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<br /> F J.F «
<br /> 4 r ._e{:.. mtm rm�8801� �8f8IT1°TNSLO[�V1�81�1�Of16 Of R70r8I. _f. ��-;z
<br /> YYh039 m8iUf19 flQd[85918' 903 881TSH 1Crit6�1? ��'�
<br />____:_����a., �:k��: , . . .. . • . - - . . . � -
<br /> '_- �;� � .s the Trt�sloe;. ����� • . r 4.
<br /> �'� , _ ... � .-wha�am�iAirfl�Gfld#CSa� . . lhereinTi'rusce�°�ane _
<br /> :.���nt� . . . . . � . .
<br /> ��r _.;�::,p: ;'�iBBBIlHflCf8ifl. . . • . . _.-
<br /> �- • . . . . �
<br /> � " �" ' . wAase maUing eddress(s lBerain'Lcndef). .
<br /> _ - � :.»:, . :�:.-;
<br /> � FOA VAIUABLE CaNSIDERATtON,indu�ing Lende4's�ctension of credtt iEemifled heretn to
<br /> . , • �; ,
<br /> ., r�'�' 618LVIti�!. NILLS��13 PAZRICI!►D. F7ILLI11LL4 '
<br /> .: ��+_.
<br /> _ -' ='=� (Ger�in•gorrovrer',whethu one or morn)and the uust herefn uested,the
<br /> .','L�
<br /> .! '. ,`•. � recetat af KahJch is AareDY aetctiowteci�Trustor Ftar�G."�iczvacalstV��•uensie�s,canveVs and anaigps to Tntstsa.IN TRifST,VNTH �r,_:::
<br /> t�.� �pyUC-l�.Q��dtE.tor the beneNt aad.�u�tY of Lendar.undes er�d�ubject to the tertns end e�dfifnna hereinafter set tortU,the real �a{
<br /> ��`�� ' AroDe�l.;�'�ed es toqasnrs: � . ." =-
<br /> ,. Qsr� ; .
<br /> � . � i::.'..: S�f[i�Y SI&TY�$I8 I+BSP (H66'1 08 T98 BASTffi!LR 1Si�ilR-14T0 P�P [Bd2'! Op LOT SSR'1.,, T88 SQIITffiQ.Y 8I81R-SIS PSST t _
<br /> . � . (o^86•J'08 TSB BASS&SLY S478ETPY'TNO I833') 09 IDT iH0 (2I AFm 18B SOVrBY.EiLY SIfWIY-SIS�L' (388'{ OP LOT Qt� fl) ALL IN
<br /> .. gypp��'�TY'SSVBR (37) IA TES 08IGIIfiL 10�. WOfl CIT4 OP�ISLAiID. F01t+L COQRPY. �A9�• � -
<br /> . _ .. .�..n' `,5.. . � � �..A_y,._-.
<br /> • PROPSATY AOD8888s 376 NOItTH Sfbt� Zb7di1�. 68 68801 �,.R.,_
<br /> ..,b r �_=_:_
<br /> • • Together with atl6ufldtngs.improvements,fhctures,atreete.alleys.Passagewaya.easemer�.�Fghte.Prlviiegav and appurtenances ��i_
<br /> ` � "� tocated thereon or in envwt�e pertalni�sg therato,and the rems,issues and pcofits.�e�+eratona end rartnatnders thereot,and suel�personal _
<br /> _ . : �,: • pro�p.afty that is attached to the imprCvr,�ante so es to constitute e flxcure,including.6ut not limii�ta,heating and cooIIng eQuiPmenr r.�=-__�
<br /> end togeiF�ar witb the homestesA ac au�isal itrccuests•H et�V•w h�c h i r�te r e t s C 9 e t e h e r e b y r e l e a&e,�4.a n0 waived;e11'of whtch,inetuding
<br /> repFacemetets end addidons thereto,'ss�r.bY declareA to be a part of the reaf estate secured by tG�lian o4 thls Deed of Trust end all of �-r�.-
<br /> . , tha foregoh�84eine�eferred to herein esthe'ProPeRY�• `'•. , -- '.
<br /> • . ' ' Thia Oeed'ot Tirus�t sAaii seeurs(�tfie DeY►n�rrt of the P�+�p��m �d�� evidenced by e prsrirssor!►note cr credie ;�'; : ,—
<br /> ' . •��_• �+a�. agreer.s�sc�ted� esa,► n�, is9� _ .having e maturitq data o! � � y is. aooa ;% � -• .
<br /> t_- . f„+`�V��I- " . � _, W .
<br /> „ .' �r' , tn tA6 otigit�et pr(nc(pffi amaunt of 8 ao.ovi.00 .and any artd etl mndiflcations.extenslons and renawals � :
<br /> --- ' thereo4 or thereto an�+ici�s end all tuture edvences and�eadvances to Borrower(or erry of them i!�norethan one)hereundm pursuant to _ _
<br /> '`�' '� � one o�Jnore promtsso:�i(L9tes or credit agreemer►te ti�eretn c�tted'Note'{:(bf ihe p2yment of other sums aQvanced by Lender to protect �
<br /> the s►ar.a�4'/o!tho Not�a:!c1 tAe per`a^nenca af etl covenants end agreeme�RS of r:��tor set forth hereln:and(d)all present en0 tuture � �^
<br /> . r� -
<br /> � • • tndo3�,r,i�ac�s end obRgations of Eae.�+�vrs�r{or eny of them H more than one)to Lender whather dtreet,tndirect,absolute ot contitigent � ^
<br />-- � � and whetf►er erlsing bY note,gt:�r�+�+.averdraft or otherwise.The lYacg,thls Oeed of Trust end�s�and ed!othar daeumente that seune �,,-;,
<br /> ' '' tho Mato or athervutsa ex:GUted in connectlon therewfth,indudin8�+����on guarsr►tee.��at�tur(ty agreemente and assignments
<br /> - ,� ' �" � • of leastq and rents.�."tsAZ S�s raferred to heteln a3 the•Loen tnsttu.�nenta'. � •
<br /> _. �. • . '� Trustor cavenar:���•e8rees wfth Lender as fottowa: . • ' '' ��
<br /> -- . • �,payment oi hi3�hess.Al!tnd�btednoss seeured hereby shall�e paid w�e�,n Aue. . H �.
