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<br /> f - .. COMPLbTE this portion ONLY if the reat properc9 descn"6ed �C . �� ;',`
<br /> - =,� :e. ;,".
<br /> �r-. .
<br /> .-. ; If app�cabie�compteo�OIdLY ONE e�ffier A.H,or C: _
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<br /> ,���, Q A DISCLAID�lE[t OF RI2�T T+0 D�ATE H�bS�,'PEAD' of on�L%pertq. Tr�tor, aad eacft of G r ::
<br /> :.,,.i.�s.. � Tro:�s ar�nowle43e��a21��is•��t[O rs�:zT3e followiag Deed 7�t aP
<br /> :, �t�xm if maie B�aa one,�-'`•��'��'$����a��d b�:sar,�c�al estsre:?�To part of Ta�to:'s bomesoead
<br /> �� � �� ,�l{i;� ' ; ,.�pr�Jq at�Itin th��'�e���upon eaid rea4 estate. T����flS�t if 7lrostur es�blishes:�i�on�Y ,
<br /> . patt of sa���d�g��f�S�'�}�ed of Trast remains�and a tuai u�on said real estao�,theie�be no�to, ,
<br /> f,��,�'?� � � ma�a d�of homestead ia die s�of a forecIosure or trus�e'�r�aie ar�h re�ert to satd Deed of Tcnst. �
<br /> ��� � ;�f �#���r;." .� . .
<br /> ,..�.., a.wAt�'�OF RI(��f TO DFSIt�41'TB HONff.S�EAD: � , :,;
<br /> `,�J'�1.,:.• ^ � _•. , �� Ttusoas•ac�wted�es tLat T:a.gtor is abant w cmeca�the foltoc�lqg Dced of'L�ust apon the property.. �"WI.and eacfi oY
<br />:-t'.�% , . .. �. r�,�::�. f , , � . -
<br /> �.-.��� ' p�if mo�.dk�s.a�.�i�aives'Fn�sta:_s sight to dPS�gaate a 6o�d au sai$teal�. 9Ynsoor�m��ds diat Trastor :
<br /> t , �d�ts oi���&vsilable for the
<br /> � ' ,�'f� i:�s sIght w�m�a d�i of liome��aad.tLat by execudng tbis araiver•Ttastor is �
<br /> �4� '}a -�cpose of�itg them the bppornast�a�r.etain 1Yosmt's hpmestead ia the event of a default ug�i;�•k7t�d c�'�. .• , r
<br /> t�ir� 1 �.; .�, .. ,• (,�
<br /> j��' �, El C.DF.4@1ATION OF HONSESTEAt�: ' '� ': ' .. . f` �"
<br /> � Putsuaut ro the Famm Homestead Pcorectioa Act(Secdoa?6-I4d1 et seq.Re�3c�d'Statntes of�e State'i�'L�r�iaska).Tmstor -
<br /> '. : .�; ; heteby deslgnaUes the real estate descn'bed in the 'Desigaadoa of HomesDea�° at�hed fleiem ead incospota�d herein by �is i�p..,.+
<br /> ' �. .. . ":; �ference. � . ��•:_.�
<br /> Ar•,•
<br /> �. 1� � _—
<br /> 1- !e. JO�SOH tpg(pI B�tT L.JOHILSOB . ��.
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<br /> �. �; � Q_'. �.
<br />___� � ; �.:,i THIS DI�lHD OF TRUST.ls made as of ffie un day of em� .19 9� .by and amfln8 -
<br /> . ' !: A8HffiiT L. JOHSSC9. �ST H. J0�50.7 � ` ,.
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<br /> S1��- �y�Q�Q�j(jQg fldQICSS�.9 Bdd&Q�19 B8LL8708 AV�lQS f�1LSP�QB� &6 68901' �QClCia , ;..
<br />. - ' i{ �B TIUSLCBr 09 DON!?H71ti � .
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<br />_"'!t,;' :..� • '
<br />..-::;,;: , _ • , ,i alhnse mailing adtttesa ig �sas a eammmn Rs ceeaa (ncrein Lendet .
<br /> _ . ��r
<br /> �;.•.. .' : ._i' FOR VAWABLB�OI3SmERATION,incWdiag Lendet's extenslon of credit identified Qerein m . .
<br /> - '� } ROB�YP L JOfh750i7 M JOHIJSON 1�f.LY J0147SdP AAQ4 JQl�iSOR
<br /> '. � . . I (here�n'Bmmwer:whe�er one or more)aad the uust trcreia created.the
<br /> .�s'� of w is hereb� w TnLnnr hereby irrevocabfy graat9.traasfera.wmeys aa�am�s to Tnutee.IIJ'1gtUST. .
<br /> a
<br />-= WPIgI pOWER OF SAf�.fin&e lseaeHe and seta:ity of Leadcr.under aad suhjea to t�e terms aad¢oadidons here�aafter set fortL.
<br /> -- qSIS RORT�LST 3/6 A�TBS SG�T t/0 Oy SSCT2Q,V 36. I�Oi1R- SSIIO 9 90BZ4t. RASGS 10 iPgST OP Ti�6SA P.[d.. i01LL W�TlY.
<br /> _�:.'. .'.:. ' :, t�RAS10►S8CSpT_tOR�OSB TRACtS OP L115ID NAAB PAItTtR17ARLY DSSCR28�IA 1i�DS�S PIL�ffi BOOR 77 DA08 090� 8008 77
<br /> --� ' . PAL�5067 HOOE 138 PF.[�369! SOtlIt 138 PALiB 351t 80�256 DAtiB Z09t 800$ Y56 PA[�42di a1ST. fi0• ?6000913� IliS'P.F.D. -
<br />` i'" ' ' � � 6]001053t IIL4t. 60. 82061591J SOOR 99 411(i8S 659-660. �
<br />-;n. . •. , .
<br />-�i.' '`, Together with aU buildings. im},smvements. fixnues. sueets. alteYs. Passagevrays. easemeats. rights. Privt�eges aa� �.
<br /> .��. �. appurtemmtss tocated thereon or in any�vise Pelmining therew.aad fhe rears.iscnes and pmRcq.reversions aad remaiaders thereof,
<br />..:: . �
<br /> and snch g�soaal proper;y that is attachsd tn the improveme�v so as m cansti�a fuctute.inetudtag.but not limited to.6eatin�
<br /> .... . aae caol2ng eqaipmea�aud together with the Romestead or marital inreresb.if azry.aLich faterests ace heretsy reteased and'ceainreQ; '
<br /> • - .
<br />- -- � -- all oP whicfi.i�cfud�repiaoe�s aad a�Luiiuns t�ece�a.is herelfy d�zla�t ta�a�ert uf!�e r�!essst��re�+Dy tt�lien of
<br /> `'.: •l : � this Deed of Ttust aaA all of the faregoing�eing referred to herein as�e'Properry'. ;
<br /> � e.aovraao��o m�..�
<br />- : .� - 1 IAflhYS�dF�dQt�llvd�' A�tJadwFi�b .
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