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<br /> _ . 1� �w t� "�� . _ .. . . _ �.. - r �h�r v..:. . - �+=
<br /> , - < ! x�- . �r� , _E...�. ;�___��.�.._�_y-- � �3 .
<br />� ' '.h_. .L. � .�:.--�:ii --'—. ... ..�.�_�,.�_._..-�-- ��:�..__ .�_a�_:L�L_.3_.,.:_� . :� �w
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<br /> _ . . : - . . . � � �� ^'i5,� -c
<br /> '� ' " � �{�� /�����p� ���`�Q$ iooe�a OS/09I199R •� � $ ���'
<br /> 4 �. �WYLJO i3iY�4Ji�a� ��v ��\YJ�YO•V ��-' � 4\`- , ..
<br /> _�_`�. . -� r q.C.d}1 °�II°..�QSl.�P.�Of ffi�I SW�Id 0!G�8'�f0I��0I C0�'���� „c.
<br /> ` � co�e�or a4ner taking of the Pcog�r. or Part tfle�eof.ar for coaveyagce ia l�eu of oondem�don4 are heceby _ �°•�, -<
<br /> . . � �d aLd sbaII�paid w I�an�r.sub3�t to tt�e tem�of suy mnstgs,ge.d�d of uast ar atber se�itY s�e��a ° ' .
<br /> ; n a . :
<br /> . -- -`-� li�n whish hss prIn�ty over t�is Dead of Tn�st. J�`=�`:
<br /> � ���y� �_� � 10. Bm�nwc-r FIa4 B�aa2� �or�s�a�nc�BY ��Nt� a Wsivsr B�teadoa af the dm� for paya�na ar , � �.1'�4�.
<br /> � .l � ' mndifi�of�d�an of the sums�cm�d bY this Deed of Tiast gi�ated by 1�tn a�►su�in i�tetest of -' .s.
<br /> ' � Boaawer sT�all�ut ap�ro re�ease.ia auy ma�tr.the liahility og the a�igfaal Bo�tower aad Bottawe�'s snccesso:s ia ' �
<br /> :" , �L�a�er shaII nos be=e�+ac1 co wmmeuce preoaediqgs a8aius�sach su�oessor or�ass to extegd dme for�aymsnt 4._`. ��, .
<br /> .`� .�. or athecwlse mud'if9 s�dz�aa of the sams scamcod hy tbis Dcad of Tras�by r�asnu af aay demu�d made�r the osi8lnal '.
<br /> Pa
<br /> . � Boaow�r a�Eosrawer's sasocssoxs ia�Aug�b�noe b�Iender in ese�sing eaY right or m�dy�*• •' f-�� �
<br /> . . -= or otbe�v3se affuzd�d hp applicable Iaw.shaII not be a waiver of or pieclade the eaeidse of a�smch dght or .m�y.�� : °'.�°
<br /> ~'"'��� !L�an���di 8oit�Y sad�evet�l IdabiHt�i C�a�. The cavenants aa�ag�
<br /> �;:�''`., :�: � oa�teiued sbari ti�afl,aud the r�ts h��all i�e oo.the�especdve�o�s a n d a s s i g a s o f L e i a d e r a n d B o a o w e� ` . ``
<br /> �t ; s�E►j�c w th�provisions of�h ls haeo� Iw caven�aad a�ments of aoaoe�er sLan 1�e joi�t aad se,�al. ,� ��,::�- ;
<br /> ��'° Any�csaower�dho co-sIga4 this Deed of Tmst,bot does�nt ea�the Note,(a)is oo-sl8�in8 tl�ts Deed of�ontS►to ,t y .;-
<br /> "�'b"r. �3 au�o�vey tbat Boaawds iu�rest in the Pmperty to Tn�stee aader the te�s of tliis Doed of Tiast.N)is got . ��°_
<br /> � �, ;;�;' pe�onaIly ffable on the No�or u�tR;s De�d of Tia�t,and(c)ag�es tLat I�der and aap a�r�er Bosmwer h�tmder °� � -
<br /> . � t ' �`
<br /> �-`' y� �.��ake aay atl�r ac�darions wi��to the t�s.s of this Deed of Tcnst ar ; � ��>�,� ,_
<br />' , _ _ tu�9 ag�ee e�sl.�'stify. :.`
<br /> . _.���' �No t�wi�out mat�iver's s�ect anA w�ateada8 drat Borrawer or mo�fpIug @�s DeEd of Tivst as to tbat �;:` -
<br /> ,:�t
<br /> � .> Y�$awa's i�ie�st in d��topeny in aa�maa�ea.(a)a�►9 notfix to
<br /> • - lZ.Pk�oG�xP=��Y�ice�equi�mt�e�a�plisahte law to be givea � .� `_` :
<br /> • ' goimvPer pmvlded for in this Deed og Tmst sLaU be�vea bY d�Tave�B n os t+Y�S�notice Dy oecdfsed mail - :`: Y,°tT_-_
<br /> � a�+e�w Honower at the PmPert9 Add�or at sarh mher�as Borrnwer may des��hY nadce to�nder as �,:.:�<e`:=�--.