<br /> � 2,�Trustor Is the owne�'a�'�Ptoporty.haa the�ipfit end�uthoritY to convey the Prv�t�p,end wartanm that tha tie,n crcgted� .
<br /> ���.•"�� '��'� hcrobY•ia a:tirac end pdor Uen on��e e�r.party.axcapt for liens mid�:�wMrances set torth by�w�tts�r In wrhing�end dei'►verd:�ri:l:epdbr: : � �+;.
<br /> ; • . bofote eoiecutinn ot 3h1s 6iaed•of 7:u�;and tha executlon end d�luerY of thie OeeO ot t�ust d7ms not violate�y eonu�ae sr.'othen :"
<br /> - ,F... .. ; •�.:;;.. :�.
<br /> - ::i.:'i, :• ;•':'' .�, obiigatlon to whtcfi Tc�ttc��is subJaat. ..
<br /> "l.;;:;.r.., .: _:: .
<br />- - � 3.Tmcas.Assas�n�ntv To polr betora dellnqufmay aU texos,spoaiN aases�ts end all othor charges again�e tho Property now ot ;t:,;.,.,
<br /> �� " hareafterlovted.
<br /> � ��.; 4.Ibriunnca.To koep the Propeny insured ega�nst damago by ffto,•harru8o, inctuded v,ittl+in the term'extendod covc�r,�go'.and
<br /> � � " sueh otNW�ttettuds as Lender may requUe.in amounts and with campemibr�aaceptebie to Lender,naming Lender as an add'�01 nented'
<br /> - . Uusured.whA tosa payabte to the Lender.in aase of toss under such polir�es,the Lender is autAorized to adjust,cottect and campromLae,
<br /> all elaJrt�s thereunde►end shali have the option of epptyleg ell or paR of the insurance proceeda p)to any�ndebteEness seccued hereby
<br /> - end in sueh orQe►ea Lender may determine,Cd)to the Trustor to be used tot the repalr or resUOratian of the PropeRy ot tqil+tor any other
<br />- �� ' • purpaso or obJect sadsfactoN to lender without eNecting the lien of this Ooed ot Trust for the fu11 amount sucured hereby betore sueh •
<br />- ' � payment sver taok pface.My epptieetion of proeeeda to lndebtedness shflCl not ext�nd ot postpoao tha due dete of any paymenta unQar .
<br />- � . , ' tha Nate,or cure any defauh thereunder or hereunder. �
<br /> � b.Ezsme�.Upon written demand by LenEer.Trustor sliefi pay to Lender,in such manner a�Lender may dosign�te,sufficient sums
<br /> to enabte Londer to pay as theV beaome due one or more of tAe to4owing: (i)a11 t�ces,assessments and other charges eSeinst thb .
<br />--_ . � • • Froperty.U'J the premiums on the propeny insuranee required h2reunder,end(Ul)tho premiums on eny mortgaga insurbnce requhed by
<br />- -. ,� . . lEndet.
<br /> �, ' 6.Matntenmco.Rapc'rs end ComDttnnco wttb Ln�s.Ttustor shail keep�he Froporty in goad eondiUon en0 repaU:shafl promptty
<br /> "' - repair,or capiace any imptovement which may be damaged or dcmtroyed:shall not commit or permit any waste ar decerloretIan o!the
<br /> �,
<br /> Property:shaU not rEmnvo,Qemolish ar suAstentinIIV ottor any o4 tho improvements on the i'roperty:sAall not cammft,SuHer or pennit
<br /> ,::.. ...... .. . ....:.. any aet to Oe dane tn ot upon tho PtoDettti►in violeHon of any law.ordinanee,or regulation;atid shell pay end pramptlY diseharg0 at
<br /> •.y:. . '. • . Trustora eost and expcnso atl Rena.entumbrmiea9 and chergoa tevied.imPosed or assesse8 eyeinsi the Fraperty ar aay isa�2 ihcrml. -
<br /> � � � NBC3497A Q7pw�1MMd Ccc�tmv.8A8 �
<br />. . : - �988 htaya�Btnf o1 Cmunerce Tns1 m15avWp Atsoewt:ae.Unmon.HeLns�s .
<br /> � • _,
<br /> . � . �"
<br /> �.T '�'^'f' . y, . . . � . '�'� �...:�_Y�a�_ V". . . . . .. .. .. .. �' .._ ..... ... .__. iS•�.. . .. _ . . . . •a .�.__ � _.. .. �. i� -
<br /> .... . .�.. ... .. .. . . ... . . . ..u—�._..�.__"".��.•.._ 1 ��R•~�;� J�:,
<br />