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<br /> '�;;�.� Whereas, ia accordance with pemussive authorizarien to merge as set forth in the Interstate �
<br /> >� Cammerce Commission decision effective as of September 22. 1995 and by Agreement and Plaa �
<br />- � ' of Mer�er dated December 31, 1496,The Atclus�n.Tapeka and Santa Fe Railway CamPanY is�cn 4�_� .`�::
<br /> ,' .`4.� the date of this Supgtemental Indentur�. Decentber 31, 1496, aad contemgoraneous with the . .,;
<br /> �. �<� , execution hereo� �e�gissg arith aa� into Bwdington Narther� Railroad Ce�mpany and the ;�.:°;.-'?
<br /> .''`�- corporate name of said company is being ci�anged tO Th� 8wt�n�ton Northera and Santa F� �:�_;.::,
<br /> -:,., �;:.:.a
<br /> ; �'�' �� Ra�wa Cv All of the r�quisite action descnbed in the A�reement aad Plan of Merger is �;°;'r.��::�;
<br /> ._:,��..r� . - y Am�+.
<br /> ' �' !. �::.��"� being t a k e� a n d a U a c t s.t h i n g s a e c e s s a r y to aut�ot� of the ��.`
<br /> a a d deeds the unbroken contiauity '='a�'.;";
<br /> ��-,.�>i','`„��`'�';:�' tnvrtgag o�s o b ligati o n s u n d e r t h e Coasotidated Mo rt g a ge by TFie Hurlingtan Northem and Santa � ,
<br /> : ;�� .
<br /> � . r:;.
<br /> . .':�`.;1.<; Fe Ra�way Co�pany, aad to m a ke t h i s Ywen t y-Fifth Su p plemental I�dentur�w��n executed by :. ,. :.
<br /> : ,��:F the garties hereto,a valid aad binding amendmeat w th�Consolidated Mostga��are being doa�
<br /> � . ..,.�.`� ar .
<br /> .. '- ,z.i_� performed and completed, aad the executioa and delivery hereof have been in all respects duty
<br /> � � � .:�:<; authorized. AccordingiY, bY this TWentY F'�#th Supplemental Indetmu�. the pardes desire to :� '-
<br /> . :�--�°,..�:�� -�� _R- �vidence�he change af coiporate nam�. and the cantiauance and affumauon by The BurTingcon . �`'}<�.;�
<br /> . , �,':� Nottltexa aad Saata Fe Raitway Compazry of tice obligat�ons of Burlington Northem Ra�raad _ � �
<br /> - -,�
<br /> � -��F Company under the Consolidated Mos�tga�e. � .:,;���
<br /> .f,=;- .� �.�.,... �, :,?�:
<br /> �:.� a: �f � :
<br /> "''�-" `-'" � NOW, TI�REFOItE, in consideration of the premises and of the sum of Ten Dollars . ,F�
<br /> � }'-` on Northem and Santa Fe Lbailway Compaay E� �:
<br /> . ''�,;: (�10.00) �aid by the Ttustees w The Burliagt , -� ;�:
<br /> � . ' ` ':'�:'- i e c e i p t o f w h i c h is hereb y aclmowl�g e d, to recoYd the Gh�nge in cotpor�e�n� to futther ,.
<br /> ����.'
<br /> . ,: �., . � .s�ure, and evideace the continuing sB�Cmadon, undertaking and ob�igation of payment, _
<br /> , �� . ., '�!�� ';; �rforn�arcce and obs�tvance of all o€the c�.vi�aaats aad conditions contaiaed in the Cons��tdated
<br /> 1":
<br /> `` �. 11�lf���,the parties hereto do hereby co��t and agee as follows: _---
<br /> ,. ;�t. ,
<br /> � . � A�ICLE ONE � � �
<br /> : frr�� � : ..'� , —_
<br /> � «J�'..� u, � . r _-_ ..
<br /> � , ., '/.��_I A�rCnation by The BurlingtoA Northem and Santa Fe�wa►y�+C�mp�►Y �
<br /> -• . r���;', �;��. =
<br /> ti .. , ,,
<br /> � ' � The Burlington Nortkern and 5anta �e Raitway Company is hereby ackaowledged as the � -.
<br /> � � � �� � .ra�octgogvr under the Consolidated Mor��.a�cd as such mortgagor,The Burlingtan N�rthern � -
<br /> .: +> � _=
<br /> : � <`•:; .�d.S�nta Fe Railway Campany in a l l re.�tcg ratifies,�onfim�s and continues unintemr��ieai.tke ::
<br />� � �b r.��a.s under the Ccnsolidated Mori`��. Fi�r��'�he Burlington Northem and .Sa�,��,,�. �
<br /> • nt,:••...
<br /> � '� .�� 3rta:.�a�r�Company heteby rea�rms iu.b�f.i�tions to make the due and punctual payme�m�t6�;���: �'. '
<br /> '�� � : � p�incipal o�premium,if aay siid inter��a11 the Honds,accorc�ing to their tenor,an�s�a$due ,
<br /> ,��,�},. .,. . . ,.�,��_:.
<br /> - and punccua}perfarmance and observar.c��s��U the covenants and conditioa�s of the Consolidated ,,,,�._
<br /> . � _ .•
<br /> � , :.��� Mortgage, so that ia accordaII�sv+th t�:e provisians of Section 12.01 of Article Twe1v� of the _
<br /> , `• ...�:` �.,�.,;' :`.� . Ccnsolidated Morcgage, 'I'he�19'�iriSton Northem and Santa Fe Railway Ccmpany shatl be '�..`_�;�,
<br /> . � G3 .`.
<br /> � � substimted for Buriington Northern Railrca.d Copnpany,with the s�mme.e�e�t as if The Bu*Wgton
<br /> �� '` � � Northem and Santa Fe Raitway Compa�,���3d been named in ths Cansolidated Mortgage as the __
<br /> - � ' .: !:° , .o party of the 6rst part thereto,and had duly executed snd delivered the same. �-.
<br /> -_ ; .
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