<br /> �-,.,� - - -
<br /> _ - ` gmvtaea�,mad ro)eay noSce co Ix�er shan be�fi►en by oe�ea mail m I�ec's aada�srated he�ein ar m sach ..: "`.�
<br /> ` �. ,` a4her a�dtess as I.�der may dest8�bq notioe to Bouower as gmvide��.Any�dce�vided for ia tbis Doed of ,:��,
<br /> � � "'` m the manuea designated he�ein. '�'-
<br /> l%r�t T[Q5t 811�1 b�d��LBVe bCCII�'�t0 BOaOwCI 0!I�2Dt�Et Q$A$�t►C�� `�--
<br />__... . ;��;�. !3 C�yeautng E�Seve�a�'�e smte am�2ocat�aws m�,rlicab2s tu�s Deed af Tmst al�ll be�e laws of tt�e ��
<br /> ' t`�;� m wLich the Ptopert9�Dr�. 'ibe Eaaegain8 seffi.�sbari not limit the a�rg�b�tY of Fedeeal Iaw to t�ds .� .��,f f ���
<br /> ' ''�p ��. or claaSe of tLis Deed of 1�osc ar the Note oa�Icts wIth a��ble law, ;' • „�_..�-
<br /> • ' �x�� Deed of'I'inst. Tn�e event tt�at suy pQOVision ;� - .�,�,-:.-..w..=�::
<br /> . . �;:3;�4. s¢ch oo�x sh�ll not affeet ather pmv�stoav of this Deed of Tmst or the Not$wLich caa ise gtven e�a whhuut the �:" :,;;.�,��':
<br /> �: 1�.. < �}�g�and to tlris enfl tbe Tuovistons of thia Dee�a3f Tlast aad the Note aze declt�ed to be�v�aIile.As �":�;
<br /> e £
<br /> a; �; �� ��•� �e�•aacl•attomeqs• E('eeg•iactads s�lt�ms to the estent nut p�+oh�bited bY app�bie taw ar � vy���,��:.
<br /> ' l��i� 1 4._� . f�'.[.:.
<br /> ._ < 1,�E;f � limiied�0. F" '_�� 7
<br /> . .. -:`".� Y4.Bosmvr�'A�.Boaow�r shaU be f�ished a c�'om�ed coPY off u�Nate aa+d of thls Beed�Tcast ai tt�e � x
<br /> : ; � emQeofeaewda�naraSt��.r�dat�vubet�eof. , '�. �'` :
<br /> , ]S. R� �tu Ag��. Baaow�r sbaU fa1fiU a11 of Bmmwer's abli�itons nuder anY 1�nme ' .
<br />;, ' � t��;��� �bilitadon.�mve�+�c��c loaa agreement wL�ch Boimweic ente�s Iuto wtth I.enQer.I.ende�ai I�adec's ,��.
<br /> ,..
<br /> tabte to Le�der.aa assi8ument af a� � -,:
<br /> , ��`F;,' op$on.maY requice��uwet to es�te aad deliver to LendEt.in a fo�m atcep ��r
<br /> � ver
<br /> '" • ' .' ' rig�.cla�or de�whic�Boscawer may��ast parttes who sapply labo�matecTals or seivioea in co�on -`r��
<br /> . wIphi�ove��to the Pmpenq. .T�� . ?'"�'r=
<br /> . :��=i� of 8�e Pcaperty ar any i�cest -: .:-
<br /> � ' 16.Z1ra�Q o4tbs P�+upest7'us 8 B�tIda1 Yr�er�t 1a Bt�n+owei: Tf sIt at a�►Qart f .,.,., , .a,s���_.
