T'�e 1aYS � �,.��, -
<br /> s•:;�` ,.
<br /> � - InsOruat�►t�d the Neste ax�ti�d res be severable. '� �l;
<br /> .,•,�,., :. 1S. �arrawet's �o�y. BoTCOVger�sbatl be given one confo�ed wpy of the Note and of this Sewrity
<br /> �
<br /> " Instn��t. .:: :<':;:``::
<br /> •• 16. Na�ardoas Snbstaar.ea. Borrower shall not cause or permit the presencs,ose.disposal.stor�e,or release ..
<br /> .. •����<'., of a�r Haaardous Substaaces on or ia the Y[opertY. Bonower shall aot do,nor allaw aayone eLse to do.�ythinS �
<br /> , . � affecting the Property[hat is in violation af a�►y Eavaanmentallaw. 'fhe psece�ing two s4ntences shall aot apply to .
<br />';'..�.,,;s_;:'', :„ `' , � use, or storage on the P�operty af small quaatities of Hazasdous Substanses t6at are generallY °;�,:• �
<br /> .�,�:._..:_�.�.. dte presease . . -_•
<br /> ��:�:`'��, � :•�.`;,� recognized to�e appropriate to notmal residentia�uses aud to maiateaance ai tne Propen5+. ,�:<;�.--.
<br /> . $otrower ahall pmmptly gtve Lsnder writtea notice of any invatigatton.clalm,demand.lawsuft or other eaion
<br /> • _�.. :�'. b5►anY govemmeutal or regWatory agency or prhrate pany lavolviag the PrapenY aud aay HazarGous Substance or
<br /> Enviroanmental iaw of ahlch Borrower has ectuaJ Imowledge. If Boirotiver leams.ot is aotitied by any govemmeata! ��:
<br /> ... mea a
<br /> ,.;:..:.:_.
<br /> � . - ; ..:'.;� ar regulazoty authority.t6at amY r�soeai or ather remediat[on of aay Hemrdous Substaaces affenting the Yropeny i� ::.
<br /> - . • aecessa.�►.B�rmw°,r shaU pmmptly ta�e all necessary remedial astEons ia aceordaace cvitb Envitonmental Law.
<br /> : Aa used in tbLs parag�h 16. "HazaMous Substances' are those substances defuied as tox�c or ha7arRous --
<br /> substances b3► Fmviaonmental law aaid the foltowing substancea: gasoline. kerosene, otker fla�le or wnic
<br /> ,,.:•.;,. . pprolenm prodnas.wxtc pesticIdes and herbicIdes.votaale solvents.materials contaWng asbestos or formaldehyde. ';,•r�;:.=v:
<br /> .. ,;,::; . '±� • and:adioactive materials. As used ia this pazagraph 16,°Envuonmental Law mesas federal laws aud Ia�vs of thc �--
<br /> . ,.�d,�,
<br /> jurlsdiction aHece the Ptopert3+is lacated tbat relate w heaitb,safety or environmental pmtection. _
<br /> ���, `.. , .�;� -�;-
<br /> '• NON-UIJffORM COVENANTS.Bormwer aad I�nder further covenant and agcee as follows: ._:rr°;
<br /> , ;;.;:` . , .�; 17.A�grm�E oY Yients.Eoimwer unaondioionally assigas and tr�sfels w lender all thB sents and revenues - __
<br /> of the Propercy.Eorms�er authorizes Lender or Lendsr's agents w collect the�sts and reveuaes and heiebY directs _..
<br /> �, � �:�' each teaaat of the Prage�ty to pay the tents tQ Ie�dcr ar I.�er's agents. g€aaveaer, Priar m Iender's nottce w
<br /> enr
<br /> Barmwer shall collect and z�.,
<br /> 'f� Borrower of Borcvwer's 6ieach of aay cavenauz cE�eem�t.ea r�ie Sewrity Instrume�• ::
<br /> .. ;x,�-'." receive a11 rents and ser�z�ues of the PropercY as a�.;�for cir�ta�aaft of Lender�d Eumsw�.This assignment of
<br /> ,�.`.
<br /> �-t:,r?,• ';!�}�>: rents constitutes�absal.nt�assigument and nat a�a�i�ment far�additional security aatY• �
<br /> k�.r::_ -_
<br /> .;.,>:. . --- �
<br />,•'.,':ii', '' ,••:: � Y �i;,,;�i.:,°
<br /> '`,.• lf Lender�ves ru-afi�e of bRach w Borruwer.�a)all renu received�g�r_awer�t`x he2d h L�errower as
<br />:_:F''':�.;;... ..�.t� �.•r�9�r � s_.,
<br /> � , 3' ,: •
<br /> 'r ��{ , (b)I.eIIdCi 8ha11 bC
<br /> � � tmstee far bensfit of�an1Y,tu be agplied w the sums secu�ed by�e�ry Is��o�nt; sball aU rents %%"� �
<br /> ,. r ;�� entided m collect and ieceive a11 of the rents of the Property;aad(c)each�t of the C�ta»eny PaY • -
<br /> .• , '.;t�'t. �� � �.
<br />.-_ ,a;,... --.,.',: ! due and uupaid to Lendes ar LendeCs agent on I.ender's amttea demand w rhe seaant.
<br /> �'•� : - � Boisower has aar�ecuud anY Pslor assignment of 4ie rents and has nat amd will not pe�rfoim any act that would i> -
<br /> .sae., �,":�
<br /> >ti*s�;�s��; ���,: prevent Lender fro��'sslag lts rlghta under ttiis paragraph 17. �a�
<br />,;�;.`,,,�:.;'...;;...�:'' l.eader shari not�Le required to enter upon,taltee control of or ma�ntaiu rwe�noPertY before os after givin�notise ���
<br /> a
<br /> .., .�r ' of breach to Eomower.However, Lender o:a judiclally appai�.�receiver may do so ac�ry time there is a 6reach_
<br />- ;,•. .
<br /> ;� . Anyr appHcatian of renta sl�all not caue or waive a�r default c+s�validate any other rig�t o=zeme�y of Laidet.This +:
<br /> . :.. .',:::',.:..: '�� : ' asstgament of reats of rhe Properry shall terminar�c�rhen ttte debt seaued by r�e Security -�° t is g�cn flill.
<br /> „ ,
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