<br /> . .. ia it�S�.y,o,r u�e,,a�,s,/��ned(or if a bene5ctal�n�te,„re,,s�t,,�in Boa�as�td or uaffifesr�d aaa BouBwer is nnt a nata�al f��. u
<br /> I[8 }�,�n c •- ,t�9��,�
<br /> - . ���WI7�iiJtY�ia�B����i wu�v+YS 1611IKi 1'�'��SI��O�s•�9�"���7�"""�Li lY4 Oi�S�IGS .- 4f�� _.W.
<br /> � • sec�ed DY tL�s De�d a�f Tcusi.However.thls optt�shaU not be eaecsase�bY�ender if exec�ise is pmLiMted bY fed�al `,, . ,�<s�};�
<br /> . � Y :
<br /> - . . lawesoft�edateofdr��oflYus� :;_-- '�s-•"
<br /> . . .' .: If I�er ea�E�3s apttoa.IxnAec sball8�+e Bamawer nodce uf Seae�satfoa.'1$e uodce sLaU pmvtde a peda� �_�.t�._ :' i��
<br /> • ' �:.. of aai Irs t�aa 30 days fmm the Qate tLe nadce is delivered or mailed within vdt�ich Borcower mast paq all sums secru�d , : . ,,;�a�,;�
<br /> , ., ` ia4r ��
<br /> . • 4i`��,G.. —_-
<br /> ;_�,Y� by�ts Deed of Tmst. I4 Bomuwer fails to pay tL�e sums prtor w ttte e:pitat�un of ttds ped�ad.Lendec may iavoke aaY _-____
<br /> `� � Yemedta pe�ttteA by dils Deed of Trost wlthant far�her aoitce os demaad oa Eanower. • .
<br /> � ' IdoN-UI�oRm C�vENAI�Yl9. Bonoarer and Leader farthet caveaani aa0 sgcee as foll��s�n�acm a�mq8 ��{ 'Y
<br /> ' � �• ; !7. Acae2e�tlo;IItemedi�. EsOe�t as pmvt8ed in p�� 16�+oof, apon , ��
<br /> . . � �' coveua�ar egi�of Ba�+av�es in Ws Deed of 15r�st,�s8adin3�ose�aWCr's teiYama eo pay b�4�wd of 10 - � -•�-
<br /> �� �;` eal���a�tl�ey tu+e due.enY smns se�d Dy tl�Im�eA oY Teust, 1�en�P�Sor to sometesntIon s1�aD�tve �' �.,�;` ��,^'�-
<br /> - �` . , IIotioO t�F&�u�et��S+uvl�tn p�a�u��fZ h�eo4 s�8s (1)tGe�'b3(�)the ar�ton te�tred to c� .�!,,.� •�:.:<
<br /> .,'�t��:4F�_�
<br /> au�i b�r t�D t3�r,uo�t�tbea ZO daye tti+mn thE dais t�natloe fs m�ffcd to Boieawat�by w�s"t saeh DYez�b ' _ . 1'°• s+.°
<br /> � . . � k maut�aae�di aac�C�t�at QM�e ta c�e each�r�sh an ar b�oie t�e date e�e�in the noid�a�nesolt 1n _ :�:':� .
<br />- �� � ' sco�i�of t�e smms s�by t�1s D�of Tra�t enfl�aie o�the�Iroye�Ry.The aottce shaID f�rtic�tu4onn .::,,.'' .
<br /> �`" � Boiert�mt ttathe d�t to�A4t�r acra2esat[on�ud tlte s9�t to bring a comt sotton to assert t�tzo��e�Y '�� �;t'`�}�•;i:
<br /> o . •
<br />_- . ��•�`�•'���� . ' 'i'i,lti4dfk:.:,.
<br /> � - � a a�fa�,Y vr emY ot�aefmse ot ao:rawer w su�eIeratlon�sate.I�ehe 6�Cb fs�ae aan+ee mn or ecPore t��z ,��1��';;_:
<br />=- : �.'..:, sgedf�cd tn ths n�1�i'.at L�'e op2t�a.�,y dedare aD ot the smns sean+ed by tbfs De�l mY Tr�!to be . ' � ,,a::.
<br /> �i
<br />_= • � . �.> iffim�l�eiy age c�au paya6le wi4hoia nut�er ct�an►a end may invake�a power of seio am9 ar�y aa�r avme�l� ��.�� . . ,
<br /> _. . , , , pamitt'� 09 �3101ac�. Lende'r�hgll be e�id81'ed W collect d! e�nsble costs end ape�3 tasm�fl d� , ,
<br />';.:,•. ' �'',�,,,�;;.;;; 'i� p�s¢L��..TMs e+emedie�pmvtded in WLq paregeapb 17,Insaosa�,8,6ut n�s�to,reaso�ble a8tom�ye'fers• • ..
<br /> ,;%J. � .. aY�!a Lv i�vm'c�,�ea s�ll reeor�o�ae o f d e�Tu W t i n Q a s D w u¢i 9 m w m i c b t h e P�o p��r
<br />-,�i �: ,:t�.,;�'�`;t;��� 3Pt�qaw� ... .
<br />°--- , . ,_ ! ':�::; e�e Oue th�t�r lkxated end sball mafl copiea ot a¢s�+a�lloe ta tbe�nae�r oressri�Pd by apDllrab2e law to
<br /> Boaeow�an�to t4t�mr�petsom�b�aDj►dit�ble 1tiw.After ttie la�e of s�6 ttme as may ibe e+eqWred b� .
<br /> , w
<br /> __ � . � ' , sppltcaD2e laws Tr�t¢e s�U�iv�pubIIc aal�ae o!sote to ths p�som�and in t�m�nnst pre�tbed by uppllc�le . . � .
<br />- . � ' �w.��r,vritho�i d�am6 on Baram��,ediall sril tRs Fi��eriy'st pabfic a�ton to tL�high�3 bt�a3 the ttma � .,
<br />- aa�p�ttaee t�nd ffidgr the t�ms ds�l�ted in the aottoe of�Ie[n oae or mo���In�amdrt a�Tr�iee ,,..
<br />-- . � may deteQmias.TrusC�e ms�,y Pa��wae sa2e of nl8 or�ay psrePJ of the PrnP�9�9 P�blic sumo�3 d tde tlme �., .:- � . � :
<br /> � .,' and psace of any prevtougly ssheQute6�Ie.I.enB�r or Lsad�r's desl�e maY D�tess th$Fi+aperi9 st aw eate- .
<br /> --, . � Upon rec�ipt af Qaymeat of the�lce bid,Tr�see sh�ll dcllv�a to the purc0aser Tr�tee'e d�co�veytn;�the . .
<br /> R�:;� � ' ' Pm�4y soi�.l�e�ts In the T�•a dee�s�D De prime Pade evid�ace oi ttce du3h c4 the data�a�ts msde . -
<br />- ' t�reln.Trtst�e sb.�apy3y ths piaoeedq uf the sale in the foIIowing m+dgr:(a)to aU reasnnaDlx a�ts an��ee o4 . . ,
<br /> � t�sai2,iacludtng,bui�3 ltmlt�to,Tn��'s f��uc4�mliy iaaa:+e�ot Qo!more ti�m S°�of tit2�s s�e pstce, . .
<br /> � ; . � . :' e+�,roa�bIo u�omgys• fc-c� aa�eosts af tt4te evld�u� (b)to M s�ms s��y tht�IDeed of Te�s�ead(c)t� :
<br /> •� . aae�,if aoy.to tE�pe:sas�ar p�som I�IIy�th�o. .
<br /> . � � � NeDms�n 2b�763 11l96 ori8iaai�ROCOSdaBI Copy(sraaeh) Capy(Cuotmor� �e 3 ots •� ' .
<br /> ' --
<br /> -
<br /> _.
<br /> . . .� , . —. _•-�--•�_.':-;.--._ . . . .. _ •:. •�•:. .._�. � ..... .._... ,•. - _ .•.-.., ,'., l.. __. . . ... . .. . . _ ��`�'�.:�,�y. . , . . - .. `'l;`''�°.3-n' .. , . _ , . . . ..
<br /> •,---••--•-"-�--��+ ""r'- i_+ �� .i -r,. Y;��:
<br />